Occupy Corporatism's Susanne Posel is reporting that the remnants of the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon Oil spill is washing up on shore in the form of what is being called tarballs that are laced with the toxic dispersant Corexit and a representive from the Louisiana State Wildlife and Fisheries department that one of the beaches there is a "large mat of tar on once beach and concentrations of tar-balls on adjacent beaches" Researchers from the UN-Rockefeller funded Greenpeace have taken samples from the beaches that are being affected at the Bin Secour National Wildlife Refuge in Alabama.. The article states that over 1 million barrels of oil remain at the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico. This has prompted officials in Washington to request federal agencies to reassess how safe the Gulf Region really is given the repeated exposure of Corexit.
State officials have restricited fishing and recreational activities in these areas that are being affected by this toxic waste.. and Despite the fact that the Environmental Protection Agency told BP not to use Corexit because it was found to have POISONS like mercury and lead in it and was causing people to get sick and use something that was safer, they just ignored them and we are now seeing the consequences of this disaster and given they want to de-populate the Gulf for oil drilling purposes, this is all to convenient and given the weather weapons like HAARP and chemtrails and the odd track Issac took, This may be another case of the Ruling Class using weather weapons as an excuse to further their sick agenda of a world tyrannical government and a genocide of 90% of the world's population "Mohammed Morsi, who is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and is current president in Egypt, warned Syrian President Bashar Assad to step down "before its too late". There was a meeting between Arab foreign ministers in Cairo, where President Morsi said that he was not going to put up with the non-Arab influence of his country. He had very stern words for the "non-aligned" movement that he says has taken over Iran and gave support to the CIA-backed Free Syrian Army, who are being used in a proxy war in Syria by the US and Israel and also in the same meeting we have Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan also attacked Assad by saying "the regime has become one of state terrorism. Unfortunately, as usual, the international community is merely watching the slaughter, massacre and the elimination of Muslims" Syria does have the support of Russia, China and Iran who have commended the Zionist attack which is being used to get Assad out of the Syrian government and install a pre-approved puppet to take over the country. The corrupt mainstream media is claiming that Iran is arming Syria with all kinds of military equipment with shipments flying over Iraq and is lending to the propaganda against Iran as the next target of the Obama and Netanyahu campaign to basically take over the middle east. According to a Iranian Activist by the name of Mohsen Sazegara who is now a resident of the US, who explains that Iran wants Syria to remain sovereign, has rightfully criticized the US in the following quote: "Plan B is that, if they keep him in power, they will try to make another Iraq, or another Afghanistan-civil war-then you can create another Hezbollah"
The Israeli media is reporting, according to the article, that the US is planning to give Israel Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP) bunk-buster bombs that can penetrate up 60 feet (which is about 20 meters) of reinforced concrete and these particular bombs have a "finished manufacture according to the Pentagon with the taxpayer price tag of more than $200 million for 30 bombs"
Though it is claimed that Benjamin Netanyahu is agreeing to refrain from invading Iran until the US elections are over in November, Obama is going to announce even more restrictions on Iran and "admonish the sovereign nation not to strike preemptively" The administration told them that if Israel did attack Iran, that it not go after US bases and aircraft carriers in the gulf region should a fight break out between Iran and Israel.
It almost seems like globalist puppet Obama is trying to downplay Netanyahu's threats to go after Iran but of course behind the scenes, it is clear these 2 have laid out their agenda to use the military and propaganda as an excuse to cover their ass and justify their reasonings for attacking Iran and in their plan, Obama is going to request that Congress for permission in writing to use "military force against Iran in response to their alleged nuclear weapons program"
So regardless of who gets in, the military industrial complex and the US government will have the tools to go and invade Iran and here is another related article from September 4th on this( )
This scheme is slated for spring 2013 according to both articles.. SO why are we continuing to be conned by this sick malthusian scumbags?? is it to save the earth from an evil life giving gas CO2?? NO, it is and was always was about money since the Ruling elite who run the private banks who have conspired to destroy the world's economy on purpose, the fake greens are screaming for more money to keep their damn hoax going and guess where they will target? YOUR HARD EARNED PENSIONS!!!! According to an article by No Trick Zone( Professor Joachim Schellnhuber who is the Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and chairman of the anti-democratic WBGU(German Advisory Council on Global Change) has the so called answer which is stealing your hard earned pensions and retirement funds to pay for ineffective and expensive wind and solar power to save the earth from a life giving gas.. IS there no lengths the ruling criminal class is willing to go so they can control every aspect of our lives and rob hard working people of their retirement and pension funds all in the name of one of the greatest scams in history???