(original article appeared in the New American)Yes Apple enforces communist China's appalling one child policy by forced abortions to reduce their birth rate among couples who just have one kid. Chen Guancheng, a dissident who left China has been blowing the whistle on Apple forcing their female employees to undergo pregnancy screenings every month one employee by the name of Liu Ping, who testified at a congressional committee hearing entitled "China's One-Child Policy: The Government's Massive Crime Against Women and Unborn Babies" described how this government controlled operation operated in the Apple factory she worked in here is the following testimony and if this doesn't make your stomach turn then I don't know: "By order of the factory's Family Planning Comission, every month during their menstrual period, women had to undress in front of the birth planning doctor for examination. If anyone skipped the examination, she would be forced to take a pregnancy test at the hospital. We were only allowed to collect salary only after it was confirmed that we were not pregnant. When discovered, pregnant women would be dragged to undergo forced abortions-there was simply no other choice" This is genocide by the very definition and that Apple allows this human rights atrocity in their factories is just disgusting. The Article goes on to give examples of how in a USA today article it was reported that a baby in the town of Moshan, Shandong province was killed. The parents only had one kid but the population control freaks tracked them down and injected the mother with abortion inducing drugs and the baby was pulled from the mother and treated like a "piece of meat" and was thrown in a bucket to die and there is another story in there in the Epoch Times back in 2009 in the City of Liaochang where a mother and baby died after being kidnapped and being forced into an abortion. According to one of the doctors who worked there where these 2 died, the young woman was kidnapped by the Birth Control Office and taken to the hospital where she was forced to undergo an abortion. Despite the young woman's courageous efforts to fight for her and her child's life, 2 dozen men held her down and she was injected with abortion drugs and heartbreakingly she had a still birth and the mother afterwards ended up dying from a massive hemorrhage. And even more sick, is how many men there are compared to women in China because of the selective abortion the cultural desire of preferring males over girls. They have done studies showing that there are over 40 million "missing" girls in China and over 50 million in India..
This practice is a travesty and yet we have lunatics like Ted Turner who want a communist China style one child policy to save the earth from a life giving gas CO2 and reduce the population by 95% once the One World Tyrannical government is fully in place if we don't stop this now and expose the human rights abuses these anti-human policies are.. Given Professor Noel Sharkey's warning about a fleet of robots being developed for DARPA will really be used to "kill people", and the company Boston Dynamics has released a video showing what these look like and how they will track human beings. While Sharkey has said this is "an incredible technical achievement" however these robots are will be trained to track humans and because they control their own thoughts, it will be used to murder people and Infowars reported last week about the Cheetah robots being faster than Jamaican Olympic gold medalist Usain Bolt by running at a speed of over 28.3 miles an hour and getting back to the story now Sharkey has even called for safeguards to be used with these robots to be put in place.. but whether they do this or not remains to be seen...