Saturday, September 29, 2012

Exclusive: CNN Exposed! Caught Producing "State Sponsored News" in Bahrain

 Alex Jones interviews former CNN Reporter turned whistleblower Amber Lyon who has exposed CNN for the corrupt news network that it is and the censorship that goes in not just on CNN but all the rest of corrupt mainstream media what happened is She went to Bahrain where the US government has given them funding and saw absolute horrific human rights abuses going on and did a documentary but the government of Bahrain paid off CNN not to air and it only aired once but not to CNN international as she explains in this video. Amber Lyon, you are one hell of a courageous woman for coming out and exposing the corrupt mainstream media for the fraud that it is we need more people like you in this world..

Friday, September 28, 2012

US government legalizes sterilization for kids without parental consent A new propaganda study promoting population control that is currently being used by the global elites saying that castrating men will cause them to live longer. Dr. Cheol-Koo Lee, who was a member of the research team for the study and a professor at Korea University saying that pre-pubescent castration prevents boys for example from their natural biological shift to men and Lee goes on to say: "The records said that eunuchs had some women-like appearances such has no moustache hair, large breasts, big hips and thing high-pitched voice"

The Royals used to do this to young boys and use them as servants and it appears this is making a comeback. According to the article research into "families" of men who were castrated in the ancient world produced life spans to 81 years in 1556 and 1861. The Royals(who were not subject to this awful practice) only lived to 45 years of age. It is believed that the male sex hormone reduces the lifespan of the human male

so Castrate the man, he lives longer..

Dr. David Clancy who is a professor of the University of Lancaster explains the results are pointed to give castration to be in a favorable light and so by getting rid of testosterone from a man's biological make up will have impact but of course the results would be horrific

Back in July globalist operative Hilary Clinton(US Secretary of State) even had the nerve to to suggest  at the International AIDS Conference that under the guise of controlling the spread of AIDS in 3rd world nations, men in those nations should be circumised-another form of male castration.

As part of the global eugenics program, forced male circumision has been going on in Africa under the guise of women's rights as Ms. Posel points out and the UN's International Criminal Court has presided over these allegations and classifies their forced circumisition as part of "humane efforts" to stop their behavior.

The article reveals how these procedures are done under mob rule with a complete utter disregard for human rights and suffering and coupled with kitchen knives, unsanitary conditions and lack of medical care afterwards, a lot of these men do not live

and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation even funded a program that is marked as a sterilization program that uses ultrasound blasts to a man's external genitalia  to render him infertile for 6 months.

Oregon up until the 1980's subjected their citizens to forced sterilization through a eugenics program so and Castration was used as an excuse to punish petty criminals and most of the documents showing this were to be shredded according to John Murphy who is the president of a non-profit called Portland Habitation Center.

So the pseudo-science of Eugenics to justify these ideals that emerged from Europe to the US and eventually Nazi Germany and was not recognized as a crime against humanity so those who were subject to this butchery in Oregon were kids, poor people, those who were thought to have low IQs, homosexual people, couples who were having non-marital relations and etc.. and the University of Oregon was involved in 10,000 so called volunteers and a recorded 45,000 who were considered 'feeble minded" were subject to being forced sterilized.

Florida, 15 years ago had passed a law legalizing castration for those convicted of sexual battery and these injections were to be given out weekly with pharmaceutical drugs approved by a court appointed so called expert and be given this over their sentence.

The drug was approved by the FDA and I know of one of them and it is called Lupron because if you read my autism blog Autism 24, they have subjected autistics to this horrific act

and now cutting to the chase the US Department of Health and Human Services mandated in January of this year that minor children be given access to contraceptives and health care coverage for sterilization without parental consent..

Truly disgusting if you ask me.. I am amazed and appalled...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

US government and private sector invest in Agenda 21 light rail systems, Antarctic Ice breaks more records and some more climate news In Portland, Oregon, there was a vote on the construction of a light rail system that would run across the state and they are going to use federal money to continue to build this light rail system. They got a loan from the Bank of America by the county commissioners for at least $19.3 million dollars to cover the $1.5 billion dollar project. In Ballard, Washington State, there was a $6 million dollar study that is going to be carried out at the taxpayer's expense(of course) to see how receptive residents of the State of Washington will be towards having a light rail system built that would connect certain Seattle neighborhoods for example the University District, Northgate and Roosevelt.

Detroit, Michigan will also see privately funded light rail systems start construction as the US Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood concluded his visit to the city of Detroit with his group of private investors. They are called M-1 Rail, and this is being "sustained by contributors such as the Kresge Foundation, Quicken, Compuware, the Penske Corp, Wayne State University, Detroit Medical Center and Henry Ford Health System" as well as federal funding and any tax credits that go to the state. Mr. LaHood is pushing this idea of a transportation system to connect regions and a starting point for regional concepts to get rid of independent states into the psychology of the general public.

There was a report done by Thomas A. Garret, who is a senior economist for the criminal private Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Missouri and described the need for a light rail system throughout the US as a "sound economic development" and he explains that the idea of having a light rail system "can promote economic development with the co-operation of city officials and private developers is known as transit-oriented development(TOD). Although TOD is one goal of any public transportation system, officials see light rail as a particularly amenable tool for spurring economic development"

So under the false guise of creating jobs, citizens wanting to use public transit over cars, mitigating air pollution and reducing the amount of traffic on roadways are really just excuses to brainwash the public to support the idea of light rail systems in their communities. Truth is, these types of projects are expensive and create what Ms. Posel calls "solvency of citizens and state governments to the construction and operating costs of light-rail systems." She also points out how Sacramento, California is spending $18 million and Portland, Oregon is spending $24 million dollars. Passenger revenue will not make any feasible profits in return. So one wonders why all of a sudden the push for light rail systems.

Well this high speed rail is really a brainchild of America 2050, which is an NGO(non-government organization) that supports Agenda 21 policies in the US. The latest of these plans being carried out by the global elite psychos is called "rebuilding and Renewing America" which is really an excuse to force high speed rail instead of using that money to fix roads, bridges and any other infrastructure.

America 2050 is trying to push the federal government to adopt what is called the National Infrastructure Investment Plan which defines how these light rail systems will dominate the American landscape and compete with the global transition to from carbon based energy to a low carbon technocratic rule by these damn bureaucracies. To the elite, this is important to reform ineffective federal transportation, energy and the rest of it to reflect their agenda. By forming mega-regions, these light rail systems will connect these areas and using a federal investment plan has to be in place to "prioritize the future 11 mega-regions that are being planned right now"

We are seeing that there is an ever growing response to this idea of turning cities into mega-cities while kicking rural residents off their property into suburban areas which will grow into the mega-cities.

You recall Karen Seto, who is the professor of urban environment at globalist-controlled Yale University, has railed against urbanization and the migration of people as "eco-systems of the earth are devastated"so for her as long as human population is reduced(which is a stated goal of these psychopathic elite and the eco-fascists who follow them) and urbanization is rolled back, by 2030 there will be a 3-5 percent increase in global land use to house people. And this is bad because of the so called impact on biodiversity and the emissions of a LIFE GIVING NATURAL GAS CO2!!!

The globalists are promoting Transportation of America so they can force the US congress to do their bidding into creating a transportation bill that will reflect all of this. TFA has been complaining about the state out of bridges and roads for examples while demanding these rail systems to replace relics. They use elderly people as a comparison for them having to wait for a bus in a degrading disgusting way to travel when having a high speed rail would make a difference..

