Late Monday, a federal judge in New York Raymond Lohier gave the Obama administration an "emergency" stay that temporarily blocks the ruling made by US district judge Kathering Forrest that blocked the NDAA. The Obama administration had the gall to call her ruling unconstitutional showing their true hypocrisy. The Justice Department said the ruling was "unprecedented" and even had the nerve to say that the executive has the right under the Constitution to detain anyone without due process of law which the 5th amendment mentions if you read the US constitution and Bill of Rights.
The feds argued that the NDAA didn't expand their authority beyond what had existed under the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military force according to the article.
"This pernicious law poses one of the greatest threats to civil liberties in our nation's history"-wrote Brian J Trautman. Under the AUMF"this law can be used by authorities to detain(forever) anyone the government considers a threat to national security and stability-potentially even demonstrators and protesters exercising their First Amendment rights"
Documents leaked by the DHS and fusion centers show different organizations and individuals as threats like Ron Paul supporters, returning vets and so called right wing extremists.
This no doubt will be used by the government as the economy continues to go down the toilet and violence continues to boil over in the Middle East. Iran was we know has said they will shut down oil production if the US and Israel attack which would be even more of a death knell for the economy.. Former governor Jesse Ventura was on Piers Morgan Tonight and absolutely lashed him and the audience with the tough questions and facts surrounding 9/11 and of course Morgan faltered like a patsy because he couldn't handle Ventura's intense questioning. They have video of this and a transcript and I will post the entire thing because it is too damn good not to post:
Morgan: "What would you have done on September 12th 2001? What would you have done if you'd have been president?"
Ventura:" I would have done a legitimate investigation to find out what exactly happened on 9/11/ How did they know who did this so quickly like they did Lee Harvey Oswald? How quick they know Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy"
Morgan: "We knew who did it because the people who did it were identified and we knew who they were"
Ventura: "Well then why couldn't we have stopped them before hand if they were identified and we knew who they were"
Morgan: "It was a failure of intelligence. Everyone's accepted that"
Ventura: "No it wasn't. We knew before hand with Condeleeza Rice's memo in August 6th when it stated right in the memo: "Bin Laden to steal planes and run them into buildings" And more stuff is coming out now also, how much the Bush administration ignored intelligence. It was almost like they ignored it because they wanted it to happen"
"Oh come off it Jesse"-as Morgan stammered like a crazy fool as the audience was applauding"
"Every war starts with a false flag operation"-Ventura finished up to scattered applause.
When Ventura pointed out how the BBC blunder of predicting the collapse of WTC building 7 30 minutes prior to it collapsing, Morgan had the gall to defend the BBC by saying this appalling quote: "If you're trying to make out the British Broadcasting Company, one of the most respected news organizations in the world, was inventing huge buildings falling over you need to have a break Jesse" This is laughable at best, hell all you have to do is type into youtube and you will see them predicting it I think Morgan was playing on the public's ignorance and Morgan even accused Ventura of making crackpot points and Ventura asked the audience if he was making these crackpot points only one person agreed then he asked them if he was making sensible points and the entire audience erupted in applause..
The attack on Camp Bastion which led to the deaths of 2 US Marines is being reported as a botched attempt to kidnap Prince Harry during his 4 month tour of duty. He is an army captain and was being stationed at Camp Bastion as part of his second tour of duty.
The plan was called "Harry Operations" which was carried out by the CIA created and backed Taliban, who sent in insurgents to a base in Afghanistan. One of the Taliban spokesperson confirmed they attacked it because Prince Harry was there and "they know our anger" and noted that over a thousand more suicide attackers were more than willing to give up their lives...
Of course the British Media was all to ready to send out propaganda that Prince Harry had his pistol in hand and was ready to take them on when he was "whisked to safety by SAS bodyguards as the Taliban launched its deadly attack on Camp Bastion"
The Taliban already had destroyed 3 refuelling stations, 6 American Harrier Jets and 6 aircraft hangers before being stopped. They even dressed in clothing that could pass for a civilian which I guess fooled security, the Taliban than gathered weapons and uniforms with AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades to get into the base..
