Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Want to post interesting article on UN highjacking of our education system In Chicago, public school teachers walked out to force their union leaders and the districts that are not coming to an agreement. Some of the issues highlighted are job security and union opposition and this is being closely watched by other school districts and teachers across the United States.

So teachers in Boston, Wisconsin and Minnesota, I think this protest is worth their while and the deterioration of public schools over the years is just appalling and something that people should be really raising a hissy fit.

The UN has highjacked our education system using globalization through their directives and is now coming to a head as we see with the Chicago Strike

The UN Commission on Population and Development Conference once stated that reconditioning thought processes throughout a kid's life was important so they would be brainwashed into accepting globalization and with the creation of this in the mid 1960's (1964 to be exact), Pro-UN ideals started coming into our society through schools and mobilizing Americans and the entire planet to support the ideals of the United Nations

SO what we are seeing is the writer of this article Susanne Posel(who you should really check out our her site, full of interesting articles) wrote: "This has manifested with the inception of the global classroom which supersede our education programs focused on teaching our Constitutional Republic to redirect our children's attention to the ideals of globalization" one example she talks about is the Model United Nations which children pretend to be UN ambassadors and debate UN agendas in these role playing games to instill that global governance is the future and given that the US State Department gave their blessing, the concept of a global classroom has now infected more than 24 major cities public education system worldwide and some include Chicago Public Schools, Kyung Hee University, Lebanesse American University and the Mulberry School for Girls.

She also exposes how the University of Chicago's Center for International Studies, globalization is being taught under the guise of teaching students about global issues and to think critically about their role as global citizens and in 2009 these ideas were inter-grated with the school system in to educate Chicago students about global issues over American Ideology to brainwash them into thinking that nationalism should be destroyed as Agenda 21 gets rid of borders and sovereign free nations.

We all know there is a plan through Agenda 21 not only in the United States and Canada but throughout the world to turn our cities into mega-cities where you owning a vehicle will be banned, forcing people to use high speed public transit, bikes or walk to where ever they are going and they will have narrow streets, which what Malthus had proposed in his lunatic essay that started the whole eugenics movement and in Robert Zubrin's Merchants of Despair: Radical Environmentalists, Criminal Pseudo-Scientists and the Fatal cult of Anti-Humanism(which again is available on Amazon) he exposes this very well and the horrific results of this around the world as a result of this anti-human eugenicist ideology that has plagued the world for over 100 years or maybe even longer say 200 years at least and In New York, globalist Operative Michael Bloomberg has given the green light to make these micro-apartments(which I reported before) in Kips Bay where they are only 300 square feet!!! will be offered to residents of New York under this Agenda 21 pack and stack em scam and in San Francisco, 150 square feet apartments are being built for the same damn thing!!!

Getting back to Chicago, the reworking of the public school curriculum is being used to expand student's knowledge of UN processes and therefore to "renegotiate politics and geo-political concepts under UN mandates for the benefit of unification of all individual nations into the cradle of a One World Government"

and so on and on... please spread this article to around...