Under the guise of saving the earth from plant food, cities will be turned into mega-cities with environmentally friendly layouts where commercial and residential centers are mingled together.. Sea ice around the Antarctic has grown to more than 1400 cities of Manhattan overnight and set another daily record. According to this, it was the 3rd highest area to be recorded at either pole and is only 300 Manhattans away from breaking the all time record for any day of the year. Of course eco-fascists like Seth Borenstein got all hysterical when 2 manhattans of ice went adrift(which is normal) New paper published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics found that a solar proton event if it took place in the near future with intensity that was similar to the Carrington Event of 1859, would have an impact on the atmospheric composition in the middle of the atmosphere resulting in global cooling of more than 3 degrees celsius.. interesting stuff there in a lecture, Dr. Murry Salby who is professor and Climate Chair of Macquarie University, Australia debunks the myth that CO2 drives temperatures and proves that it is the compete opposite showing that natural changes in temperature control CO2 and that man's output of CO2 has nothing to do with at all and debunks the myth that greenhouse gases control ocean temperatures showing that the heat capacity of the oceans mean that a tiny cooling of the ocean of <0.0005C could cause <less than 1C of atmospheric warming observed prior to the Industrial Revolution...

and one more: WE have all heard the myth that the Earth is running out of oil or that the US and the rest of the industrial nations are "addicted" to its use. Both, according to Alan Caruba, are dead wrong because as you will find out that The Earth actually produces its one oil deep into the mantle and has nothing to do with dead dinosaurs and shows no sign of stopping that natural process and we all know how this cheap energy enriched our lives not only with fuel but other applications like plastic//

In a new book that was written by Dr. Jerome Corsi which is called the Great Oil Conspiracy, he tells the story of how the Nazi regimes development of synthetic oil after German Scientists had "cracked the code God built into the heart of chemistry to form hydrocarbons in the first place." This is known as the "Fischer-Tropsch" process and allowed the Nazis to pursue war despite the fact Germany had no oil fields to speak of and the term fossil fuels, as the article points out, was created by the anti-energy lunatics and earlier theorists to make people believe that oil came from dead dinosaurs and vegetation that was decaying. Oil is "abiotic" which means it is a natural product of the Earth and is manufactured below at deep levels where there is no dead animals or vegetation..

So by Eliminating the myth that the Earth is running out of oil eliminates the need to experiment with expensive alternatives such as biofuels, wind and solar because they are ineffective and useless.

Given all of this, why the hell are our gas prices here in Canada and the US so damn high??? well when the Obama adminstration took over, gas in the US has risen from $1.84 a gallon to $3.80 a gallon, which is an 105% increase. The American Energy Alliance actually did a comparison of costs between 2009 and 2012, and found that people are paying more for energy. The average monthly electricity bill in the US has increased at least 6% and annually have increased at 31%!!! and The Department of Energy has increased the rules and regulations which have cost American taxpayers over $100 million dollars each, 141% increase and the EPA(Environmental Protection Agency) increases of such regulations at 40% and the Department of Interior at 13%

all of this in total has risen from $1,172 trillion in 2009 to over $1,752 trillion!!! if you really wanted to bankrupt the energy sector and its consumers, this is how you do it.

As for Canada, well I have mentioned this before but it is worth repeating. When Mcguinty and his criminal scumbags got into power here in Ontario, they shoved the HST down our throats and put it on our hydro bills so the bills have gone up and thanks to the green energy scam, our electric bills have skyrocketed 46% every year. And like the Obama Administration, the Ontario government has openly bragged about how they have shut down 11 of our 19 coal plants and further more with the demonization of the oil sands and natural gas by the Eco-Fascists in both countries and wasting our MONEY on useless wind and solar power and biofuels, it is really no wonder why the cost of living has gone up and is being done by design if you recall the Maurice Strong quote in an interview once said that the only way to save the planet is to get rid of industrialized nations and well it is already happening and unless we stop them, the Elite will continue their sick anti-human agenda by forming their tyrannical world government and once in place, the extermination of 90% of us will be carried out under the hoax of man made climate change.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Geo-Engineering and New World Order being pushed on the sleeping sheeple, NeoCon at Globalist think tank: Use False Flag to start war with Iran Steve Watson of has an article out today showing photos of 2 magazines The New Scientist and Top Gear with the headlines Geo-Engineering and New World Order which I highly doubt the editors of Top Gear conspired to have their magazine next to The New Scientist but it shows how these concepts have been pushed onto the sleeping culture and he has a link the New Scientist article about geo-engineering but you have to be a registered user but basically they go to great lengths to sell ideas about blocking out the sunlight in order to save the world from the hoax that is man made global warming/man made climate change and the article basically admits the mass spraying of the atmosphere with sulphur particles and he has excerpts posted in his report

He reports that an experiment funded by none other than Bill Gates will see the spraying of toxins like barium, sulphur and aluminum(Chemtrails) over New Mexcio despite the fact staunch environmentalists have warned this could have harmful effects on the eco-systems of Earth and not to mention the health effects on humans Patrick Clawson, who is the member of the globalist-controlled think tank and neo-con inspired Washington Institute for Near East Studies(WINES) recently gave a speech about using a false flag attack as an excuse for launching a war with Iran. He remarked that Obama was having a hard time getting the US involved and advocating "conventional means(ie using a false flag to provoke a military strike) and here is a quote from Clawson:"If in fact Iran is not going to compromise, then it would be best if someone else started the war.. One can combine means of pressure with sanctions. We could step up the pressure. I mean, look people-Iranian submarines go down all the time. What if one of them did not come back up? Who would know why?" here a few highlights of the article:

"WINES was founded by Martin Indyk, an academic and deputy researcher for the Zionist lobby the American Israel Public Affairs Committee(AIPAC). Through AIPAC, the US government supplies Israel with: Defense Intelligence and Military Security, Counterterrorism, Technologies that facilitate defense and military equipment, Science and agricultural products"

"WINES attempt to coerce the US congress into following their "recommendations"with conferences, the Military Fellows Program(which has ties to the Council on Foreign Relations and the RAND corporation), The Center for the Study of Presidency and Congress, and secret meetings; as well as a multitude of publications and reports. WINES instill Zionist propaganda and demonize Arabs and Muslims. However, they are hand in hand with one of the largest Zionist-controlled and pro-Israeli lobby in the US"

The article goes on to explain how the Neocon network consists of Zionists and sympathizers that "dictate and coerce US foreign policy to reflect the agendas of the Zionist regime"

Despite the fact that Iran has no nuclear weapons and has repeatedly stated they are using nuclear to develop power, The corrupt mainstream media, globalist puppets like Netanyahu and the Zionist regime continue to make up lies that Iran has nuclear weapons for example according to the article in 1992 Netyanhu predicted that Iran was "3-5 years" from developing a nuke, in 1992 Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres predicted Iran would have a nuclear warhead by 1999 to French TV, The New York Times back in 1995 made other claims that the US and Israel would claim that Iran would have their bomb by 2000 and in 1998, when he spoke before congress, Donald Rumsfeld proclaimed that Iran could have an "intercontinental ballistic missile that could hit the US by 2003"

IN reality between 1985-2002, Israel's Ministry of Defence used and set up shell corporations in order to "smuggle nuclear triggers from the US. One of the operatives, Richard Kelly Smith, met with Netanyahu who worked for one of the shell corporations called Heli Trading Company and was an integral part of the smuggling ring"and the 1950's Ms. Posel mentions, the US had helped Iranian nuclear endeavours as part of the Atoms for Peace Program that united US and European goverments to contribute to Iran's nuclear program up until the state-sponsored removal of the Shah in Iran and Ayatollah Khomeni was installed because he was "US friendly" and he got rid of the nuclear program citing it conflicted with the Qu'ran.

Still the corrupt mainstream media keeps maintaing the lie that Iran has a nuclear weapon but will strike US bases if they are attacked by the Israelis even though like I mentioned above Iran is developing nuclear power for their nation but Iranian's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is not taken the Zionist regimes threats seriously and if they had to they are more than capable of defending themselves against an attack from Israel and their forces and he says Iran views the Zionists as no more than "dead end" and are desperate for more power and to gain ground..

