Thursday, September 5, 2013

More Breaking News courtesy of Senator Lindsay Graham warns of Nuke Strike after missing nuke report

Senator Lindsay Graham warned South Carolinians of a potential "terror" threat with nukes on the same day Leak broke the story of the high level military intel revealing missing nuclear warheads were being shipped to South Carolina from a major air force base in Texas under an "off the record" black ops transfer(video report provided from Anthony Gucciardi of

The CBS report entitled "Graham: Nukes in the Hands of Terrorists Could Result in Bomb Coming To Charleston Harbor" the report gave details of Graham's warning that lack of military action in Syria could result in a "nuclear" bombing in Charleston, South Carolina- the very destination of the blacks op transfer!!!!!! the CBS report is quoted here:

"He [Graham] says if there is no U.S. response [to Syria], Iran will not believe America's resolve to block Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Graham also says those weapons in the hands of terrorists could result in a bomb coming to Charleston Harbor"

SO basically Graham is saying that if the United States does not launch a war against Syria, South Carolina might be nuked and this almost feels like a false flag being used by the United States government in order to send the United States into war or very least a threat except this involves nukes. and Infowars and Story leak were the first to get intel from their high level military source who told them that the Dyess Air Force Base(which is in Texas) were to begin moving these nuclear warheads yesterday and that this was the first time these weapons were ever mentioned since the 1980s and that there was no paperwork signed to require the transfer of these nuclear warheads but they were supposed to go to South Carolina and another pick up was supposed to take them to an unknown destination

This was sent to and Story Leak prior to Graham's warning about this nuke attack on South Carolina(and there is the video report regarding the nuclear transfer on Tuesday)

This feels similar to the same unsigned Nuke transfer back in 2007 in which went "missing" from Minot Air Force base and Barkdale Airforce base back in August 2007 and the Minot incident was major national news and even covered by the mainstream press. Disturbingly people from the base began dropping like flies (meaning dying) and committing suicide and this was in the news...

Hopefully nothing serious will come of this and without any sort of attack and hopefully the person who attended the speech telling US News that Graham's warning was mere fear mongering is right but the Black ops transfer of nukes for certain did take place and what is disturbing is and Story leak have not heard from this source in quite some time...

These guys are risking their lives to get us this information and for that I thank them and maybe for the first time we can get real intelligence to get answers and stop a potential attack and thus sparing innocent lives..