Tuesday, September 3, 2013

BREAKING NEWS courtesy Infowars.com: High Level Source confirms secret US Nuclear Warhead transfer to East Coast


A high level military source told Infowars.com that Dyess Air Force base is moving nuclear warheads off the East Coast of the United States in a secret transfer that has no paper trail.

According to the source, who has been very credible when it has come to deep military activity, The Dyess Air Force Commander gave authorization to unknown parties to transfer these warheads to an unknown location that is reported to be South Carolina, where these warheads will be picked up and potentially utilized. This is of interest not only because of the unfolding crisis in Syria that is escalating to the very point as the article points out to a realistic hot war but because Dyess had repeatedly denied the existence of nuclear warheads inside of the base.

The brief report reads: "Dyess is beginning to move out nuclear war heads today. I got a tap from DERMO earlier. He said it was the first time they have been acknowledged since being put there in the '80s. No signature was required for transfer... There was no directive. He said that Dyess Commander was on sight to give authority to release. No one knew where they were going, but the truck driver said to take them to South Carolina and another pick up will take them from there"

Now what I find disturbing is that there was no papers signed and there were no papers. It shows that the US military is now operating in secret to transfer these nuclear weapons. DERMO according to this article is a base in Florida and has been a hot bed for special operations and asks the question as to why DERMO is operating nuclear warheads out of the Dyess Air Force Base with no paper trail?? Only shows that is is a black operations style move the US military does not want on record clearly.

The fact also is they don't move these things unless they want to use them and Nuclear warheads being moved to the East Coast of the United States are not being moved for no goddamn reason. This is likely these warheads are being used for something bigger than Syria.

This leak from inside the military industrial complex comes after other sources telling Infowars that B-1s and B-2 bombers were ordered out of their respective bases (B-1Bs leaving Dyess to be more specific) across the nation and have not come back at all. All this going on amidst the crisis in Syria that has now developed a potential World War 3 pissing match between the United States and Russia and based on this development of the transfer to South Carolina with no papers being signed at all and is not on record, this is a potentially hot war situation.

No question the Syrian situation is a big issue and it is very possible that the United States military under orders from globalist puppet Obama is preparing to strike, but the real greater issues is between the United States and Russia. What is happening here is a proxy war turned hot with Syria and Infowars.com has been reporting on this and I even posted an article from them regarding this situation with the US and Russia a couple weeks ago. Even the MSM (mainstream media) has reported in the past how the situation with the war in Syria has turned into this hot war against Russia via the Syrian rebels and Assad's troops

We also see the Russian Media reporting the hot war between The United States and the Russians and how this is key to WW3 but it seems the world is headed towards WW3. Obama and the US officials are already talking about having boots on the ground in Syria and taking down the Russian backed Assad regime. They are moving forward with this through false flag chemical attacks that were carried out by the US goverment backed rebels in order to set the fire for war.

Why is Obama giving aid, training, and supplying these sociopathic Syrian rebels since 2011 through secret orders admitted by Reuters??? the entire agenda here is not to help the Syrian people, who the US backed rebels are already beheading and murdering to cheering crowds. No, this was part of the build up to WW3 between Russia and the United States and now the insanity of the war mongers in the current administration and the military industrial complex is just beyond disgusting.

The writers of this Alex Jones and Anthony Gucciardi, one of them spoke with their russian media connections and are all confirming that World War 3 is a hot topic right now amid the populace and the fact that all top military officials over in Russia are looking at the Syrian incident as the perfect catalyst-as the spark needed. There is a reason the Russians began amassing nearly over 160,000 tropps and heavy military equipment following the Israeli strike on Russian missiles in Syria. Infowars reported on this while the nation was distracted with the whole Trayvon Martin case to talk about this potential spark for WW3.

It looks like the beginning of WW3 unless we spread this around and try and stop this. The globalist elite are so damn sociopathic and drunk with power that to launch anything only advances their bloody thirsty quest for power and control. However the good news is, people are starting to wake up and is able to put a speed bump to the overall war plan as admitted by Obama advisor Zbignew Brzezinski last week but will take more awakening to stop globalist puppet Obama from launching these attacks that have been plotted for years and please go to Infowars.com and Storyleak for more on this situation and I will post the latest news and info as this situation develops...