Monday, September 24, 2012

Ontario's Minister of Energy could face jail time if found guilty on contempt charges, Solyndra 2.0 Obama adminstration to give even more money to the solar energy company and globalist operative Al Gore is at it again Chris Bentley has been ordered to hand over the documents regarding the cancellation of the Oakville gas plant in order to secure a seat for their election in 2 years. If he does not do this by handing over the 10,000 page documents and more then he will be charged with contempt of Parliament tomorrow.. I know exactly how this Mcguinty and his band of criminals are going to spin this: They will be released but some will be "redacted" with an excuse of "security" of Ontario so the comments will be blacked out and covered-up then they will drag their sorry criminal asses and the excuses will continue to pile up hoping the Liberals will never get to court on this issue but I do know one thing it will be US THE TAXPAYERS of Ontario that will be on the hook for funding legal teams fighting over our money Solopower, which is new solar company start up, is eligible for $197 million dollars in federal loans under the same goverment that wasted $535 billion dollars of taxpayer money into failed solar energy company Solyndra. The Department of Energy has at committed at least $35 billion dollars to support "clean energy technologies", $197 million of this would go to the company which is based out of Silicon Valley in California. Solopower has already gotten over $56.5 million dollars in loans, tax credits and incentives from the state of Oregon, where their factory is based. The Portland factory is opening this thursday who are marketing these lightweight solar panels which they claim are ideal for structures that cannot support traditional panels. Over half the buildings cannot support heavier models so hence the new lightweight ones and the heavier ones which most companies have made are in competition with China. They say the company will employ 400 people and right now have 60 employees. This reeks of another Solyndra, where the Obama adminstration is going to  waste even more  American Tax payer dollars on so called green energy incentives that have been proven not to work all under the guise of saving the earth from a life giving gas.. as the old saying goes Insanity is when you try something over and over expecting a different a result.. When the hell with this man quit?? He is still hell bent on selling the world on the total complete fraud that is man made climate change as his advocacy group the Climate Reality Project(which should be renamed the climate brainwashing project) is launching yet another 24 propaganda piece of shit called "24 hours of reality" which is expected to occur on November 14-15 and is being called "the Dirty Weather Report". This man had 35 significant errors in his movie and we have had 2 climategates where so called climatologists cooked the books in order to get more money and con the public and over 1000's of scientists sign petitions rejecting man made climate change as a scientific fraud and rejecting the greatest hoax of all that CO2, a life giving gas, is this deadly gas that is gonna kill us unless we pay this dirtbag and the rest of the global elite money to fund their world genocidal government oh but its for the earth(note sarcasm there). Folks, this was never about the environment as I have said many times, this is about control and genocide of 90% of the population of the world because we have a bunch of psychopathic elite like Gore who are anti-human, anti-freedom, anti-capitalism and view humans as cattle that need to be herded and it is because of this through Agenda 21, they will kick you off your property and put you into prison like megacities in apartments that are probably the size of my closet all under the guise of saving the planet.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Houston PD kill Wheelchair bound Schizophrenic who was a double amputee "armed" with a pen, Czech President warns that the end of democracy is near I guess the pen was no match for the cops and the Houston PD made it clear they don't serve the people but their goddamn new world order masters when they attacked a man who was mentally ill from Schizophrenia and was in a wheelchair because he was a double amputee who apparently was threatening the cops with a pen(they have a video of this courtesy of CNN) according the the Associated Press, the man who's name has yet to be released,  the guy used his chair to corner "the officer inside a group home after officers were called to check on a disturbance" one of the spokespeople Jodi Silva, said that they couldn't identify what the shiny metal object was that the guy was waving around. It turns out it was a pen and the when he refused to comply with the police when they asked him to put the pen down, the cops opened fire without thinking twice about reaching for a taser instead of their gun..

The owner of the group mentioned his history of mental illness and the man recounted stories of how he lost his arm and leg in the past. The man developed what is called an embitterment issue, or "Ahab Syndrome"-which is feelings of anger over the unjust loss of his limbs just like the fictional whaling ship in Melville's classic- may have been under the influence of anti-psychotic medication which we know have side effects such has dysphoria or even severe depression..

Regardless of that, I guess the one-armed one legged guy was too much for the cops who say he came within inches of threatening their lives..

It has been well documented by of the police brutality of late, if you recall last year a mentally handicapped teen was pepper-sprayed and beaten when a cop mistook his speech impediment as "disrespectful" and the shooting of this man also illustrates the hot-headed, thoughtless psychotic hero mentality being employed by police officers on adrenaline and problem that has increased and has become acceptable in our society today(for example you could find videos on youtube of police brutality) and also in 2010, Seattle police were filmed beating a mentally challenged teenager because he was jaywalking...

Now this is the new breed of cops we get to look forward too as the article points out with the shoot first and ask questions later mentality in their haste to eliminate threats, is too much to ask that cops think twice about the potential risks of a decision before acting on it??? the officer involved has been placed on administrative leave while an investigation is pending article appeared in Zero Hedge) IF you though the bloodbath between Germany and the rest of the Eurozone, which is out of money and has been confirmed to be supporting Obama, complete collapse of the Greek neo-vassal state of the global elite's agenda, not withstanding, had gone away, It hasn't.

Former ECB economist Juergen Stark in an interview with Austrian Die Pieste said the following: "
The break came in 2010. Until then everything went well..." Then the ECB began to take on a new role, to fall into panic... Together with the other central banks, the ECB is flooding the market, posing the question about how the ECB will get its money back, but also how the excess liquidity created can be absorbed globally.It can't be solved by pressing a button. If the global economy stabilizes, the potential for inflation has grown enormously... it gave in to outside pressure... pressure from outside Europe" My I wonder what bank he is referring to that is located at 200 West, NY,NY.. very interesting read about how the globalists have taking over europe and Vaclav Klaus warning of democracy ending is also must read because this man nows communism because he was born in Nazi-Occupied Prague and was instrumental in 1989 for the Velvet Revolution that overthrew communism in the Czech Republic  given the fascist takeover we have seen world wide under the guise of "socialism"

Saturday, September 22, 2012

How Attorney General of Ontario John Gerretson letter of intent to the corrupt United Nations is an excuse for governance and more Yes John Gerretson's (when he was Minister of the Environment)letter of intent to the wonderful sick United Nations where he has basically committed Ontario citizens as non sovereign vision of the United Nations which is unelected nor a democratically run as we all know, The meat and potatoes of what the big green lie is calling "Ontario's Green Sell-Out" or the Green Energy Act Bill 150 which passed in May of 2009(prior to Climategate 1) in the United Nations Development Programme or UNDP wrote  a glowing piece about Ontario's "green" energy FIT program(really a scam) has been so successful in creating 20,000 jobs(which is bullshit) and is gonna create 50,000 more jobs(another bogus lie) Now it gets interesting Why is Canada or Ontario not mentioned after treasonous scumbag Gerretson signed us over to these globalist operatives perhaps because they don't want us Ontarians to link our corrupt provincial government being involved in the global conspiracy to de-industralize the West and wealth transfer from Industrial Nations under the guise of helping the poor, which is another lie because the money is not going to the poor no that money is going to the PRIVATE FOREIGN BANKING CARTEL and the GLOBAL ELITE to line their pockets to fund their disgusting world tyrannical fascist government and here is another article from the Big Green Lie showing Gerretsen's Letter of Intent( ) After reading it myself I think it is pretty damn clear: This is TREASON!!!

I am so damn tired of the vicious crooks of this province selling us out to the evil United Nations under the guise of saving the earth from a life giving gas.. It is time we wake up and kick these bastards out and throw them in jail for their crimes.

