Friday, September 27, 2013

Want more proof the United States government had prior 9/11 knowledge?? new documents released show that pre-9/11 "highjack" plot was ignored by United States intelligence and Seymour Hersch calls Bin Laden Raid: "One Big Lie"

File this under the 9/11 government prior knowledge with the numerous examples from the past 12 years. Newly declassified documents from the government show that the United States ignored a specific warning in 2000 that AL-CIA-DA planned to highjack a commercial airliner headed for the U.S.

After 12 years, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), which is the country's military intelligence arm, has released these documents to a watchdog group called Judicial Watch, that showed this was ignored because "nobody believed that Usama Bin Laden's organization or the Taliban could carry out such an operation"

Judicial Watch notes that the documents illustrate that AL-CIA DA "had a sophisticated plan to highjack a commercial airliner departing Frankfurt International Airport between March and August 2000. The highjack team was to consist of an Arab, a Pakistani, and a Chechen and their targets were U.S. airlines, Lufthansa and Air France"

Judicial Watch had actually requested this info back in May 2002 as part of its Terrorism Research and Analysis Project. The group shows that in detail that the United States government had intricate operational information, even down to names, addresses and phone numbers of the "terrorist operatives" based in Frankfurt, Germany. It also shows how the plot was being directed by a Saudi in connection with the Saudi royal family in part with AL-Qaeda, Taliban and Chechen terrorist cells in Hamburg and Frankfurt,where it was being lead by alleged 9/11 highjacker Mohammed Atta.

And what is interesting is the fact that no one in the intelligence community thought that CIA asset Bin Laden could pull this off and many Americans and others don't buy it either and it was done by criminal elements within the United States intelligence, in co-operation with Saudi and Israeli intelligence.

Only further illustrates that the US government knew about this and unfortunately you will not here this in the corrupt mainstream media that thrives on drivel and nonsense..

Pulitzer prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh has said that the raid against Bin Laden that supposedly killed him in 2011 is "one big lie" and that "not one word" of the Obama administration's official narrative on what happened is true. In a scathing interview which was published in the London Guardian, Hersh absolutely pisses on the US mainstream media for failing to challenge the White House and a whole host of issues like the illegal spying of the NSA, to drone strikes and the crisis in Syria in regards to aggression.

On the subject of the Navy Seal raid that allegedly took out the CIA asset, Hersh remarked "Nothing's been done about that story, it's one big lie, not one word of it is true"

Hersh added that the Obama administration has constantly and consistently lies to the American people because the establishment press allows them to get away this. "It's pathetic, they are more than obsequious, they are afraid to pick on this guy[Obama]" Hersh told the Guardian.

The raid that supposedly killed Bin Laden has been shrouded in utter mystery and speculation that the Obama administration either embellished or just bloody outright lied to about the true nature of what happened has been very persistent, mainly because the White House refuses to show the public images of his body. Though the White House said his body was thrown out to sea in line with Islamic Tradition was immediately debunked and is not standard practice in that regard.

Numerous analysts have said and claimed that Bin Laden has been dead for years and that the raid on his compound in Pakistan was a mere stunt and the fact the White House kept changing their story and timeline and other things is even more suspicious. The article, which you can read in its entirety, Hersh absolutely and rightfully slams the corporate press specifically the NY Times which he said spends "so much time carrying water for Obama than I ever thought they would"

His solution is to shutdown all the news networks like NBC and ABC and fire 90% of the mainstream editors and replace them with real journalists who are outsiders and are not afraid to tell the damn truth...