Yes today is the 11th anniversary of 9/11/2001 where 3,000 people died as result of attacks on the 3 world trade centre buildings, pentagon and the field in Penn State. My heart goes out to the victims and their families and to the survivors of that tragic terrible Tuesday morning. I was 15 years old when this all happened, I was a high school student on my way to my english class and only found out afterwards in my math class when our principal went over the intercom to let us know..I will be honest I thought the official story of 19 arab muslims and a guy in a cave controlling them was true but as I got older and started doing my own research recently, I realized that the official story of 9/11 is not true and a mere scientific fraud.. Those 3 buildings did not come down due to fire but mere controlled explosions( and the so called planes that hit were nothing more than excuse and the attack on the pentagon we were told was because a boeing jet hit when eyewitnesses like April Gallup didn't see any plane whatsoever, or jet fuel on the ground and etc.. and described what happened as if a bomb had gone off and despite the fact there were no wing marks It is safe to say that a plane didn't hit the Pentagon. But having said all of this, 9/11 was just the excuse the US government needed to justify attacking Afghanistan and Iraq under the hoaxes of the War on Terror and Weapons of Mass Destruction and blaming their CIA asset Bin Laden for the attacks when he was on kidney dialysis and was suffering from the genetic disorder Marfan's Syndrome and according to Dr. Steve Piecznik, the man has been dead since 2002. despite the fact there was never any evidence against him he became the perfect boogeyman for the US government to terrorize the American people and people across the world to give up our civil liberties under the guise of security with the passage of the US Patriot act, which they are allowed to illegally spy on you through your emails and the rest of it and how the media kept Bin Laden alive until his "death" which I didn't buy the story given the fact I had read that he had been dead for over a decade so it was really just an excuse to quell any dissent regarding 9/11 and the cover-up of the truth about Bin Laden's death(
here are some more articles regarding 9/11 from Today: By Paul Craig Roberts it is well worth the read Great article by Donna Anderson on why we need to honor the victims of that day with the cold hard real facts of what happened so their deaths have some meaning and heal the world essentially. She talks about the awesome Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth documentary 9/11 explosive evidence: Experts Speak out and has a great quote that sums this up perfectly: "After WWII part of the way that the Jewish people honored the dead was by making sure the truth was known and the value of these people was respected. Not pursuing the truth about 9/11 disrespects the value of the lives of the people that died. Thinking we are above such things, that it could happen in other countries but it couldn't here, that's a lack of humility and that's excessive pride. And, so not being able to see our dark side or our weaknesses is the most dangerous thing"
So there you have it. We must keep 9/11 truth alive so that we can get a new independent investigation and expose the real conspirators of this terrible crime are brought to justice for their crimes against humanity and for orchestrating illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that killed millions of lives and killed many American and Canadian soldiers as well..