Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Syrian rebels plan chem attack on Israel from govt controlled lands - RT...

 RT reported yesterday that sources told them of a possible false flag on Israel by the foreign backed Syrian Rebels in order to blame it on the Assad Regime and here is an article from TruthStreamMedia.com (http://www.truthstreammedia.com/urgent-false-flag-involving-israel-to-implicate-syria-in-the-works-says-rt/ ) and should note the article comes from Land Destroyer's Tony Cartalucci who has been on top of the establishment's move to have a war with Iran, Syria and other targets in the Middle East and bringing attention to this Brookings Institute report called Which Path to Perisa and exposing how Western governments and NGO's have been caught staging fake uprisings such as the Arab Spring that has led to much chaos and new forms of control(ie Egypt)  and given the move by Russia and Syria involving Syria giving up their chemical weapons arsenal is causing the military industrial complex to adjust their propaganda and timetable to what is quickly dissolving situation and not only would this et back justification for war but would pre-empt future false flag attacks in the works and such a false flag has been exposed by Russia's english news service RT (like in the video)  reported on yesterday.

We should also remember that while Israel is portrayed as wanting to "co-exist" with the current Syrian government, we have to remember the statements are meant to destroy Syria's credibility amongst the extremist elements who are being controlled by Israel, the United States and Saudi Arabia who fund, armed and have covertly directed for decades as well