The British Ministry of Defence is blaming that fraudulent anti-islam video which I explained the other day was done by the Neocons was the root of the violence. The corrupt mainstream media is saying that the FBI informant Sam Bacile and the hundred other names this guy is going buy was taken in for questioning. It has been reported that in 2009 prior to being in jail for bank fraud, He was an FBI informant before being used as a patsy for the video Innocence of Muslims that the US government is lying through their teeth by saying they had nothing to do with it in order to cover their ass and produce a psy-op that will convince the general public that Islam and al-Qaeda are real terrorists, the FBI is holding Nakoula(AKA Bacile) in for questioning.
At first the Zionist controlled Israeli government tried to convince the world that Nakoula was not a citizen of Israel and that there was no record of him in California according to their intelligence..
Now of course the narrative is changing and this Nakoula is a real person being used as a patsy to be demonized by the US government to hide their so called official version of what is really going on as they create their fake revolution in the Islamic world with the aid of their fake creation Al-Qaeda terrorist group, Nakoula is merely playing his role in the web of lies they continue to create
Even Congressman Dana Rohrabacher in the following quote: "the Taliban is a "construct of the CIA and was armed by the CIA" and he went on to say how the CIA-backed Taliban was used to serve US interests against the Russians in Afghanistan and continue to be used now even up to the current administration and the article mentions how in creating these fake terror groups being used in US proxy wars they wanted to fight, 3 billion dollars was put into creating these fake revolutions like the Taliban
"AS the CIA funded and trained the Taliban for false flag operations wherein they would be used to attack key locations and cause havoc in pre-determined regions around the world, the ideology and perception of Islam as a radical religion began to take root"
The article goes on to explain how Prince Harry was caught in August over nude photos in Las Vegas which the corrupt mainstream media was all over and Palace officials actually downplayed it by saying he was on holidays and was about to return to active duty in the military but I remember back in 2002 when he was accused of under-age drinking and smoking weed as he was 16 at the time and his father Prince Charles had him committed to a rehab centre and in 2005 was photographed wearing a Nazi uniform which was all over the British tabloid rags
and of course Ms Posel ends her excellent report with another interesting question: "Why would the US government use one of their fake terrorist factions to attack a base in Afghanistan and specifically target Prince Harry who is stationed there? Are their plans for a false flag involving Prince Harry and the CIA controlled Islamic extremist group to further the global Elite's forward march toward WWIII?" yes the mainstream Conservatives really nailed NDP leader Thomas Mulclair who had a plan to impose fake carbon taxes on us the Canadian people indeed Mulclair actually proposed the scam that is cap and trade even the late Jack Layton wanted this system and our globalist puppet Prime Minister Steven Harper at one point advocated for this years ago before changing his mind... I am actually grateful this didn't work out but however they want to shove this down the throats of the Ontario people as I reported not that long ago as the reason the corrupt Mcguinty Liberals wanted a majority government(you can google this and you will find the Ottawa metro news article about this) but as I always say just because something is dead now does not mean it won't return later..
and MORE BS from Mcguinty and his excuse for why the details of the gas plant move have not been The now defunct gas plant move in Mississauga at 190 million dollars of our tax money is looking like change when the Oakville plant retraction could be even 10 times that
SO when Speaker of the House demanded Bentley come up with the figures from the cancellation of the Oakville plant by September 24th, Mcguinty jumped in to explain or attempt to make an about face on this issue with an explanation so incredibly appalling and disgusting with the following excuse: "Releasing the documents before then could compromise the negotiations and jeopardize taxpayers' interests by augmenting their costs" ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? our tax dollars were already at risk the day he signed that deal with Trans Canada!!! thanks a lot sheeple for voting this criminal scumbag back in to power... next elections both federally and provincially I am done with voting for the liberals, conservatives, greens and NDP and am going independent even if I have to vote for the Marijuana party, I will at least feel better knowing I didn't for the criminal gangs who are running both governments..