Saturday, September 15, 2012

AL-Qaeda causing evacuations at universities could lead to more false flag operations, Attack on Obesity an excuse by UN in progressing their population reduction agenda There have been several evacuations this week at US univeristies which have the corrupt mainstream media to plant the seed of whether so called Islamic rage given what transpired at the US embassies in the Middle East to America. The CIA backed Al-Qaeda are being blamed of an anonymous call from someone claiming to be a member of the fake terrorist organization for making threats toward the campus of the University of Texas. A message was sent to students at around 9:53 central time(10:53 eastern) on their website to tell students to evacuate all buildings immediately, According to Rhonda Weldon, who is the director of Communication at the University of Texas said: "A male with a Middle Eastern accent claiming to have placed bombs all over campus. He said he was with Al-Qaeda and these bombs would go off in 90 minutes" The police chief of the University of Texas said that over 69,000 users were notified online by their alter system which told the students to vacate the buildings and even messages were sent via Facebook and other forms of communication such as email and the school officials even sound the alarms as well. Following all this, reports out of North Dakota that students attending North Dakota State University(NDSU) in Fargo were also told to evacuate the campus because of a phoned in bomb and posted on their website that all students and employees were to leave by 10:15 am and this included buildings downtown, residence halls and agricultural facilities and at 11:41 they were ordered to vacate in a "orderly fashion and meet at locations off university grounds" and the Next school to receive a threat was Valparasio University in Indiana where an another unknown messenger produced a message that there was an "unspecified threat... alluding to dangerous and criminal activity" and told students to watch for "suspicious behaviour and report to the VUPD immediately" so that the law enforcement and FBI could investigate the threat and find the so called terrorists given the fact that 2 days ago Senator Diane Feinstein, according to this article, was warning about possible violence given what took place in the Middle East this past week at the US Embassy in Libya that would "spark outrage against Americans and the US. Feinstein said that according to the FBI and DHS these outbursts "could worsen in the coming days"

The Article goes on to note: "The DHS released a Joint Intelligence Bulletin that asserted "the risk of violence could increase at home and abroad as the film continues to gain attention. Additionally, we judge that violent extremists groups in the United States could exploit anger over the film to advance their recruitment efforts"

The violence that took place killing US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens ironically took place on the 11 anniversary of the false flag attack of September 11th.

There have been numerous studies done that Muslim Americans are not a threat to Americans or anyone so why the hell are they using them to create fear?? well It has all been manufactured to instill fear in the American people and anywhere else in the world and even the globalist operated RAND corporation who have staged many false flag propaganda over the years even noted that between 2009 and 9/11: "The US government reported forty-six incidents of "domestic radicalization and recruitment to jihadist terrorism." RAND also went on to spout that Americans were playing a "high-level operational role in al-Qaeda and aligned groups" This false globalist data, as Susanne Posel rightfully points out, continues to inaccurately report that assume that radicalization of the US muslim population who are involved in domestic terror plots may be low but threat could still be there.

The Elite have often pointed to the al-Qaeda organization as the origin of the radicalization as seen with Anwar al-Awlaki who was known to have chances to spread violent Islamic ideology in the US and so on and so on(read rest of article for more)

But given the fact the DHS has purchased over 1.8 billion rounds of hollow point bullets as well as 1400 pounds of fertilizer bomb making material and US veterans and political activists being roundup and thrown into psychiatric hospitals and now we have on the 11th anniversary of 9/11, the threat of Al-Qaeda now being brought back up given the manufactured attacks in Libya.. We may see more of these manufactured attacks either domestically or internationally involving the CIA backed Al-Qaeda, who are also an asset to the Muslim Brotherhood and further the agendas of the globalist elite.

see this article entitled Israeli Sponsored film sparks false flag attack and manufactured Islamic Threat in Libya: There was a new study out from the Journal of Rural Health that stated that 1/15th of people who live in rural areas are more likely to become obese than those who live in cities. One of the lead authors of this study Christie Befort, who is an assistant professor at the Department of Preventative Medicine at the University of Kansas Medical Centre said"the rates of obesity were much higher than previously reported based on self-report, with 39% of rural Americans being obese compared to 33 percent of urban Americans"and young people have been targeted as having more of a risk to becoming overweight in rural areas. The Study also noted that ethnic backgrounds were one of the factors in becoming overweight. Blacks and Hispanics, according to this, have a shitty diet and are physically isolated don't have access to healthy food. SO the idea of this study is really to show that if these people who lived in cities would have the resources to access exercise equipment and make better food choices when it comes to consumption. However, this concept that people need to move to cities under the UN Agenda 21 to have better control over our lives. Globalist operative Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg has stated that obesity is costing New Yorkers over 4 billion in health care costs every year and is not acceptable so he has been championing this movement towards the government lecturing us about what we can and cannot eat, what we can or cannot drink and how much of a so called burden their personal choices on immediate society.

In 1994 at the UN General Assembly meeting concerning the implementation of this piece of crackpot garabage Agenda 21 in regards to population growth with control coming after, the "consensu was made that there must be a continued trend toward stabilization of the world's population through mandates of international and national policies that control the allowance of citizens to contribute to the growth of human population"

You remember last July at the London Summit on Family Planning hosted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation openly bragged that population reduction had to be "facilitated through forced sterilization, coercion to using contraceptives through the use of the Delphi technique and collaboration with Merck to develop vaccines and other pharmaceutical solutions to keep those living in under-developed nations from having children"

According to this Yale researcher Bebecca Puhl, this anti-obesity movement is not working to stopping people from eating- as those behind all of this would want you believe and found the public announcements in the corrupt mainstream media is having the opposite effect on Americans and everywhere around the world and that the stigma surrounding this issue has to be re-evaluated as these campaigns alienate people and shame them into becoming healthier which I agree is totally not what we should be doing at all

And now they want to develop a an obesity vaccine that will stop people from eating..I am not making this up this was in the Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology... crazy stuff indeed