Children Baptized into Earth First Death Cult Reporter Rob Dew breaks down how the gaia worshipping death cult has brainwashed our kids into believing they are trash and exposes the myth of overpopulation has a cover for eugenics because we know that the global elite want to kill 90% of us but the truth is More people is a good thing as he explains and shows how human innovation has been able to conquer any challenges we have had but to these lunatics they don't care about human innovation, freedom, love, diversity all these scumbags care about is controlling resources and our lives under the guise of saving the earth from evil carbon dioxide, which helps plants grow when we have real  environmental problems like Monsanto's GMO corn causing tumors, Bayer using sprays to kill bees, the 5 billion dollar a year chemtrail program that the US government and people like Bill Gates are using to geo-engineer the planet to stop so called man made global warming, toxic waste dumping in the oceans, smog that we could be dealing with but no we have to save the world from a life giving gas which if you impose cap and trade or carbon taxes you will allow genocide of over billions of people especially in the 3rd world so it is important to expose these fake environmental fascists for  the eugenicist malthusian pieces of psychopathic trash that they are and to make them pay for their crimes against humanity

Friday, September 21, 2012

Monsanto propagandists try to spin french GMO study, Monsanto and other pesticide companies spend over 19 million dollars to kill Prop 37, Dr. John Christy on the life-saving aspects of cheap energy The french study that was released this week that showed rats who were fed Monsanto's genetically modified corn suffered from cancer and early death has been met with a response from the defenders of the GMO who are trying to discredit the findings. The study had found that over 50% of male rats and 70% of female rats were fed a diet of NK603-which is GM corn produced by Monsanto- or those exposed to Monsanto's Roundup herbicide suffered from tumors and organ damage causing them to die early. The study was produced by the french scientists at the  University of Caen and was published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology.

Soon after these findings were made public at a news conference in London, numerous scientists rushed to try and defend Monsanto claiming the study was not accurate.

"The strain of rat is very prone to mammary tumors particularly when food intake is not restricted"-said Tom Sanders, who is the head of the nutritional sciences research division at Kings College London. "The statistical methods are unconvential... and it would appear the authors have gone on a statistical fishing trip" However the stats speak for themselves, given only 30 percent of males and 20 percent of females in the control group of rats that were not exposed to Monsanto's products died early- meaning basically that 30% of the male rats were more likely to die from eating Monsanto's corn and females over a shocking 50% more likely to kick the bucket. So Sanders attempt to show the breed of rat being more prone to tumors is treating this study like it was not done with a control group of rats, which is completely bogus. David Spieglhalter of the University of Cambridge attempted to do the same thing by suggesting that the study's untreated control arm only comprised of 10 rats of each gender, most of whom ended up with the tumors again this is another bogus claim and ignores the fact that the rats, whether they got the tumors or they didn't, they were more likely to die early if they were exposed to Monsanto's GM corn and the rest of their products. The STATS don't lie people.

Monsanto keeps pointing to studies that claim that GMO food is safe and did again after this French study came out showing the complete opposite. However those studies were only 90 day trials and unlike the Caen study which tracked the rats throughout their lifespan. It was only after 4 months that these tumors and organ damage suffered by the rats became present.

Monsanto is already in the shit with the European markets as their reputation begins to crumble like crackers which is why these so called experts from these Universities-who have gotten their money from Monsanto- that  have been dragged out in order to discredit and debunk these findings and as the next story I am going to post regarding how Monsanto and other companies have spent 19 million dollars to shoot down prop 37 in California that would require labelling of GM foods.

So with that in mind, Why are they so hell bent on stopping this if they say that GM food is safe?? Well given all I have seen regarding this, it is clear to me they don't want people to know what is in there food because it would mean less money for them

And now matter how the establishment tries to cover up the fact that GMO food is a real threat- the proof has already been released The latest campaign finance records released by California's Secretary of State has revealed that the most sick, disgusting psychopathic corporation(see above) in the entire planet, Monsanto has forked over another $2.89 million to kill Prop 37, a bill that would have historical impact that would require for the first time that GM food be labelled at the retail level in California. Combine this with the other $4.2 million dollars, Monsanto has officially spent $7.1 million dollars to stop consumers from really knowing what is in the food they are buying. Along with Monsanto, other contributions have come from the other 5 of the "Big Six" as they are called, pesticide firms- Dupont, Bayer, Dow, BASF and Syngenta- together have given $2.6 million dollars to the No on 37 campaign. The article reports that to date the Big Six have given nearly $20 million dollars to keep Californians in the dark about GM  food.

Gary Ruskin, who is a campaign manager for the Yes on 37 campaign said "Monsanto wants to buy this election so they can keep hiding what is really in our food", regarding their efforts to stamp out food transparency but as he says" (But) they are on the losing side of history. Californians want the right to know what's in our food, and we will win it.

But interestingly enough, all of this funding for No on 37 is coming from GMO food companies not even based in the State of California as the Big 6 are located outside of the state, which goes to show you how far reaching this prop 37 is only one of the ten antagonists in the fight for food honesty Nestle USA is out of California and even has roots in Switzerland. The article has a list of contributors of the No on 37 which is trying to stop GM food labelling and they are:

1)Monsanto, St. Louis, MO $7,100,500
2)E.I Dupont De Nemours & Co., Washington, DC $4,900,000
3)BASF Plant Science, Research Triangle Park, NC $2,000,000
4)Bayer CropScience, Research Triangle Park, NC $2,000,000
5) Dow Agrosciences LLC, Indianapolis, IN, $2,000,000
6)PepsiCo,Inc, Purchase, NY, $1,716,300
7)Nestle USA, Inc., Glendale,CA, $1,169,400
8)Coca-Cola North America, Atlanta, GA $1,164,400
9)ConAgra Foods, Omaha, NE, $1,1076,700
10) Syngenta Corporation, Washington, DC, $1,000,000

so you as you can see these companies have stake in making sure that you don't know what is in your food because every single one of them either produces GMO food or uses GMO's in their products.
If Prop 37 goes through, you can bet these companies will lose huge shares as Coca-Cola and Pepsi for example would have to reformulate their products to exclude GMO foods from being in them or risk losing their loyal customers by labelling GMO's in which Monsanto compared it to putting a "skull and cross bones"

Since large food companies send their food across the US, having this labelling in California would cause a huge sweep of changes which is why Californians need to get to polls and Vote yes on 37 the article stresses.. this report is 36 pages long and is well worth it as Dr. Christy exposes the junk science used by so called climatologists like Hansen and the rest of the eco-fascists to con the public, as well as expose the myth that CO2 is a pollutant which I will quote: "Atmospheric CO2 is food for plants, which means it is food for people and animals. More CO2 generally means more food for all. Today affordable carbon based energy is a key component to lifting people out of crippling poverty. So, rising CO2 emissions are one indication of poverty reduction which gives hope for those now living in marginal existence without basic needs brought by electrification, transportation and industry. Additionally, modern, carbon-based energy reduces the need for deforestation and alleviates other environmental problems such as water and deadly indoor-air pollution. Until affordable and reliable energy is developed from non-carbon sources, the world will continue to use carbon as the main energy source" and because of our CO2 contributions forest growth over the past 40-50 years I read somewhere has increased by at least 40%. CO2 is the not the devil the eco-fascists make it out to be, It is essential to all life on this Earth, Our green world is all thanks to CO2 and food for plants means food for all humanity and the animals that rely on them and studies have shown that the more CO2 in the atmosphere food crops like rice have higher yields which is obviously not a bad thing but again the eco-fascists do not care about these facts as long as they are allowed to control our lives under this hoax of CO2 boiling the planet and despite what warmonger Bush said about us being addicted to oil, it is because of cheap energy we enjoy high standards of living, longer lives, freedom to travel anywhere in the world or even to visit our family members,homes that have heating and cooling systems which allow us to be comfortable in the cold and hot months, it means healthy fresh food, internet, healthcare and etc.. But unfortunately the global elite and the radical environmental whack jobs do not want this for the 3rd world as I have explained numerous times because they think that living in shacks made of animal shit and mud and burning wood that has toxic fumes in it so they can cook and heat their makeshift houses is acceptable and it is because of the private banking cartel and these genocidal elite, our economy is being destroyed by design here in the West and around the world thus  the shut down of coal plants and other sources of cheap energy is under way. Hell they closed the coal plant in Atikokan, Ontario (which is west of Thunder Bay, where I currently reside) and they openly bragged in the media how they have closed 11 of our 19 coal plants here In Ontario and we pay the highest electric rates in the country at 46% because our wonderful corrupt provincial government bought into the green energy scam. This was never about the environment, this is about genocide and control over the world under the tyrannical New World Order..

