Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Article on the eugenics program of the ruling class

http://www.infowars.com/will-humanity-survive-the-singularity/ As the ruling elite class sets forward their trans-humanist plan of merging humans with machine. Humans will cease to have a reason to be here or even a purpose or to even function in what the elite have called a "brave new world" which is according to this piece a scientific dictatorship which is why the ruling class want 90% of us dead. They mention an article by Bill Joy which was called Why the Future doesn't need us in Wired magazine back in 2000 where "Due to improved techniques the elite will have greater control over the masses; and because human work will no longer be necessary the masses will be superfluous, a useless burden system. If the elite is ruthless they may simply decide to exterminate the masses of humanity. If they are humane they may use propaganda or other psychological or biological techniques to reduce the birth rate until the masses of humanity becomes extinct, leaving the world to the elite" (bold is my emphasis) Not only is that following statement absolutely appalling and is enough to even send chills up my spine at how sick these people are but this lunatic Bill Joy sees the best outcome is us being in a New World Order system where every aspect of our lives is controlled by these vicious criminals using a scientific dictatorship to do it here is more: "If the elite consists of soft-hearted liberals, they may decide to play the role of good shepherds to the rest of the human race. They will see to it that everyone's physical needs are satisfied, that all children are raised under psychologically hygienic conditions, that everyone has a hobby to keep him busy, and that anyone who may become dissatisfied undergoes "treatment" to cure his "problem". Of course, life will be so purposeless that people will have to be biologically or psychologically engineered either to remove their need for the power process or make them "sublimate" their drive for power into some harmless hobby. These engineered human beings may be happy in such a society, but they will most certainly not be free. They will have been reduced to the status of domestic animals" (bold is my emphasis) Though this agenda is being carried out under the guise of saving the planet from an evil life giving gas CO2 and social reasons, It is clear the elite's motivations for this is not about any of it, They want the entire planet to themselves and they want to have access to life extension technologies that will merge man with machines basically to create a superclass of humans. The Elite see themselves as the heirs to control human evolution, according to the article, They want to play God with the future of all life on this Earth, despite the fact the Elite throughout history have been all inbred, which has caused either their offspring to die or grow up criminally insane.

We are seeing now how they want to herd us into prison like cities where we are spied, are told what we can and cannot eat and shut off any resources by either jacking up the prices or lowering them. This is what is known as a post industrial world where living standards are reduced, creating a rift between the rich and the peasants(which would be you and I) therefore creating the ultimate oligarchical class.

Technology now is not being used to improve lives around the world but to turn us into slaves to these criminal malthusian scumbags to reduce human population.

It is no secret these bastards are obsessed with the pseudo-scientific fraud that is eugenics using the hoax of overpopulation to carry out such a disgusting piece of nonsense tracing back over a 100 years at least. The article mentions that one of the London newspapers the Times reported  in 2009 about a secret meeting between billionaires like Ted Turner, Bill Gates, David Rockefeller and others which the topic of their discussion was about how to use their money to fund population control programs to reduce our numbers. Of course the corrupt media at the time spun this as a meeting of "kind hearted and concerned philanthropists" by pointing out how Ted Turner went public by advocating population control programs world wide that would cause a reduction in human population by a horrifying 95%!! and He also talked about adopting China's disgusting one child policy, which is enforced by taxes and arresting pregnant women and having forced abortions be performed on them even though Turner has 5 kids and owns nearly 2 million acres of land. In the 3rd world, he has also provided billions of dollars for these population control programs through the United Nations paving the way for people like Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffet(side note: Bill Gates' dad has been a leading board member for Planned Parenthood and is known to be a eugenicist, mentioned in the article)

SO the idea the elite want to slow population growth under the guise to improve health care is a complete lie. Slowing the growth rate and improving health care are "irreconcilable concepts to the elite." WE all know that stabilizing population is a natural mechanism when the standard of living is high, as witnessed here in the West. But these lunatics like Rockefeller are not interested in slowing population down by natural means, no, this is all rooted in eugenics which is really about culling the so called herd using anti-human and draconian methods. His legacy is not about charity to improve health in poor nations it is born out of the Malthusian purpose of getting rid of the poor that are deemed "racially inferior"and using what is called Social Darwinism as the excuse.

Also mentions the  State Department Memorandum called the National Security Study Memorandum 200 which was de-classified in 1989, which was drafted in 1974 for a geopolitical strategy document prepared by Rockefeller's buddy Henry Kissinger, which was really an excuse to target 13 countries for population reduction by creating the idea of food scarcity, sterilization and war and how these countries were seeing as threat to US corporations so hence the anti-human policy and these countries were India, Pakistan, Thailand, Turkey, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, The Philippines, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Egypt,Indonesia and Nigeria. The document highlights calling for "family planning"(abortion) with routing health services for "curbing the numbers of LDC people(lesser developed countries)" and the report also appallingly calls for the with holding of food as an excuse for punishment for poor nations who don't reduce their population, basically food as a weapon for fear-mongering political tactics to create a genocide of mass starvation and documents how this draconian anti-human policy will be administered through the evil United Nations Fund For Population Activities and the article has a link to an outline of this document and the article shows how this has been rebranded through the global carbon tax and the idea that too many children or having a high standard of living is ruining the earth through the hoax of man made climate change, which is really just an excuse to control all life on this Earth and has nothing to do with the environment at all. What I found truly nauseating was how the Times of London had the gall to refer to them as the "Good Guys Club" which is not true at all. If you take the time to read such books as excellent Merchants of Despair: Radical Enviromentalists, Criminal Pseudo-Scientists and the fatal cult of anti-humanism by Robert Zubrin and research the origins of eugenics you will come to know how sick the Rockefeller-Turner-Gates population reduction plan which is coming to a head with actual real problems like the GMO food, chemtrails, rises in actual life threatening illnesses like cancer and diabetes has its roots in the idea of wiping us off the face of the earth and given the fact the future doesn't need us in the words of Bill Joy but these lunatics have decided that they want the whole planet to themselves and in order to do that they want to get rid of us which is why we need to expose the hoax of man made climate change for the eugenics program it always was and recognize how sick the ruling class is..