CFR, UN ambassador propaganda operative actress Angelina Jolie has been sent to the country of Jordan to bring attention to the "squalid conditions at the Zaatari refugee." She will be joined by UN Foreign refugee chief Antonio Guterres and Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh. Now Guterres is the former prime minister of Portugal and a member of this group called Socialist International and he is also a Bilderberg operative. She is expected to arrive on Tuesday according to the associated press(referenced in the article) Now Zaatari is one of many Syrian refugee camps in the Jordanian desert. The US and their asset run by the CIA and the british MI-6 Free Syrian Army, have been recruiting fighters from these camps to keep up their efforts to get rid of Syrian President Bashar-Al Assad and have a more globalist friendly presence in Syria. In fact the article quotes a report out of the Times of Israel last month that Jordan had rejected requests by the Assad government for the "extradition of Syrian government defectors and has allowed entry to hundreds of Syrian rebels who move freely around the country"Also the article highlights how the FSA was accused back in March of using children as fighters and they were violating international conventions that ban using child soliders according to a report in Reuters. So by her visiting these camps where there are a lot anti-Assad refugees and potential FSA recruits, she is only lending herself to this illegal disgusting war under the guise of humanitarianism to overthrow the Assad government. Even Russia's UN ambassador Vitaly Churkin has even come out against it calling it "Behind the facade of humanitarian rhetoric, the resolution hides a blatant support for the armed opposition" and after 30,000 Libyans were slaughtered to death, Jolie praised the efforts ,when she went to visit the North African country, of the so called revolutionaries who were supported by NATO, the CIA and Al-Qaeda.. the Globalist funded Stanford University study which was really a propaganda piece to demonize organic food to say that organic food's nutritional value was not more than say those that are conventionally grown or GMO food. The study claimed that the "price of organic food combined with the researcher's allegations that organic food supporters over-blown health benefits result in "no advantage of organic meat and produce"basically the study claims that the marketing of Organic food is a scam to coerce people into paying higher prices for the same quality of food.. But it gets even more interesting, The co-Author of the Study Dr. Ingram Olkin has ties to Big tobacco and has also chaired Stanford's Department of Statistics and the University itself, according to the article, has ties to GMO giants like Monsanto where they have received funding in the billions of dollars and Susan J. Colby, the CEO of the Clayman Institute for Gender Research, used to work for Monsanto in their Sustainability Department also even Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney, who attended Stanford in the 1960s from 1965-1966, even worked for Monsantio as a client and according to the article has Monsanto Lobbyists working on his campaign!! Now getting to the Codex Alimentarious, the USDA rules are based on the UN policy which is really a scam to control all the world's food product and this was established in December of 2009.. This policy recommends that dairy cows across the planet be treated with Bovine Growth Hormones created by you guessed it Monsanto despite the fact there have been numerous studies showing that it causes cancer.. According to the WHO and FAO from their numbers that these restrictions of nutritious food would cause over 3 billion deaths a year amongst people because they would be starved to death and because the food they are getting has no nutritional value either that they are forced to eat.. This is a conspiracy to de-populate the planet by denying basic access to nutrients and minerals that are essential to life and to our health. Studies like this play right into the hands of the globalist elite's plan for a genocide of 90% of the world's population. Study out of British Columbia(even made the Vancouver Sun) released found that people who received the flu shot before the outbreak of the H1N1 virus back in 2009 were more likely to catch the swine flu, this discovery comes after many experts had blamed the pandemic on the pharmaceutical industry for "deliberatley engineering the pandemic to make huge profits from vaccines" one of the Researcher's Dr. Danuta Skowronski, who is a influenza expert at the BC centre for Disease control, noticed that in the early weeks during the outbreak that people who received shots from 2008-2009 seemed to be more likely to catch this virus than those who didn't get a flu shot according to the Vancouver Sun. Despite this, the Dr. is still encouraging people to get this even though the vaccine is pretty much worthless and I actually know people who got the flu after getting the shot.. I personally don't believe in the flu shot and I never bought into the H1N1 flu hype because I knew it had to be bogus and sure enough it was it was really just an excuse by the pharmaceutical companies to engineer a fake crisis so they could profit off the vaccines and there have been studies that have come out recently showing that the shot has caused narcolepsy and other problems like Guillan-Barre Syndrome(this was in mainstream papers including the National Post here in Canada) and dystonia, which is a neurological disorder that can paralyze the body.