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Eco-Fascists continue Agenda 21 push for megacities to replace growing cities and rural areas, France Launches investigation following GMO tumor study The globalist takeover through Agenda 21 which includes demonizing population growth and our cities around the world because god forbid we are allowed to have a choice as to where we reside and creating heretics out of those who are fighting against eminent domain. The UN population fund has been calling for population reduction by using family planning which is really just code for population control to decrease fertility rates and there is a new study that if we continue to urbanize, biodiversity will fall and the so called man made climate change effects will increase.. The globalist backed scientists have suggested we would be better off living in densely populated areas because in their own words: "We certainly don't want them strolling about the entire countryside. We want them to save land for nature by living closely together" Urban areas are expected to expand to 1.2 square kilometers by 2030. American cities in places like Virginia, Ohio and Florida and many are investing in "controlled enviroments" ie mega-cities which cars will be banned forcing the public to use high speed transit like I reported yesterday, control over food distribution, energy usage and water allocation will be overseen by various government agencies. Efforts by pro-Agenda 21 fascists are literally transforming towns all over the place into eco-communities that are UN mandated against CO2 production, a life giving gas a pollutant has to be one of the greatest pieces of nonsense in the history of the world,  to curb our freedoms and destroy human innovation.

Karen Seto, of globalist backed Yale who is a professor of urban environment who is a known opposer of urbanization and the migration of people because the eco-systems of the Earth are going to hell basically. Seto and like the rest of the population control freaks has said that unless we curb human population and urbanization is stopped by 2030, there will be an increase of 3-5% of global land use to house people and this is unacceptable because of the "huge impact on biodiversity and on carbon emissions in those urban areas"

Again like reported in July and yesterday with the article I posted about the UN highjacking of our education system, globalist operative New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg approved construction of 275 to 300 ft. "micro-apartments" in Kips Bay to coerce New Yorkers into accepting living in tight spaces to convert to the globalist style..

The eco-devastation comes because of lack of city planning and make shift cities that have poor planning in regards to lack of sewage services, waste management and of course water services and the fact humans are being compared to an invasive species that must be eradicated-genocide disturbing nature and destroying the planet in the process.

The move to push people into cities not only in the US and Canada but around the world is being used as an excuse by the corrupt mainstream media as an answer to reducing human impact on the environment. The elimination of rural and suburban areas will only make cities even more crazy given the influx of people but again this is what they want and there has been a boom in the US for high speed rail systems which will be used once these mega-cities are up and running which according to America 2050 will run from the west and east coasts of America which will create Cascadia which will merge Seattle Washington, Portland and Vancouver, BC with these trains to ensure that species are protected in the designated areas that are outlined.

in 2010, some experts were "asserting the greater importance of urban populations against those rural areas as it has been the plan of the global Elite to reduce rural resources including people and communities in lieu of promoting clean water, food, forest areas. Keeping rural areas impoverished and forcing people to move into urban centres has created the need for sustainable urbanization" according to the these marxist-control freak eco-fascists.

Even Yale came out with that in the US over 78 percent of the population lives in urban or suburban areas and urban land cover was expected to double by 2030 with infrastructure investments and the rate of urbanization rates is "unsustainable" which is More garbage to con the public into believing the hoax that is man made climate change is now residing in this new piece of nonsense created by these psychopathic eco-terrorists: telecoupling. This was invented by a guy named Jack Lin, who is a director at the Human/Nature Lab/Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability at the Michigan State University. He has described this has the distances between humans and natural systems regarding globalization. As cities grow, deforestation follows and the draw on natural resources increases and basically devastates the planet here is an excerpt: "Deforestation, pollution and industry in developing nations are the main perpetrator of telecoupling." according to this piece of trash scumbag who said that : "There are new and faster ways of connecting the whole planet- from big events like earthquakes and floods to tourism, trade, migration, pollution, climate change, flows of information and financial capital and invasion of animal and plant species" basically folks this is PROPAGANDA 101 of the believers in the hoax that is man made climate change who decry preservation of the natural world to the detriment of human sustainability.

She mentions that in "Canada(where we too have been highjacked by the foreign banks and the UN) that the UN biodiversity agenda defines environmental laws. For the sake of eco-preservation, human movement is being severely restricted. Two years ago, the UN's International Year of Biodiversity saw the implementation of environmental governance mirroring the UN's agendas in Canada in the name of wildlife protection and foreseeable risks to biodiversity from the human population in Canada"

This is truly disgusting and I am outraged how our government has sold us out to the foreign banks and the United Nations through Agenda 21 which has nothing to do with the environment at all but really about abolishing our private property rights and genocide under the guise of saving the earth from a life giving natural gas CO2. Following yesterday's bombshell study linking consumption of Monsanto's Roundup containing GMO crops to tumors and organ damage, the French government is now calling for an investigation by the health agency. Seeking to analyze the information and potentially calling on other European authorities to protect human health and abandon using GMO crops, the French Agricultural Minister and others are now sounding the alarm bells. The Study yesterday was one of the first to examine the long-term effects of eating these GMO crops in rats and was even called the most thorough research published looking into the health affects. Given the fact France maintained their ban of Monsanto's GMO MON810 maize crop despite pressure politically, they really have been at the frontlines fighting Monsanto and have not caved like other countries to their scare tactics or some even just allow Monsanto to continue their genetic crusade..

Professor Wants U.S. Population Cut 50%

  another lunatic professor wants to add permanent sterilant to cull US population by 50% and even advocated for world wide vegetarianism in order to reduce our so called "carbon" footprints because they want to control what we eat and Alex Jones in this report explains how the economic implosion is being done by design by the globalists and make us so poor so we can't afford fresh healthy food and voting with your dollars basically to control us for less money but more profits for these bastards..

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Want to post interesting article on UN highjacking of our education system In Chicago, public school teachers walked out to force their union leaders and the districts that are not coming to an agreement. Some of the issues highlighted are job security and union opposition and this is being closely watched by other school districts and teachers across the United States.

So teachers in Boston, Wisconsin and Minnesota, I think this protest is worth their while and the deterioration of public schools over the years is just appalling and something that people should be really raising a hissy fit.

The UN has highjacked our education system using globalization through their directives and is now coming to a head as we see with the Chicago Strike

The UN Commission on Population and Development Conference once stated that reconditioning thought processes throughout a kid's life was important so they would be brainwashed into accepting globalization and with the creation of this in the mid 1960's (1964 to be exact), Pro-UN ideals started coming into our society through schools and mobilizing Americans and the entire planet to support the ideals of the United Nations

SO what we are seeing is the writer of this article Susanne Posel(who you should really check out our her site, full of interesting articles) wrote: "This has manifested with the inception of the global classroom which supersede our education programs focused on teaching our Constitutional Republic to redirect our children's attention to the ideals of globalization" one example she talks about is the Model United Nations which children pretend to be UN ambassadors and debate UN agendas in these role playing games to instill that global governance is the future and given that the US State Department gave their blessing, the concept of a global classroom has now infected more than 24 major cities public education system worldwide and some include Chicago Public Schools, Kyung Hee University, Lebanesse American University and the Mulberry School for Girls.

She also exposes how the University of Chicago's Center for International Studies, globalization is being taught under the guise of teaching students about global issues and to think critically about their role as global citizens and in 2009 these ideas were inter-grated with the school system in to educate Chicago students about global issues over American Ideology to brainwash them into thinking that nationalism should be destroyed as Agenda 21 gets rid of borders and sovereign free nations.

We all know there is a plan through Agenda 21 not only in the United States and Canada but throughout the world to turn our cities into mega-cities where you owning a vehicle will be banned, forcing people to use high speed public transit, bikes or walk to where ever they are going and they will have narrow streets, which what Malthus had proposed in his lunatic essay that started the whole eugenics movement and in Robert Zubrin's Merchants of Despair: Radical Environmentalists, Criminal Pseudo-Scientists and the Fatal cult of Anti-Humanism(which again is available on Amazon) he exposes this very well and the horrific results of this around the world as a result of this anti-human eugenicist ideology that has plagued the world for over 100 years or maybe even longer say 200 years at least and In New York, globalist Operative Michael Bloomberg has given the green light to make these micro-apartments(which I reported before) in Kips Bay where they are only 300 square feet!!! will be offered to residents of New York under this Agenda 21 pack and stack em scam and in San Francisco, 150 square feet apartments are being built for the same damn thing!!!

