Monday, September 16, 2013

7 dead in Mass Shooting in Washington Navy Yard, Doubts over multiple gunman and more

12 people were shot dead early this morning at a Washington DC Navy Yard and one of the gunman is now confirmed dead. The Naval District Washington Public Affairs official Ed Zeigler stated that 2 shooters were "down" after the rampage following several reports that one of the gunmen were cornered by the cops and now they are having doubts if there were more than one shooter as the article will illustrate but one them was a large white man wearing khaki Navy style uniform and the other was a black man in olive drab clothes and one of them was considered at least 5'10 to 6 feet tall roughly 170 lbs wearing a black shirt and hat and carrying an AR-15 rifle and the Bureau of Tobacco and Firearms that was used in the aftermath of the Boston bombings were deployed and according to the US Navy's Twitter feed, this began at around 8:20 eastern time and flights were grounded at Reagan National Airport and nearby schools were locked down and parents have not been able to pick up their kids as of this writing
It is interesting that the Washington DC Navy Yard is a "gun free" zone meaning only sociopathic criminals carrying out shootings like this are able to arm themselves while workers in the building had to go to a "shelter in place"


Article by Paul Joesph Watson's brother Steve Watson showing that yet again having gun free zones does nothing to stop criminals from targeting vulnerable buildings and further because it is a soft target because they know these gun free zones because no one can resist since they are disarmed and even studies have shown through drills and experiments in the light of the shootings in Connecticut and Colorado last year show that gun free zones do more to enable these killers to pull of these kinds of tragic shootings we hear about and given the fact that police response times are unable to be quick, people in these zones are basically screwed for these mass killers and yet the so called solutions by lawmakers are always designed to piss on law abiding gun owners and water down the 2nd amendment

And while this is going on, France is turning on the Syria War Machine and ramping it up in this next article that I will link too ( as the French government  is  now greasing the old war skids by using the UN report on August 21st when the Syrian chemical attacks happened to claim that it was the Assad government that pulled it off even though there are numerous reports and even people like Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan coming out and calling this a false flag attack and Syria's foreign deputy minister coming out and saying it was the US and French aided rebels who pulled of the chemical attacks of August 21st
Despite the British government putting the war drums aside thanks to backlash, it seems the French are hell bent on picking up the old war torch and continuing to blame Assad for something he clearly is not stupid enough to do no matter how bad or good of a person he may or may not be