Thursday, September 12, 2013

My message to the Ottawa student who thought rethink 9/11 ads were "insensitive" and the Ottawa transit commission's attempt to censor free speech

Rethink 911 is a grassroots GLOBAL effort sparked on September 1st to spark a new investigation into 9/11 and not only was this Sponsored by the AE911 truth but the New York Coalition for Accountability Now, who represent well over 100 victims' family members. They wanted to run this in order to raise Awareness of WTC building 7 that collapsed at 5:20 eastern time that day. While it is okay to welcome discussion on the reasons for their ads, I am disgusted and outraged that you bastards dare question our morality and free speech to place ads around the anniversary of 9/11

Your vicious attempts to call these ads "insensitive" is appalling and to portray us has cold heartless human beings who have no compassion for the 3000 victims of that terrible september day is even more outrageous. Rethink 911 actually has 911 victims family members as part of their group in demanding real answers to what really happened that day and the "evidence might surprise you" is not controversial giving it is based on the DAMN FACTS!!! it is clear free speech is no longer allowed anymore to protect the right to make statements that are FACTUAL in public. Any effort to censor this is UNCONSTITUTIONAL in a court of LAW!!!!

It is INSENSITIVE that 3000 people have never gotten JUSTICE for what was done to them
IT is INSENSITIVE that we have had illegal wars the last 12 years that have killed millions of people in the middle east and including American and Canadian troops
It is INSENSITIVE THAT THIS EVENT has been the the perfect excuse for illegal spying by the NSA and other international government agencies
It is INSENSITIVE that The United States government has continued to lie to the entire world regarding this
It is INSENSITIVE that people who have blown the whistle like Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning have been demonized for TELLING THE GODDAMN TRUTH
IT is INSENSITIVE that the CIA runs AL-Qaeda in Libya and Syria along with Saudi Arabia and others and I could go on

This is just another excuse by the establishment media as well to ignore the real forensic evidence that they don't want the public at large to see..

I just love how they demonize us as disrespecting the victims by asking the questions when it is the total OPPOSITE we are HONORING THE DEAD BY ASKING THE GODDAMN REAL QUESTIONS AND DEMANDING A NEW INVESTIGATION into 9/11!!!! Shame on the Ottawa transportation, the Carelton University student for their demonization of FACTUAL FORENSIC EVIDENCE and their vicious comments towards those of us who dare and have the balls to stand up for the truth.. It is like Ron Paul once said "When the Truth becomes treason, we are in big trouble"

I urge all my readers to Support Rethink 911 and the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and sign their petitions and the Rethink 911 petition has reached well over 10,000 signatures, what does that tell us right then and there???