Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Stephen Harper teams up with Melinda Gates to promote Eugenics program at UN assembly and more

Bilderberg member and globalist puppet Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper is making an announcement today at the "Every Woman Every Child" event with Melinda Gates at the United Nations General Assembly and he is meeting with Bill and Melinda Gates prior to this announcement.

The announcement is in conjunction with the promotion of Canada's commitment of $2.85 billion to the G8's Muskoka Initiative. the Canadian government describes it like this:

"Improving the health of mothers, newborns and children and reducing the number of preventable deaths are top priorities for Canada. Each year hundreds of thousands of women die during pregnancy or childbirth and 6.6 million children die before the age of five. Many of these deaths can be prevented by proven, cost-effective, evidence based measures. Canada is leading a global effort-the Muskoka Initiative- to mobilize global action to reduce maternal and infant mortality and improve the health of mothers and children in the world's poorest countries"

Now this may sound good until you do some digging around because under the Muskoka Initiative it also states that: "Canada will work with four multilateral organizatons- the World Health Organization, the United Nations Population Fund, UNICEF, and the World Bank"

These organizations have been in the past exposed for their horrific population control programs in the 3rd world and if you want to know more I highly recommend you go to sites like and read the excellent book by Robert Zubrin called Merchants of Despair: Radical Environmentalists, Criminal Pseudoscientists and the Fatal Cult of Anti-humanism which is available on Amazon.

In this article, Terry Wilson shows us examples of this by showing how state sponsored eugenics programs are endorsed through the UN, US and World Bank funding as a document from the embassy of Uzbekistan in New Delhi gives insight with the following excerpt:

"The complex of measures for the "Mother's and Child's screening", directed to prevent the childbirth with the hereditary diseases, accompanying with intellectual backwardness as well as inspection of pregnant women is carried out in the Republic with the purpose of revealing anomalies of a child-bearing(...) Within the framework of the State Programs the cooperation is continuing with the WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, USAID, JICA, KIW Bank, World Bank, Asian Development Bank(...)"

The UN Population Fund concurs it is helping the Uzbekistan authorities to screen their citizens in the following excerpt: "In Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, the UNFPA worked to strengthen national capacities to collect, analyse and disseminate gender disaggregated data on population,development and reproductive health and to integrate population variables and gender concerns into development and environmental planning"

The idea of eugenics is not a new idea that Harper is new to and there is an article showing how he is linked to Nazi Intellectuals and Christian Fundamentalists that is linked in the article if you want to read it and is not new to Bill and Melinda Gates either.

His father William Gates Sr. was the former head of Planned Parenthood as admitted by his son on PBS back in 2003 with an interview with Bill Moyers and we know Margaret Sanger was part of this as well because it was designed to portray humans as "reckless breeders" and "human weeds" that need to be eradicated from the earth and he also admitted his families involvement with reproduction issues and referencing the man who started it all eugenicist Thomas Robert Malthus who coined the overpopulation myth back in 1798 and thought population had to be restricted through putting reproductive restraints on humanity.

Eugenics programs are deplorable and when our OWN GOVERNMENT is shelling money to them at the tune of $2.85 BILLION DOLLARS OF OUR TAX DOLLARS under the guise of the seemingly right thing to do it just adds to the hypocrisy of our country when it comes to human rights and the outright disgust of what is really going on as well.

United States Senator Bob Corker, R-Tenn, ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee, has warned President Obama not to implement the UN Arms Treaty, which John Kerry is likely to sign without congressional authorization.

The treaty-which critics have rightfully pointed out that it will lead to draconian gun control measures in the United States- is based around the idea of preventing global weapons transfers to terrorists and other rogue agents but the language of it could infringe on the 2nd Amendment in the US.

Even though lawmakers warned that the agreement would not be ratified by the Senate, Secretary of State John Kerry is hell bent on signing the UN Treaty, which prompted Senator Corker's warning to Obama that if the attempt to push this through without congressional consent "would be fundamentally inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution, law, and practice"

"Because of the concerns discussed above, as well as the fundamental issues the ATT raises with respect to the individual rights protected by the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution, as the Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, it is my view that you may not take any executive action to implement this treaty, provisionally or otherwise, unless and until: (1) the United States Senate has provided its constitutionally required advice and consent to its ratification; (2) the Congress has passed any and all required legislation to bring this treaty into effect under United States domestic law"-wrote Corker

In spite of the fact that over 130 members of Congress writing a letter to both Kerry and Obama back in May demanding they not sign this treaty, Kerry is set to do so anyway, proving to Senator Jim Inhofe R-Okla that "the administration is wasting precious time trying to sign away our laws to the global community and unelected U.N. bureacrats"

Earlier this year, the Senate already passed an amendment by 53-46 to "uphold Second Amendment rights and prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty" a vote that clearly the White House has purposely ignored.

People who have analyzed this and studied this treaty warn that it will replace all constitutional rights, including the 2nd amendment, with this UN Charter, getting rid of God with world government as the source of all liberties and According to John Lott, the author of More Guns, Less Crime "The Arms Trade Treaty will regulate the individual gun ownership all across the world. Each country will be obligated to "maintain a national control list that shall include [rifles and handguns]" and "to regulate brokering taking place under its jurisdiction for conventional arms"

And the treaty also bars "unauthorized" individuals from trading weapons, a vague term that could basically be applied to anybody. The full letter Corker sent to Obama is posted in the article

So all in all, it has nothing to do with stopping guns from going to "terrorists" when on record the CIA was running guns to their creation Al-Qaeda and other militants during Benghazi (  article from August 12 2013) which killed US Ambassador Stevens but really it is about going after law abiding gun owners to turn them into disarmed slaves for the globalist elite.. and remember any time gun confiscation has happened throughout history whether under Communist Russia, under the Nazis, Communist China and etc.. it is always led to GENOCIDE!!!!!  and shows total hypocrisy on the United States part as well..