Getting back to Chicago, the reworking of the public school curriculum is being used to expand student's knowledge of UN processes and therefore to "renegotiate politics and geo-political concepts under UN mandates for the benefit of unification of all individual nations into the cradle of a One World Government"

and so on and on... please spread this article to around...

PBS under attack because they had a global warming skeptic speak Anthony Watts, Antarctic Ice sets another record high, New GMO study shows rats fed this over lifetime develop tumors and 70% of females die early as a result and more  If you had any doubt about how intolerant the global warming movement is to skeptics it would be erased with what PBS did. You see PBS allowed Anthony Watts on their news hour to talk about his skepticism on this issue and now PBS has come under fire and there is video in the link and a transcript and for a mainstream news piece it was actually balanced!!!!  and of course the lunatics came out including climate prophet Joe Romm who said that PBS was spouting nonsense from Sen. Jim Inhofe and then giving a voice to someone like Anthony Watts and even the globalist backed George Soros of Media Matters chimed in with their propaganda as claiming Watts confusing the public on "climate" science because of the alleged funding he received from the Heartland Institute and the reporter ended up caving to these shills which is not surprising at all but I give my props to Mr. Watts for speaking out

on Day 258 ice area, the Antarctica is the highest for the date and 5th highest daily on record. The ice is more than at least one million square kilometers than the highest other value that is on record. It is interesting because excess ice has more impact on climate than when ice is missing as this occurs at lower latitudes where the sun is less in these words oblique. There is no sun at the North Pole but it certainly seems to be shining on the excess ice here is another link of course the eco-fascists will never tell you this because the fraud of man made climate change is a religion to them and they thrive on fear mongering and junk science. Eating GM corn and consuming Monsanto's Roundup in a new study has showing that rats developed tumors and had widespread organ damage. This study has been called the most thorough research done on the health effects of GM good crops and the herbicide Roundup and this has been spread throughout the web and even the corrupt mainstream media is in shock over the photos with rats that have these horrifying tumors(the article has pictures and I must warn you they are graphic so reader discretion is advised)  and this has even been reported in the UK newspapers such as the Daily Mail and the Grocer. The study even showed that not only did they suffer from tumors they had severe damage to their liver and kidney..The Study was a French one done lead by Gilles-Eric Seralini of the University of Caen and was published in the Food and Chemical Toxicology Journal and was presented at a news conference in London and the article has the findings of the study and quotes from the researchers and the Daily Mail is reporting that France's Jose Bove, who is the vice chairman of the European Union(EU)'s commission for agriculture and known to be a fierce opponent against GM called for the suspension of "all EU cultivation and import authorizations of GM crops"

Here are the quotes: "This research shows an extraordinary number of tumors developing earlier and more aggressively-particularly in female animals. I am shocked by the extreme negative health impacts"-Dr. Michael Antoniou, molecular biologist, Kings College London

"We can expect that the consumption of GM maize and the herbicide Roundup, impacts seriously on human health"-Dr. Antoniou again

"This is the first time that a long-term animal feeding trial has examined the impact of feeding GM corn or the herbicide Roundup, or a combination of both and the results are extremely serious. In the male rats, there was liver and kidney disorders, including tumors and even more worryingly, in the female rats, there were mammary tumors at a level which is extremely concerning; up to 80 percent of the female rats had mammary tumors by the end of the trial"-Patrick Holden, Director, Sustainable Food Trust

More evidence Neo-con network behind "Innocence of Muslims" video: there is a chart that was done by Justin Raimondo showing the linkages of people behind the anti-islam film(it is posted in the article) and by looking at this, We see the same old cast of neocon bastards who have worked to keep the anti-Muslim agenda alive front and center thus to feed the manufactured war on terror against the enemies of Israel among those in the chart are David Horowitz, Daniel Pipes and Aubrey Chernick. Chernick is not as well known amongst the 3 as he runs a software company out of Los Angeles called the National Center for Crisis and Continuity Coordination and was a former trustee of the Washington Institute for Near East policy(WINEP) according to this report done by reporter Kurt Nimmo, and is really a think tank for democratic neo-cons(Anthony Weiner, who was caught in that sexting scandal a while backed called them "The ZOA(Zionist Organization of America) wing of the Democratic Party) and WINEP is a project of AIPAC, who is an Israeli pressure group. Mr.Chernick's fortune funding is with the Anti-Defamation League and CAMERA(Committee for Accuracy in the Middle East Reporting in America) that counters anything that is negative towards Israel.

Pipes is well known Islamophobe who founded the Middle Eastern Forum, an organization that attacks academic people for criticizing Israel. They specialize in drawing attention to the so called "Islamic network" in the US and even wrote: "Quietly, lawfully and peacefully, Islamists do their work throughout the west to impose aspects of Islamic law, win special privileges for themselves, shut down criticism of Islam, create Muslim-only zones and deprive women and non-Muslims their full civil rights- He wrote this in 2008 despite the fact he supported many neocon organizations and functions including PNAC(Project for the New American Century) and was a scholar at WINEP

Now Horowitz is former radical Marxist and is part of the neo-con intelligence. has reported this scumbag has received funding from CIA operative Richard Mellon Scaife. His website the David Horowitz Freedom centre is affiliated with Jihad Watch, which is an anti-Muslim website run by an anti-Islam blogger and author by the name of Robert Spencer along with another Islamophobe Pamela Geller(who founded this organization called Stop Islamization of America) all play roles in what is being called the" Innocence of Muslims" operation and Horowitz has called Islam as a hateful religion and He along with Pipes donated to this Dutch anti-Muslim politician Geert Wilders

The more of this that comes out, It is becoming clear to me that this Innocence of Muslims video was devised by a group of people who fear Islam and hardcore supporters of Israel as an excuse to further tensions in the Middle East

here is a quote from Mr Nimmo that sums that point perfectly: "The necon Clash of Civilizations narrative requires an ultimate conflict between the West and Islam. We are now witnessing neocons in both establishment parties and Likudnik fanatics pushing religious and ethnic hatred and conflict to its zenith as the United States and Israel prepare for a coordinated attack on Iran that will undoubtedly result in a world war with cataclysmic proportion"

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Federal Judge reinstates NDAA, Ventura: Every War starts with a false flag, CIA sponsored Taliban attack camp Bastion with orders to kill or kidnap Prince Harry and Conservatives are trying to hold on to "carbon tax" tag on NDP Mulclair Late Monday, a federal judge in New York Raymond Lohier gave the Obama administration an "emergency" stay that temporarily blocks the ruling made by US district judge Kathering Forrest that blocked the NDAA. The Obama administration had the gall to call her ruling unconstitutional showing their true hypocrisy. The Justice Department said the ruling was "unprecedented" and even had the nerve to say that the executive has the right under the Constitution to detain anyone without due process of law which the 5th amendment mentions if you read the US constitution and Bill of Rights.

The feds argued that the NDAA didn't expand their authority beyond what had existed under the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military force according to the article.

"This pernicious law poses one of the greatest threats to civil liberties in our nation's history"-wrote Brian J Trautman. Under the AUMF"this law can be used by authorities to detain(forever) anyone the government considers a threat to national security and stability-potentially even demonstrators and protesters exercising their First Amendment rights"

Documents leaked by the DHS and fusion centers show different organizations and individuals as threats like Ron Paul supporters, returning vets and so called right wing extremists.

This no doubt will be used by the government as the economy continues to go down the toilet and violence continues to boil over in the Middle East. Iran was we know has said they will shut down oil production if the US and Israel attack which would be even more of a death knell for the economy.. Former governor Jesse Ventura was on Piers Morgan Tonight and absolutely lashed him and the audience with the tough questions and facts surrounding 9/11 and of course Morgan faltered like a patsy because he couldn't handle Ventura's intense questioning. They have video of this and a transcript and I will post the entire thing because it is too damn good not to post:

Morgan: "What would you have done on September 12th 2001? What would you have done if you'd have been president?"

