Monday, September 23, 2013

California to ban HUNTING??? and Canadian Feds give over 1 billion dollars for Toronto Subway expansions

Depsite having gun free zones that are unconstitutional that would have protected the navy servicemen from defending themselves during last week's horrific shooting in The Washington DC Navy Yard, 12 gun bills await California Governor Jerry Brown's stroke of a pen, including one that will eliminate a favorite past time of Americans just like apple pie and baseball.

The Bills, passed by the Democratic controlled California state legislator is now seeing to outlaw even more guns and ammunition but this time targeting hunters, even though the Brady Campaign in California has the toughest restrictive gun laws.

According to a report in the Washington Times, Senate Bill 374 basically seeks to ban "all semi-automatic guns with detachable magazine, including hunting rifles" but the Assembly Bill 711 has most people concerned because it aims to outlaw lead ammunition which will basically ban hunting and the Times also show that "about 95% of all ammunition sold in California contains lead"

AB-711 attacking hunting in a such bizarre by claiming that by banning lead ammo is about PERSERVING THE ENVIRONMENT and the WILDLIFE, not about restricting the sporting activity.

The Bill which passed by 44-29 in its Assembly Floor vote, requires that non-lead ammo be used when shooting wildlife with any firearm which is supposed to go into effect no later than July 1st 2019, a protracted time line which critics of the bill say defeats the purpose of what the bill was about

Californians for Conservation union group spokesperson Tim Rosales said "If this is such an urgent threat to human and animal health, there's no way they would push it back to 2019"

Assemblyman Brian Jones called AB-711 basically outlawing hunting he says he is concerned that "If California outlaws lead bullets, the federal government already outlaws everything else, so there's nothing left for hunters to use"

Union leaders are urging Gov. Brown to veto this bill, lest he and his other fascist gun grabbing politicians incur the same wrath from voters as 2 Colorado Senators faced earlier this month when they were recalled from their positions.

So here we go again except this time they are using the environment as yet another excuse to go after law-abiding gun owners and to go after one of the few things people these days can still enjoy while they can is absolutely insane and appalling.

Finance Minister Jim Flaherty announced that the federal government is giving over $1 billion dollars into Toronto's transportation regional system. $660 million for the Scarborough subway extension and $330 million going to the Sheppard expansion project. Ontario's government is also giving out an additional 1.4 billion dollars for this plan. Ontario premier Kathleen Wynne has played a major role in getting this money because according to her website: "During Kathleen's tenure as the Minister of Transportation, she secured a new transit expansion plan for Toronto"

Though the mainstream media and politicians have played this like some awesome advancement for the City of Toronto. not to mention the fake left/right nonsense with political parties taking shots at each other over the funding. There are huge issues as Terry Wilson of Canadian Awareness points out in this article and problems that are being swept under the rug like usual.

The First being the obvious. Tax payers from all over the province and entire country are paying 2 billion dollars for a transportation system that the majority of the population in this country will never use. Why in god's green earth are tax revenues from cities like Vancouver, Calgary even Halifax for god's sake go towards Toronto's infrastructure??? How in the hell would it benefit people living in those areas???

Second: These funds are going to Metrolinx. Canadian writer Jorden Moir highlighted some of the problems with Metrolinx in an article titled "The case against the Big Move part 1"

He wrote:

"As the most ambitious long-term transportation plan on the books in North America(the Big Move, pg ii) It is, in my opinion, the most overreaching, anti-free market proposal in Canada's history. I want to share with you what I've learned. In Summary, Metrolinx:

1) is a for profit Private Public Partnership transportation monoply(PPPs are corporate fascism)

2) Owns and keeps 100% of their assets and revenues(no revenues for municipalities through recycled investment)

3) Have granted themselves the rights of a person and are exempted from almost all liability

4) Have expropriation powers to take land from private owners arbitrarily for PRIVATE rather than public gain(which is immoral)

5) Can override municipal land use plans(usury) and

6) Can demand new bylaws and can hire a private enforcement team to enforce them(no oversight or accountablility)

Second Metorlinx wants to restrict private ownership of vehicles as a means to increase ridership for their private monopoly. This is done under the guise of environmentalism, but has major implications on the restriction of citizens' mobility rights:

"5.11 All relevant decision making.. should promote a shift in travel behaviors to the maximum extent that is feasible, based on the following passenger transportation hierarchy: (i) Trip reduction, shortening , or avoidance. (ii) Active transportation (iii) Transit. (iv) Ride sharing and taxis and (v) single occupant vehicles"(Big Move, pg. 41)"

And there is a video provided showing Gary McNeil telling Frank of Canadian Awareness about their goal of stopping people from driving a damn vehicle.

"Regional Transportation" is a term that is under United Nations Agenda 21 framework(highlighted by which is one of the sister sites to both are excellent and you can see the work of Rosa Koire, who is part of both organizations, where she and her team expose this globalist takeover and also where you can educate yourself on this and watch some of the interviews she has done and presentations as well)  Agenda 21 is the UN plan to "save the earth" and this idea of putting in regional transportation is a stepping stone for World government, and is outlined in the text of Agenda 21(which is linked in the article as well)

Hold on... were there not protestors out there bitching that the federal government under globalist puppet and prime minister of Canada Stephen Harper of not doing anything to protect the environment??? And now the feds are doing what the plans the enviros want???

Well it goes back to 2008 when the Feds passed the Federal Sustainable Development Act and in a 2013 progress report they put out reads as this:

"The story that emerges from the most recent data available about the FSDS goals, targets and implementation strategies is both complex, and encouraging. It is complex in that, clearly, the challenges are many and varied as we continue to learn more about ways to build a greener future while growing our economy and improving our quality of life(note: that is total BS, Agenda 21 is about shutting everything down from the economy to the family farm and all power plants that power our nation which they bragged about here in Ontario that they shut down 11 of our 19 coals plants and the green energy scam they rammed down the throats of the taxpayers of Ontario back in 2009 has our power prices the highest in the friggin country!!!) It is encouraging in that we also find progress made in a number of key areas, as a result of efforts not only of the federal government, but also of provincial and municipal governments, as well as industry and individual Canadians"

These transit expansions may sound and make sense to a lot of folks of the GTA(Greater Toronto Area) and combined with all the propaganda being shoved down our throats by all political parties in this country and brainwashed protestors, The general public has no clue as to what the hell is really going on. To defend this wonderful nation of ours from a complete globalist takeover, we must DEMAND that these programs are clear and that real information about them is transparent and that people can decide for themselves in what is happening

Together we can stop this takeover by the elites and restore our Constitution and Charter of Rights of Canada by being aware of this disgusting plan and educating ourselves on this topic

Edmund Burke(1729-1797) once said: "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"