Monday, September 2, 2013

Obama to ignore congress and attack syria anyway, Kerry Vows Obama will violate constitution ahead of Syria group meeting

The Obama administration has made themselves clear that they will ignore Congress even if lawmakers tell them not to strike Syria and launch an attack on Syria regardless.

While Obama's so called decision to seek Congressional approval for the attack as made for speculation that he is creating this clever exit strategy after putting himself into a corner with the "red line" rhetoric, the administration has already signaled that next week's vote means absolutely nothing regardless if Congress votes yes or no on Syria.

Fox News' James Rosen was told by a senior State Department official that "the president's decision to take military action in Syria still stands, and will indeed be carried out, regardless of whether Congress votes next week to approve the use of such force"

In addition Skull and Bones Secretary of State John Kerry made it clear as well that globalist puppet Obama has the right to carpet bomb Syria no matter what lawmakers say with the following statement: "We don't contemplate that the Congress is going to vote no" basically saying Obama can attack Syria "no matter what congress does"

And According to Rand Paul there is a 50/50 split on whether Congress will give Obama the authority to launch these attacks which are being met with increasing opposition of both the top brass and even military members. However the administration so bloody arrogantly showing the vote means nothing at all and US warships making their way towards Syria, it seems this whole congressional approval bullshit was nothing more than window dressing in anticipation of an attack which has already been decided upon..

It seems the Obama administration is hell bent on seeing Al-Qaeda win the civil war in Syria as the group created by the Obama administration to bypass the United Nations Security Council and push for war against Syria will meet next week on September 8th. Friends of Syria as they are called was created to respond to the Chinese and Russians vetoing on a Security Council resolution condemning Syria.

France, Germany, Italy, Egypt, Jordan and Qatar are all part of this pro-war collective. The United Nations and European Union have had meetings held by the group. A meeting in Doha, Qatar was held this past June where they talked about how to illegally give military aid to the "rebels" inside of Syria.
Most of the brutal and effective components of the merceenaries as the writer Kurt Nimmo of Infowars points out are being supported by the CIA and the West belong to Al-Qaeda and the equally fantatic group al-Nusra front. It seems like the Iraq chapter of Al-Qaeda "played an active role in founding the Nusra front and it provides it with money, expertise and fighters" Maj. Faisal-al-Issawi who was an Iraqi security official following jihadist activities in Iraq's Anbar Province had told the NY Times last December.

Last month an American official told the NY Times: "Qatar has been paying a pretty penny for weapons with few questions asked. Once word gets out that other countries have opened their depots and have been well paid, that can be an incentive"

Secretary of State John Kerry-who bragged on Sunday that the US will launch military action without congressional approval- was part of the meetings in Doha and a communique was released during the June meeting slated that the Friends of Syria were supporting the arming of Al-CIA-Da and establishing" a transitional governing body to which full executive powers would be transferred, including military and security institutions, that excludes the central figures and associates whose hands are stained with blood. In this context, Bashar Al-Assad has no role in the transitional governing body or thereafter"

So in essence even despite the lack of evidence the Assad regime used chemical weapons in attacks in Damascus last month, these warmongering losers like John Kerry and puppets like Obama only care about helping the globalist launch world war 3 by using this hot war with this Syria to do it and doing this without congressional approval- that violates Section 1, Article 8 of the United States constitution Kerry was asked by ABC News and he responded by saying basically "The president has the right ,as you know George, the president of the United States has the right to take this action, doesn't have to go through congress. But he does so with the belief-and this why I think it's courageous, the president knows that America is stronger when we act in Unity"

This war only benefits the military industrial complex and the banksters who have highjacked the US, Canada and Europe and only adds to the many war crimes that have been committed by the West, and the video I posted illustrates these horrific atrocities