Thursday, September 13, 2012

US backed terrorists murder US own Ambassador in Libya: Exposes US "pro-democracy" foreign policy-same ones behind the attacks in Syria, Is Muhammad Video a fraud?? (Note: Russia had been accusing the West of using Al-Qaeda as their direct militant proxies in Syria, This is an attempt by to incite violence amongst the Muslim population as an excuse for the West to re-establish that the US and Israel are at war with the extremists. The film that has been blamed for the riots I have heard may have been a fraud but I will get to that later)

Warmonger John McCain's so called "Libyan Patriots" have now murdered US Ambassador John Christopher Stevens. This took place in the eastern City of Benghazi, who as we all know was the centre for the destruction and subversion of Libya last year, but given the so called war on terror, it has now left Mr. Stevens dead. The Corrupt mainstream media is claiming that the reason for the violence is because of this anti-islam video that was produced in the US but in reality, given the fact these attacks were coordinated on the US embassy as well as violence in Cairo, Egypt, which ironically fell on 9/11 the 11th anniversary of that terrible false flag attack which has orchestrated the so called global war on terror, was most likely funded the Neo-Con backed Clarion Fund as propaganda to encite this type of violence and to use the anger, tension and fear as an excuse to further drive the West and Islam apart to maintain their fake global war on terror for profits essentially and the article goes on to show how NATO knowingly used Al-Qaeda and handed Libya over to them and explains better than I can how that happened but now Syria is a target and given the US so called pro-democracy is really just a front to destabilize, spread violence and terror using the same fighters behind the US ambassador's death.. The Film that has been blamed for the US Ambassador attacks in Egypt, Libya and Yemen is a total complete hoax being used by the corrupt media(like mentioned above) to stir up unrest in the Middle East while covering up the real reasons for the death of US Ambassador John Christopher Stevens.

This video entitled the Innocence of Muslims, which has been on youtube according to this report for well over 2 months and despite the claims of the director getting money from rich Jews of 5 million dollars, it really is just "low budget film school project". The Trailer has been banned in the middle east countries like Egypt and Afghanistan. There also has been  alleged director Sam Bacile existence as he told the Associated Press he was a 56 year old man who is an Israeli Jew living in California, despite telling the actors for this that he was from Egypt while others say he is American.. (make your own judgements there) He has claimed to have done the film to expose Islam as a "cancer" however numerous authorities can't even find this guy and could be just a fake name for the only actual person who has been connected to this film-Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, a 55 year old Coptic Christian living in the state of California who actually has a rap sheet for committing federal bank fraud back in 2010 according to the article. The Film which is only 14 minutes long is also suspicious as Actors according to a news report out of Gawker that they were told they were doing a movie about Egypt 2,000 years ago and following the violence in Benghazi on the US consulate, The actors put out a statement saying their were mislead by the producer and they went on to state that:"The entire cast and crew are extremely upset and feel taken advantage of by the producer. We are not 100% behind this film and were grossly mislead about its intent and purpose" they went on to say: "We are shocked by the drastic re-writes of the script and lies that were told to all involved. We are deeply saddened by the tragedies that have occured" The film on purpose was dubbed and edited to outrage the Muslims. The Prophet Muhammad was portrayed as this "pedophile, a homosexual, a religious phony, a philanderer, a womanizer and a bloodthirsty dictator"

During the dialogue, the actors words were "crudely dubbed to include references to Muhammad that were not in the original script. As Cindy Lee Garcia, an actress involved in the movie, told Gawker "In the script and during the shooting, nothing indicated the controversial nature of the final product. Muhammad wasn't even called Muhammad; he was "Master George" for example in the trailer the words "Is your Muhammad a child molester" are heard but the actress' voice was completely dubbed and didn't even match the movement of her lips and do not form the word Muhammad at all.

Even Christian Science Monitor is quoted as saying the film was made with cheap dubbing software and done by someone siting in their basement...

So given all of this, the evidence points to this film being a piece of crackpot nonsense and a fraud to manufacture instability in the Middle East just when the US and Israel are about to launch their attack on Iran under the guise of them having nuclear weapons when there is no proof that Iran even has nuclear warheads and they are developing nuclear energy for peaceful reasons it almost feels reminiscent of the Kony 2012 propaganda earlier this year which was  being used by the trendy left for governments to carpet bomb Libya under the guise of humanitarianism.

Also reports have confirmed this was all planned well in advance and had nothing to do with this film even though the corrupt mainstream media is going along with that fraudulent narrative and is covering up the true nature of what happened  which is the US and other NATO powers are "seeing their chickens come home to roost having armed and empowered Al-Qaeda affliated with extremists in pursuit of regime change, most notably Libya where the removal of Gaddafi was achieved via NATO's support for the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group-which is listed as a terrorist organization by the State Department and was responsible for killing US troops in Iraq.

Now as we all know these same forces are being used in Syria in a attempt to overthrow the Assad government so of course it is gonna be downplayed by the Establishment and corrupt mainstream media. This also happened when, according to the article, NATO stooge Ali Aujali, who was Libya's ambassador to Washington, made this claim that people who he calls "Gaddafi Loyalists" were behind Ambassador Stevens death.

So given the corrupt mainstream media  and with other embassies in Yemen and other countries, the promotion of this video is really just an excuse to create a crisis that will threaten the stability of the entire region basically.

The deliberate attempt by the shady film makers to conspire to offend Muslims by manipulating the film tells me this whole thing was a complete set up to justify US, Israeli and NATO aggression in the Middle East and North Africa...