Wednesday, September 11, 2013

12 years of deception, coverups and war

Today is the 12 anniversary of 9/11 attacks on NY, Washington and Penn State. 3000 people killed and endless wars that have cost the Americans well over 6 trillion dollars which would be enough to keep social security and medicaid going for years. All we have seen these past 12 years is the fat bank accounts of the armament industries that have killed well over millions of people in various countries in the Middle East and dislocated people who never lifted a damn finger to the United States.

The cost too American troops and Canadian troops(Afghanistan that we were all sucked into even though the whole thing was about drugs) and taxpayers is high. Numerous studies have shown in 2009 that more vets have killed themselves since 2001 than on the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq alone and some have suffered amputations and brain injuries as a result of this.

You don't have to be an expert to know that the official story of 9/11 is a damn fraud and you can read about it online, or go to amazon to pick up the 9/11 Toronto Hearings Report and we have numerous engineers, architects, chemists, military and civilian airline pilots, fireman and first responders, nano-chemists and physicists that are part of 9/11 truth and the evidence amassed overwhelms the fairytale the United States government has lied to the world on, covered up evidence for.

I urge you also to support the Rethink 911 campaign at and sign the petition there too and the work of the Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth and Pilots for 9/11 Truth. 3000 people and the millions of others killed in these illegal wars need justice and to find out who the real conspirators of that day are so they can be arrested for war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity.