Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Trump and Afghanistan and the war on drugs

https://youtu.be/2dapr5evj_g Infowars.com interviewed Steve Piezcnek about trump's speech on Afghanistan as perhaps sending more troops there  and how he might be falling victim to the necons like McMaster and etc.. And then they break down how the US protected the opium fields http://www.globalresearch.ca/drug-war-american-troops-are-protecting-afghan-opium-u-s-occupation-leads-to-all-time-high-heroin-production/5358053  and of course the CIA and NATO are guilty of it as wellhttps://www.newsbud.com/2017/08/21/newsbud-exclusive-nato-cia-pentagon-junction-of-the-real-druglords-warlords_/ as you will see in this article from former FBI whistleblower and newsbud founder Sibel Edmonds that the CIA's drug trafficking goes back to the Korean War and also highlights the Iran Contra scandal that is tied to this where the US government supported the contras against the Sandinsta government in Nicuraga and then the CIA illegally gave arms to Iran and used the cash to fund the contras and cameback with cocaine from the country of Columbia

and the video breaks down yet again how the CIA and their criminal friends created AL-Qaeda and what we see now as ISIS http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/737430/CIA-ISIS-Wikileaks-Carter-Cables-III-Julian-Assange https://medium.com/@An0nKn0wledge/history-of-cia-attempted-coups-in-syria-and-how-they-created-isis-1256d3e880d6

My feeling is this could blow up in Trump's face if he is not careful and I am afraid he is being tricked by those pesky neocons that seemed to have infested in there but we shall see

and we all know this goes back to the false flag that was 9/11 and how it was used to prop up the excuses for these wars based on lies and deception https://youtu.be/xqqelDq4P48 the 16 th anniversary of that awful day is coming soon kind of hard to believe I was just a 15 year old high schooler at the time and I thought the official story was true until I did my own digging a few years ago and stumbled upon the aricthects and engineers for 911 truth and others that the story given to America and the world was bullshit and made my realize that the so called investigation as well was done poorly and half assed and not to mention all the cover ups surrounding that day as well

Update: another good interview by infowars.com's David Knight on his new show real news interviewing Steve Piezcenik on Afghanistan and other topics https://youtu.be/5J7D2cl-8FQ