Thursday, September 20, 2012

Eco-Fascists continue Agenda 21 push for megacities to replace growing cities and rural areas, France Launches investigation following GMO tumor study The globalist takeover through Agenda 21 which includes demonizing population growth and our cities around the world because god forbid we are allowed to have a choice as to where we reside and creating heretics out of those who are fighting against eminent domain. The UN population fund has been calling for population reduction by using family planning which is really just code for population control to decrease fertility rates and there is a new study that if we continue to urbanize, biodiversity will fall and the so called man made climate change effects will increase.. The globalist backed scientists have suggested we would be better off living in densely populated areas because in their own words: "We certainly don't want them strolling about the entire countryside. We want them to save land for nature by living closely together" Urban areas are expected to expand to 1.2 square kilometers by 2030. American cities in places like Virginia, Ohio and Florida and many are investing in "controlled enviroments" ie mega-cities which cars will be banned forcing the public to use high speed transit like I reported yesterday, control over food distribution, energy usage and water allocation will be overseen by various government agencies. Efforts by pro-Agenda 21 fascists are literally transforming towns all over the place into eco-communities that are UN mandated against CO2 production, a life giving gas a pollutant has to be one of the greatest pieces of nonsense in the history of the world,  to curb our freedoms and destroy human innovation.

Karen Seto, of globalist backed Yale who is a professor of urban environment who is a known opposer of urbanization and the migration of people because the eco-systems of the Earth are going to hell basically. Seto and like the rest of the population control freaks has said that unless we curb human population and urbanization is stopped by 2030, there will be an increase of 3-5% of global land use to house people and this is unacceptable because of the "huge impact on biodiversity and on carbon emissions in those urban areas"

Again like reported in July and yesterday with the article I posted about the UN highjacking of our education system, globalist operative New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg approved construction of 275 to 300 ft. "micro-apartments" in Kips Bay to coerce New Yorkers into accepting living in tight spaces to convert to the globalist style..

The eco-devastation comes because of lack of city planning and make shift cities that have poor planning in regards to lack of sewage services, waste management and of course water services and the fact humans are being compared to an invasive species that must be eradicated-genocide disturbing nature and destroying the planet in the process.

The move to push people into cities not only in the US and Canada but around the world is being used as an excuse by the corrupt mainstream media as an answer to reducing human impact on the environment. The elimination of rural and suburban areas will only make cities even more crazy given the influx of people but again this is what they want and there has been a boom in the US for high speed rail systems which will be used once these mega-cities are up and running which according to America 2050 will run from the west and east coasts of America which will create Cascadia which will merge Seattle Washington, Portland and Vancouver, BC with these trains to ensure that species are protected in the designated areas that are outlined.

in 2010, some experts were "asserting the greater importance of urban populations against those rural areas as it has been the plan of the global Elite to reduce rural resources including people and communities in lieu of promoting clean water, food, forest areas. Keeping rural areas impoverished and forcing people to move into urban centres has created the need for sustainable urbanization" according to the these marxist-control freak eco-fascists.

Even Yale came out with that in the US over 78 percent of the population lives in urban or suburban areas and urban land cover was expected to double by 2030 with infrastructure investments and the rate of urbanization rates is "unsustainable" which is More garbage to con the public into believing the hoax that is man made climate change is now residing in this new piece of nonsense created by these psychopathic eco-terrorists: telecoupling. This was invented by a guy named Jack Lin, who is a director at the Human/Nature Lab/Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability at the Michigan State University. He has described this has the distances between humans and natural systems regarding globalization. As cities grow, deforestation follows and the draw on natural resources increases and basically devastates the planet here is an excerpt: "Deforestation, pollution and industry in developing nations are the main perpetrator of telecoupling." according to this piece of trash scumbag who said that : "There are new and faster ways of connecting the whole planet- from big events like earthquakes and floods to tourism, trade, migration, pollution, climate change, flows of information and financial capital and invasion of animal and plant species" basically folks this is PROPAGANDA 101 of the believers in the hoax that is man made climate change who decry preservation of the natural world to the detriment of human sustainability.

She mentions that in "Canada(where we too have been highjacked by the foreign banks and the UN) that the UN biodiversity agenda defines environmental laws. For the sake of eco-preservation, human movement is being severely restricted. Two years ago, the UN's International Year of Biodiversity saw the implementation of environmental governance mirroring the UN's agendas in Canada in the name of wildlife protection and foreseeable risks to biodiversity from the human population in Canada"

This is truly disgusting and I am outraged how our government has sold us out to the foreign banks and the United Nations through Agenda 21 which has nothing to do with the environment at all but really about abolishing our private property rights and genocide under the guise of saving the earth from a life giving natural gas CO2. Following yesterday's bombshell study linking consumption of Monsanto's Roundup containing GMO crops to tumors and organ damage, the French government is now calling for an investigation by the health agency. Seeking to analyze the information and potentially calling on other European authorities to protect human health and abandon using GMO crops, the French Agricultural Minister and others are now sounding the alarm bells. The Study yesterday was one of the first to examine the long-term effects of eating these GMO crops in rats and was even called the most thorough research published looking into the health affects. Given the fact France maintained their ban of Monsanto's GMO MON810 maize crop despite pressure politically, they really have been at the frontlines fighting Monsanto and have not caved like other countries to their scare tactics or some even just allow Monsanto to continue their genetic crusade..