Ventura:" I would have done a legitimate investigation to find out what exactly happened on 9/11/ How did they know who did this so quickly like they did Lee Harvey Oswald? How quick they know Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy"

Morgan: "We knew who did it because the people who did it were identified and we knew who they were"

Ventura: "Well then why couldn't we have stopped them before hand if they were identified and we knew who they were"

Morgan: "It was a failure of intelligence. Everyone's accepted that"

Ventura: "No it wasn't. We knew before hand with Condeleeza Rice's memo in August 6th when it stated right in the memo: "Bin Laden to steal planes and run them into buildings" And more stuff is coming out now also, how much the Bush administration ignored intelligence. It was almost like they ignored it because they wanted it to happen"

"Oh come off it Jesse"-as Morgan stammered like a crazy fool as the audience was applauding"

"Every war starts with a false flag operation"-Ventura finished up to scattered applause.

When Ventura pointed out how the BBC blunder of predicting the collapse of WTC building 7 30 minutes prior to it collapsing, Morgan had the gall to defend the BBC by saying this appalling quote: "If you're trying to make out the British Broadcasting Company, one of the most respected news organizations in the world, was inventing huge buildings falling over you need to have a break Jesse" This is laughable at best, hell all you have to do is type into youtube and you will see them predicting it I think Morgan was playing on the public's ignorance  and Morgan even accused Ventura of making crackpot points and Ventura asked the audience if he was making these crackpot points only one person agreed then he asked them if he was making sensible points and the entire audience erupted in applause..

The attack on Camp Bastion which led to the deaths of 2 US Marines is being reported as a botched attempt to kidnap Prince Harry during his 4 month tour of duty. He is an army captain and was being stationed at Camp Bastion as part of his second tour of duty.

The plan was called "Harry Operations" which was carried out by the CIA created and backed Taliban, who sent in insurgents to a base in Afghanistan. One of the Taliban spokesperson confirmed they attacked it because Prince Harry was there and "they know our anger" and noted that over a thousand more suicide attackers were more than willing to give up their lives...

Of course the British Media was all to ready to send out propaganda that Prince Harry had his pistol in hand and was ready to take them on when he was "whisked to safety by SAS bodyguards as the Taliban launched its deadly attack on Camp Bastion"

The Taliban already had destroyed 3 refuelling stations, 6 American Harrier Jets and 6 aircraft hangers before being stopped. They even dressed in clothing that could pass for a civilian which I guess fooled security, the Taliban than gathered weapons and uniforms with AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades to get into the base..

The British Ministry of Defence is blaming that fraudulent anti-islam video which I explained the other day was done by the Neocons was the root of the violence. The corrupt mainstream media is saying that the FBI informant Sam Bacile and the hundred other names this guy is going buy was taken in for questioning. It has been reported that in 2009 prior to being in jail for bank fraud, He was an FBI informant before being used as a patsy for the video Innocence of Muslims that the US government is lying through their teeth by saying they had nothing to do with it in order to cover their ass and produce a psy-op that will convince the general public that Islam and al-Qaeda are real terrorists, the FBI is holding Nakoula(AKA Bacile) in for questioning.

At first the Zionist controlled Israeli government tried to convince the world that Nakoula was not a citizen of Israel and that there was no record of him in California according to their intelligence..

Now of course the narrative is changing and this Nakoula is a real person being used as a patsy to be demonized by the US government to hide their so called official version of what is really going on as they create their fake revolution in the Islamic world with the aid of their fake creation Al-Qaeda terrorist group, Nakoula is merely playing his role in the web of lies they continue to create

Even Congressman Dana Rohrabacher in the following quote: "the Taliban is a "construct of the CIA and was armed by the CIA" and he went on to say how the CIA-backed Taliban was used to serve US interests against the Russians in Afghanistan and continue to be used now even up to the current administration and the article mentions how in creating these fake terror groups being used in US proxy wars they wanted to fight, 3 billion dollars was put into creating these fake revolutions like the Taliban

"AS the CIA funded and trained the Taliban for false flag operations wherein they would be used to attack key locations and cause havoc in pre-determined regions around the world, the ideology and perception of Islam as a radical religion began to take root"

The article goes on to explain how Prince Harry was caught in August over nude photos in Las Vegas which the corrupt mainstream media was all over and Palace officials actually downplayed it by saying he was on holidays and was about to return to active duty in the military but I remember back in 2002 when he was accused of under-age drinking and smoking weed as he was 16 at the time and his father Prince Charles had him committed to a rehab centre and in 2005 was photographed wearing a Nazi uniform which was all over the British tabloid rags

and of course Ms Posel ends her excellent report with another interesting question: "Why would the US government use one of their fake terrorist factions to attack a base in Afghanistan and specifically target Prince Harry who is stationed there? Are their plans for a false flag involving Prince Harry and the CIA controlled Islamic extremist group to further the global Elite's forward march toward WWIII?" yes the mainstream Conservatives really nailed NDP leader Thomas Mulclair who had  a plan to impose fake carbon taxes on us the Canadian people indeed Mulclair actually proposed the scam that is cap and trade even the late Jack Layton wanted this system and our globalist puppet Prime Minister Steven Harper at one point advocated for this years ago before changing his mind... I am actually grateful this didn't work out but however they want to shove this down the throats of the Ontario people as I reported not that long ago as the reason the corrupt Mcguinty Liberals wanted a majority government(you can google this and you will find the Ottawa metro news article about this)  but as I always say just because something is dead now does not mean it won't return later..

and MORE BS from Mcguinty and his excuse for why the details of the gas plant move have not been The now defunct gas plant move in Mississauga at 190 million dollars of our tax money is looking like change when the Oakville plant retraction could be even 10 times that

SO when Speaker of the House demanded Bentley come up with the figures from the cancellation of the Oakville plant by September 24th, Mcguinty jumped in to explain or attempt to make an about face on this issue with an explanation so incredibly appalling and disgusting with the following excuse: "Releasing the documents before then could compromise the negotiations and jeopardize taxpayers' interests by augmenting their costs" ARE YOU  KIDDING ME???? our tax dollars were already at risk the day he signed that deal with Trans Canada!!! thanks a lot sheeple for voting this criminal scumbag back in to power... next elections both federally and provincially I am done with voting for the liberals, conservatives, greens and NDP and am going independent even if I have to vote for the Marijuana party, I will at least feel better knowing I didn't for the criminal gangs who are running both governments..

Monday, September 17, 2012

News Roundup including Is DHS planning a false flag operation in American Shopping Malls? Neocons planning a October Surprise?? and France maintains ban on Monsanto GMO crops In Virginia and Indiana, Simon Property, who owns over 393 properties worldwide, including the Town Center at Aurora(the mall that was near the theater where the tragic Batman shootings took place ironically enough) is now partnering with DHS and Ms. Janet Napolitano to participate in their See Something, Say Something which is really just to have ordinary people turn into Stasi nanny state snitchers. Some of the new participants include major sports leagues like Major League Baseball, the locked out National Hockey League, National Basketball Association and the National Football League. According to Big Sis Napolitano: "We are all safer when everyone is alert and engaged" and she wants the American public to spy on others under the guise of safety because it is a "shared responsibility" so given all of this and with the Assistance of the Simon malls, tenants and their employees will be encouraged to use the RAND corporation brainwashing technique known as the Delphi Technique into spying on and reporting so called suspicious behavior displayed by employees and patrons. Also the article mentions how Napolitano wants to expand the DHS Stasi state into every goddamn city, state, university, private business, transportation depot and hotel/motel and retail stores by brainwashing the public into believing spying for the US government is being a patriot.

You remember the corrupt mainstream media who reported last month that the DHS had reasons to believe that radical extremists could threaten shopping malls. Federal and local law enforcement were on high alert that Middle Eastern Islamic forcers or "right wing" extremists would be a threat to shopping malls to instill fear amongst the general population.

