Sunday, July 16, 2017

Globalist Moron and our lunatic PM Trudeau tells US to dump America First Trudeau was put to his latest globalist trickery by telling the US governors to get rid of their America First policy and even called for a "thinner border" between Canada and the US (meaning keep them open so illegals can come into Canada with no vetting whatsoever) he also pressured some of the governors to embrace the disastrous treasonous NAFTA(which is globalist controlled and has shipped our own jobs overseas and nearly destroyed the US which was their goal in the first place to get their North American Union and it also caused unemployment in Mexico which caused illegals to come to the US as a result) but on a side note Trudeau has been compared to being a Fidel Castro looklike the famous communist who Trudeau and other globalist worshipped after the man died despite the fact he and Batista before him murdered their own and rounded up gays and the rest of it  but I digress anyhow who the hell is he to tell the US what they can and cannot do it is their country if they don't want bad trade deals they don't have to and besides NAFTA screwed all 3 countries like I mentioned so in reality NAFTA really just beneifited the elites and their cronies

Stay Tuned