Tuesday, October 1, 2013

UN climate fraudsters seeking criminal immunity since they know they are in deep shit without a paddle


The story is rather old is more relevant today as it was last year and given the UN IPCC releasing yet another bullshit report that was just as insane as the other ones. We all knew that this was coming when the promoters and the criminal racketeers of the greatest scam in history for their fraudulent and misleading garbage they have inflicted onto the public for spinning the CO2 burning the earth hoax for as long as they have. It appears these SOBs are seeing the writing on the wall per se and are now trying to avoid being PROSECUTED for their disgusting crimes...

TOO late ya rotten bastards, the damage you have done is horrific but I know that is not gonna stop you from imposing your world government through UN Agenda 21 and from David Suzuki showing his complete and utter cognitive dissonance on Australian TV this week regarding this whole thing and I have to applaud the Australian people for grilling him as hard as they did by asking the questions the MSM does not have the balls to ask