Monday, September 9, 2013

Dyess refuses to deny secret nuclear weapons transfer and Monsanto part of Super Secret trade scheme to Outlaw GMO labeling WORLDWIDE

Anthony Gucciardi of and received an email from the Dyess Air Force Base that the Air Force and Department of Defense do not comment on weapons and transfer of items and this is in direct contrast to some facebook posts with official announcements. The email reads like this:

As a matter of policy, the Air Force and Department of Defense do not discuss nuclear weapons or activities pertaining to weapons. If you have other questions to this topic, please contact OSD Public Affairs V/r Capt. Guillebeau"

and then earlier Dyess Air Force base issued another official response to the high level military source regarding the unsigned nuke transfer which appeared to be issued to team members based on concerns on the base and potential intelligence over there through their official facebook page and we see a direct answer from dyess and they say the intel was "untrue" because they didn't release it themselves so here is an excerpt:


Dyess AFB has not been involved in the transfer of nuclear weapons. Please be advised that any reports of this nature are inaccurate and information contained in these articles was not released, nor verified by the 7th Bomb Wing commander or other Dyess representatives" They were forced to respond after being bombarded with comments on the social media site as well as calls to the base and released the following after the high level intelligence story broke last week from about the secret nuke transfer to South Carolina.. Here it is:

"Dyess Air Force Base: Please be advised that the information contained on nuclear weapons movement from Dyess AFB was neither released nor supported by the 7th Bomb Wing commander or representatives from Dyess AFB. Please reference the Dyess AFB website( )
or other official Air Force websites for accurate, up-to-date information"

So really the Dyess Air Force Base is saying absolutely friggin nothing. Instead of denying these nuclear warheads transfer reports which came along with the warmongering announcement from South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham that a nuclear attack might hit SC if the US does not go to war with Syria. Dyess is clearly refusing to deny the secret transfer of nuclear warheads. And you will see excerpts from the facebook posts illustrating this very well. Why in god's name wouldn't they "debunk" the intel if there was no transfer of these warheads??? The fact the base even responded is a bloody miracle considering the information when it comes to secret nukes transfers. But further more, Mr. Gucciardi shows another interesting twist in this story about a Pantex Plant which puts together and disassembles nuclear weapons, it gets even more interesting because the Plant is close to Dyess and is and Pantex is the only nuclear weapons assembly and disassembling facility and are in charge of the safety, security and reliability of the US's stockpile of these nuclear weapons

Which begs another question: Was Dyess simply a temporary holding facility for these nukes coming out of Pantex???

Again look at the comments on facebook and show the lack of real answers from the base and it was the same run around Mr. Gucciardi got when he phoned them(which you will see in the video posted in the article) to try and get some straight answers on this story and was told they would get back to him but as of today He has heard nothing back from the Air Force base

Very interesting indeed...

It is called the Trans Pacific Partnership(TPP) and it is a super secret trade pact being negotiated outside the law, with no congressional oversight but with the aim of forcing nations of the world to ban GMO labeling and embrace Monsanto's GMO crops and keep pharmaceutical prices high to help the world's medication control freaks.

This was a creation of the Office of the United States Trade Representative- ie created outside the law with no public accountability whatsoever- the TPP involves the White House zombies running around the world, trying to strong arm over a dozen nations into signing onto a corporate domination agreement under the guise of "free trade"

The Details of the TPP are so secret that even members of the United States Congress are not even ALLOWED to review or even disclose them. We only know about certain aspects of the TPP from leaks as the full text is being withheld from the public and the United States Congress.

According to the very well put together article from Mike Adams, over 600 corporate CEOs including those CEO's who run companies have been caught and found guilty of felonies in America- have been allowed to influence what is in the TPP agreements. Monsanto, Walmart, and Big Pharma companies have given top influence in this ultra secret scheme that basically gives control to the most goddamn corrupt organization of all time.

The countries that are part of this include the US, Australia, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. More are being bullied into this agreement as of this time. It is reported the TPP will:

Drop all bans on GMO labeling. All countries who sign their life away to the TPP have to allow GMOs to be grown in their respective countries and secretly used in the FOOD SUPPLY- all GMO labeling would then be illegal

Shutting down any generic drug company who makes "copycat" drugs that compete with the monoply patents of U.S. drug companies/makers

To redefine the world wide resistance to GMOs as "anti-trade"that would result in sanctions against nations that try and ban GMOs

The outlawing of using "Fair Use" of copyrighted material such as using an image, short video clip, audio clip and etc.. would be criminal and you get arrested and imprisoned under the TPP

of Course flooding the U.S. market with polluted unsafe food from nations that have no laws regarding pesticide/herbicide use with the Corporations making damn sure that they get their say to make sure us citizens have no control over food safety, what we might eat, where it was grown and etc..

Banning people from using the Internet if they engage in Fair Use copyright and this would shut down all alternative media, many blogs and critics like me of the global corporate cartel

Forcing Member nations to criminalize small scale copyright infringements such as somebody sharing a file of music with a friend for example and this is being domineered by the MPAA which has a tremendous influence on the TPP in regards to language

and lastly further reduce banking regulations so that the international criminal banksters can steal even more money without any fear of being prosecuted. An article in the NY times(which is quoted in the article) showed that the agreement would only serve Wall Street and their plot to further reduce regulations after the 2008 crisis and it would allow them to further use the fraudulent derivatives that helped cause all of this bullshit

Basically take all the globalist corporate crimes, write a list of all their sick priorities to figure out how to further dominate and enslave humanity. That is the TPP folks. No wonder they don't want us knowing about this and there is a video below exposing the TPP as well

In terms of the GMO side of this, there is a site called Nation of Change which describes the implications of the TPP and GMOs and essentially how this would outlaw labeling of GMOs despite countries like Japan having labeling laws for GMOs but under this it would be illegal for Japan to label them and it is the same in Australia and New Zealand and Peru in April 2013 actually but a 10 year moratorium on GMO plants and foods as the hope is it will stop cross contamination with Non-GMO crops but if this rams through what will happen to Peru??

So in essence this TPP is an assault on sovereign nations like Canada and the United States and the secrecy surrounding this is truly disgusting because we have the right to now what our governments are signing our sovereignty away on and is an abuse of power as well considering their police state tactics that have made our government unaccountable to us the PEOPLE!!!! One member of congress actually got to see this Alan Grayson and called it for what is an "assault on democratic government" and was even threatened by the Obama administration if he tried to leak this information by calling it "classified"  which only illustrates the criminality of the globalist elite who have highjacked The United States, Canada and Europe.

I should also note that there was a letter demanding transparency over the language and was simply ignored by the globalist puppet Obama administration showing yet again the government only serving corporate interests instead of the people..

Get this out to anyone you know... very important we spread this around...