Wednesday, September 19, 2012

PBS under attack because they had a global warming skeptic speak Anthony Watts, Antarctic Ice sets another record high, New GMO study shows rats fed this over lifetime develop tumors and 70% of females die early as a result and more  If you had any doubt about how intolerant the global warming movement is to skeptics it would be erased with what PBS did. You see PBS allowed Anthony Watts on their news hour to talk about his skepticism on this issue and now PBS has come under fire and there is video in the link and a transcript and for a mainstream news piece it was actually balanced!!!!  and of course the lunatics came out including climate prophet Joe Romm who said that PBS was spouting nonsense from Sen. Jim Inhofe and then giving a voice to someone like Anthony Watts and even the globalist backed George Soros of Media Matters chimed in with their propaganda as claiming Watts confusing the public on "climate" science because of the alleged funding he received from the Heartland Institute and the reporter ended up caving to these shills which is not surprising at all but I give my props to Mr. Watts for speaking out

on Day 258 ice area, the Antarctica is the highest for the date and 5th highest daily on record. The ice is more than at least one million square kilometers than the highest other value that is on record. It is interesting because excess ice has more impact on climate than when ice is missing as this occurs at lower latitudes where the sun is less in these words oblique. There is no sun at the North Pole but it certainly seems to be shining on the excess ice here is another link of course the eco-fascists will never tell you this because the fraud of man made climate change is a religion to them and they thrive on fear mongering and junk science. Eating GM corn and consuming Monsanto's Roundup in a new study has showing that rats developed tumors and had widespread organ damage. This study has been called the most thorough research done on the health effects of GM good crops and the herbicide Roundup and this has been spread throughout the web and even the corrupt mainstream media is in shock over the photos with rats that have these horrifying tumors(the article has pictures and I must warn you they are graphic so reader discretion is advised)  and this has even been reported in the UK newspapers such as the Daily Mail and the Grocer. The study even showed that not only did they suffer from tumors they had severe damage to their liver and kidney..The Study was a French one done lead by Gilles-Eric Seralini of the University of Caen and was published in the Food and Chemical Toxicology Journal and was presented at a news conference in London and the article has the findings of the study and quotes from the researchers and the Daily Mail is reporting that France's Jose Bove, who is the vice chairman of the European Union(EU)'s commission for agriculture and known to be a fierce opponent against GM called for the suspension of "all EU cultivation and import authorizations of GM crops"

Here are the quotes: "This research shows an extraordinary number of tumors developing earlier and more aggressively-particularly in female animals. I am shocked by the extreme negative health impacts"-Dr. Michael Antoniou, molecular biologist, Kings College London

"We can expect that the consumption of GM maize and the herbicide Roundup, impacts seriously on human health"-Dr. Antoniou again

"This is the first time that a long-term animal feeding trial has examined the impact of feeding GM corn or the herbicide Roundup, or a combination of both and the results are extremely serious. In the male rats, there was liver and kidney disorders, including tumors and even more worryingly, in the female rats, there were mammary tumors at a level which is extremely concerning; up to 80 percent of the female rats had mammary tumors by the end of the trial"-Patrick Holden, Director, Sustainable Food Trust

More evidence Neo-con network behind "Innocence of Muslims" video: there is a chart that was done by Justin Raimondo showing the linkages of people behind the anti-islam film(it is posted in the article) and by looking at this, We see the same old cast of neocon bastards who have worked to keep the anti-Muslim agenda alive front and center thus to feed the manufactured war on terror against the enemies of Israel among those in the chart are David Horowitz, Daniel Pipes and Aubrey Chernick. Chernick is not as well known amongst the 3 as he runs a software company out of Los Angeles called the National Center for Crisis and Continuity Coordination and was a former trustee of the Washington Institute for Near East policy(WINEP) according to this report done by reporter Kurt Nimmo, and is really a think tank for democratic neo-cons(Anthony Weiner, who was caught in that sexting scandal a while backed called them "The ZOA(Zionist Organization of America) wing of the Democratic Party) and WINEP is a project of AIPAC, who is an Israeli pressure group. Mr.Chernick's fortune funding is with the Anti-Defamation League and CAMERA(Committee for Accuracy in the Middle East Reporting in America) that counters anything that is negative towards Israel.

Pipes is well known Islamophobe who founded the Middle Eastern Forum, an organization that attacks academic people for criticizing Israel. They specialize in drawing attention to the so called "Islamic network" in the US and even wrote: "Quietly, lawfully and peacefully, Islamists do their work throughout the west to impose aspects of Islamic law, win special privileges for themselves, shut down criticism of Islam, create Muslim-only zones and deprive women and non-Muslims their full civil rights- He wrote this in 2008 despite the fact he supported many neocon organizations and functions including PNAC(Project for the New American Century) and was a scholar at WINEP

Now Horowitz is former radical Marxist and is part of the neo-con intelligence. has reported this scumbag has received funding from CIA operative Richard Mellon Scaife. His website the David Horowitz Freedom centre is affiliated with Jihad Watch, which is an anti-Muslim website run by an anti-Islam blogger and author by the name of Robert Spencer along with another Islamophobe Pamela Geller(who founded this organization called Stop Islamization of America) all play roles in what is being called the" Innocence of Muslims" operation and Horowitz has called Islam as a hateful religion and He along with Pipes donated to this Dutch anti-Muslim politician Geert Wilders

The more of this that comes out, It is becoming clear to me that this Innocence of Muslims video was devised by a group of people who fear Islam and hardcore supporters of Israel as an excuse to further tensions in the Middle East

here is a quote from Mr Nimmo that sums that point perfectly: "The necon Clash of Civilizations narrative requires an ultimate conflict between the West and Islam. We are now witnessing neocons in both establishment parties and Likudnik fanatics pushing religious and ethnic hatred and conflict to its zenith as the United States and Israel prepare for a coordinated attack on Iran that will undoubtedly result in a world war with cataclysmic proportion"