Friday, September 20, 2013

Whole Foods Whistleblower says that employees were deliberately trained to lie to public about GMOs and Top Climate Scientists told to cover up fact earth has not warmed for nearly 2 decades

IN an interesting turning events, a new video from the group who call themselves "organic spies" is once again rocking the food industry on its head. In the video, a woman who identifies herself as a former employee of Whole Foods Market(WFM) testifies that she and other employees were trained deliberately by Whole Foods management to lie to store customers as part of their training as to whether the stores carried food with GMOs.

According to this female whistleblower, whose name is being protected for her personal safety, Whole Foods employees were told to lie to customers and the denial of GMOs being sold in Whole Foods was part of the training. Here is an excerpt:

"When we first started, we had a "Day One and a Day Two, and they teach us about the core values of Whole Foods Market, the core values of nothing's artificial, everything's natural.... When I first started at Whole Foods, I didn't know what a GMO was. I had no idea what it was. They taught us what it was, and how Whole Foods Market did not carry GMOs.

So if a customer would have came up to me and said, do you guys have anything with GMOs? Does this product contain GMOs?[I would have said] absolutely not. Does not contain GMOs. Because we were taught that we don't carry anything with GMOs, only natural, nothing artificial"

And there is a link to the video provided in the article if you want to check it out. And it is confirmed the whistleblower was a Whole Foods employee as well and according to Organic Spies, Whole Foods Market deliberately taught their employees to lie through their bloody teeth to customers regarding GMOs for over a 5 year period between 2007-2011. The group also claims to have evidence from numerous multiple Whole foods market stores in several major U.S. cities. Organic Spies also says that Whole Foods top executives were well aware that low level employees were being trained to lie to customers though this is being denied by Whole Foods and the writer Mike Adams of natural news who wrote this piece, actually saw the documentation that she was a former worker at Whole Foods and he spoke to her on the phone with this type of information that only someone on the inside would know about

IN the video she goes on to explain further:

"I was shocked to find out that Whole Foods did carry products containing GMOs. I feel like a fool, you know, if a pregnant woman came up to me, or somebody with serious medical issues asked me that, I would tell them no, we do not carry anything with GMOs.. firmly believing that we didn't carry anything with GMOs.

In my training, the ASTL did Day One, Day Two. They're like the second person in charge of the store. And on top of them is the store team leader, who's in charge of the whole store. I believe whoever was teaching the class, the ASTL, also believed there was no GMOs in the store, and everybody who worked in the store, I really believe thought there were no GMOs. Who's telling the ASTLs that train us there are no GMOs?"

It seems here from her account, there was a lot of corporate brainwashing taking place with their "Day One" code words for new employees and according to the article, he found this comment from a person describing themselves as an employee of Whole Foods here is an excerpt:

"My aversion began on my Day One-this is code for your first day at work, it's a day of training, seeing where everything is at, watching videos of john mackey who reminds me a lot of some seventies new age amway/ est communist guru and various nationwide team members brainwashing the new team member of the various ways that whole foods market is superior to the bunch. and then they test you on the ways in which it its great and unique several times throughout the day. and then make you sign it. it was weird i actually wanted to walk out. but i didn't because the money's pretty good and the economy is poor..."

It seems this effort to brainwash is working quite well and Employees actually believe what they are told through the corporate training videos As the Organic Spies video with the whistleblower went on to further illustrate this: "When Organic Spies came out and they had on film team members saying we don't carry GMOs, I know they whole-heartedly believed that Whole Foods didn't carry GMOs. That' what we were taught, They didn't carry GMOs. So When the Organic Spies came out, I called my friends who used to work at Whole Foods. I said, did you know that Whole Foods carried GMOs? No! They do? Yeah! They Do!

This video is the second major release by the group Organic Spies which we all remember made huge headlines by catching Whole Foods employees on video given out false and misleading information on GMOs sold in their stores. The first video from Organic Spies, which is linked in the article, got over thousands and hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube before it was censored by YouTube probably from pressure by Whole Foods and showed dozens of Whole Foods employees lying to customers by saying that Whole Foods never carried GMOs or even sold them and so and so forth

Now Whole Foods now stands accused of being the greatest con artists in the organic food machine as the Video not only accuses Whole Foods of lying to their employees on purpose regarding GMOs. It describes them as this "organic fraud machine"and the article lists the entire reasonings for this.

I find it disgusting how Whole Foods can purposely lie to their customers while pretending they carry only organic whole foods and was even granted "certified organic grocer" by the CCOF and promotes "USDA Organic" proudly again illustrating the false belief by customers that the store is 100% organic and not only that but lying to their employees as well. Talk about corporate deception and fraud..

For as long has I have covered the fraud of man made climate change, it never has failed to amaze me how this so called scientists who are really paid activists were told to cover up the 15 plus years of global cooling because they were "worried" about giving the skeptics all the ammunition in the world to expose this hoax and the climategate emails that have been released over the years prove just that showing how they cooke the books in order to keep the public terrified over a non-existent crisis in order to steal more of your TAX dollars but of course the UN report will lie through their teeth saying that man controls the climate even though CO2 has NEVER driven climate at all and is a life sustaining gas !!!!! All this is about is controlling every aspect of our lives through this ridiculous environmental hoax of all time and the framework for WORLD GOVERNMENT!!!!!! (video is from Canadian Awareness' excellent interview with Climate Depot's Marc Morano regarding all of this and is a must watch)