The article Mentions how the Southern Poverty Law centre, who are backed by the FBI and the Zionist controlled Anti-Defamation League(ADL) had reported that "militia groups in the US has risen to 824 and there was intensification of racist hatred by white supremacists in militia movements" so using the Patriot movement and equating them with radical extremists in the corrupt mainstream media really is an effective tool to blur the lines between government sponsored terror and people who care about the US constitution and Bill of Rights. Even in the 2004 report that the DHS put out which was Characteristics and Common Vulnerabilities Infrastructure Category showed that shopping malls and every mall in the US is a so called "soft target" which would be used by terrorists to "cause economic damage, inflict casualties and instill fear" and the DHS had other types of security breaches like car bombs or even suicide bombers at the top of their lists as potential "threats of concern" in regards to shopping malls.

Also it is sighted again that the DHS, through the Transportation Safety Administration(TSA) had solicited over 1400 pounds of ammonium nitrate and A-5 Flake RDX- which are used to make homemade bombs using fertilizer. Even more interesting is the DHS, thanks to a request by Congress, formed the Ammonium Nitrate Security Program wherein they oversea the purchases of ingredients that could be used to make Improvised Explosive Devices or IEDs

An attack on a shopping mall would produce mass casualties for sure at around over 46,000 according to the National Research Bureau. The DHS outlines all the potential construction vulnerabilities of malls that would be taken advantage by terrorists by say going into the ventilation systems, plumbing and sewage, electrical, telecommunications and so forth that would be used as a weapon.

So in response, the DHS conducts various training exercises with state, local and private sectors(according to the article) to "enhance awareness of terrorist threats to the nation's critical infrastructure and key resources"

But the article gets even better Ms. Posel reports that Goldman Sachs is promoting Simon Properties as a sure investment and shows that they are beginning to do this when they released the following statement: "We think the market will be positively surprised by the company's growth potential due to the annualized benefit of the 2012 acquisitions and the front-ended strength of the company development pipeline"

Of course she notes which took me by surprise and didn't know this how Goldman Sachs has been involved with disasters and other false flag operations within the domestic US as an excuse to manipulate the stock market before the actual event or disaster took place just like before the BP oil spill, Goldman Sachs had dumped over 44% of their stock in BP just prior to what happened and they profited from the 9/11 attacks by funding a building of new headquarters where the Twin Towers were prior to the attacks, which allowed globalist banking operations to sell over 1 billion dollar Liberty Bonds tax free as well as reap over at least 49 million dollars in job grants, tax exemptions and energy discounts

Even more In May 2012, The Global Campaign Against Improvised Explosive Devices(GCAIED) had written a letter to Obama with over 23 signatures of members from Capitol Hill to bring "consensus" against the threat of IEDs and with intelligence gathered by the National Counterterrorism Center's Worldwide Incident Tracking System, there is a doubling of these IED's being built by civilians. The GCAIED claims that these IEDs would be used to attack populations with the intention of disrupting all facets of life, healthcare and even the upcoming elections in November..

We all know how false flag attacks have been used by governments to control their populations. The Hegelian Dialectic which is problem-reaction-solution is used, we have seen when the globalist have directed these types of false flag operations, we get introduced to a new Boogeyman as Ms. Posel rightfully puts it and then this so called Boggeyman is used to commit these acts on the population and so the US government and other governments around the world step in and continue to strip us of civil liberties under the guise of safety so she poses the question which I will quote: "Could the DHS be preparing for a false flag involving our shopping malls in order to introduce  new control system that will further restrict our freedoms under a stronger and over-reaching police state?"

NeoCons planning October surprise?? The anti-islam video trailer that have researchers claiming that the video was the work of "Islamophobic
provocateurs Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer and a resurgent neocon network is responsible for a new round of violent protests in the middle East" Nations that have high Muslim populations like Indonesia to Afghanistan, there were new protests that sparked and turned violent as Indonesian policed used tear gas and water cannons against protesters outside the US embassy in Jakarta while in Kabul Afghanistan, thousands of Muslims took to the streets and set fires to cars and shops and even throw rocks at police and over in Pakistan the Philippines, protesters also clashed with police Today..

This coming after the death of the US ambassador and 3 members of his staff in Libya and the same thing happened Muslims got outraged in Asia, Africa and the Middle east were over 9 people lost their lives according to the article. On Sunday Leon Panetta, Secretary of Defense of the US said that he believed the violent reactions to the video were dying down and he ordered non-essential workers to leave the American Diplomatic missions in Sudan, Libya and Tunisia..

Even countries like Canada, Germany, and Britain closed their consular services monday in Khartoum, Sudan following the attacks on German and British consulates. The US embassy in Cairo remained open despite protests there according to the State Department..

Now getting to the meat of all of this, Dr. Webster Tarpley appeared on the Alex Jones Show yesterday(the interview is linked in the article) saying the video was designed part of the international intelligence agencies aimed at creating a October Surprise to be used to install warmongering crook Mitt Romney and his group of Bush-era necon chicken hawks in the White House. He said in the following quote: "The pro-Israeli neo-cons of the Bush-Cheney era have attached themselves to Romney as their main hope of getting Israel into power, Tarpley wrote for sunday. He attributed the video "trailer" to "a well-known Islamophobic network reputedly inspired by US intelligence", a network that includes "Pamela Geller, a notorious professional Islamophobe." Here is the article he wrote yesterday relating to this: In another victory against the evil Monsanto and the spread of genetically modified crops, French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayraul announced that the nation will be maintaing its ban on Monsanto's GMO maize crops even though this is the only crop being allowed in Europe that is GMO. This goes back to March when the French court had an annulment on the November ban.

Thanks to the french people who spoke out against this and the serious political outraged, Monsanto is banned from Europe's large market even more interesting given that France is one of the largest crop growers in Europe making it a huge agricutlural giant.

This does have huge weight for sure when it comes to governments around the world. And thanks to wikileaks, it was discovered that the US threatened nations who were opposed to GMO as far as threatening to have an all-out "military style trade wars".. pretty damn disturbing if you ask me...

Many countries have taken action against Monsanto including Peru which banned GMO's 10 years ago, Hungary took out all their crops and now California with Prop 37 is poised to have GMO labelling if all goes well. From the deadly Agent Orange(which has caused a genocide of over 400,000 deaths and close to over a half million birth defects and even has been linked to certain cancers from research I did on my own and from various news articles I have seen about Agent Orange) Monsanto's reign of terror may be coming to an end

Saturday, September 15, 2012

AL-Qaeda causing evacuations at universities could lead to more false flag operations, Attack on Obesity an excuse by UN in progressing their population reduction agenda There have been several evacuations this week at US univeristies which have the corrupt mainstream media to plant the seed of whether so called Islamic rage given what transpired at the US embassies in the Middle East to America. The CIA backed Al-Qaeda are being blamed of an anonymous call from someone claiming to be a member of the fake terrorist organization for making threats toward the campus of the University of Texas. A message was sent to students at around 9:53 central time(10:53 eastern) on their website to tell students to evacuate all buildings immediately, According to Rhonda Weldon, who is the director of Communication at the University of Texas said: "A male with a Middle Eastern accent claiming to have placed bombs all over campus. He said he was with Al-Qaeda and these bombs would go off in 90 minutes" The police chief of the University of Texas said that over 69,000 users were notified online by their alter system which told the students to vacate the buildings and even messages were sent via Facebook and other forms of communication such as email and the school officials even sound the alarms as well. Following all this, reports out of North Dakota that students attending North Dakota State University(NDSU) in Fargo were also told to evacuate the campus because of a phoned in bomb and posted on their website that all students and employees were to leave by 10:15 am and this included buildings downtown, residence halls and agricultural facilities and at 11:41 they were ordered to vacate in a "orderly fashion and meet at locations off university grounds" and the Next school to receive a threat was Valparasio University in Indiana where an another unknown messenger produced a message that there was an "unspecified threat... alluding to dangerous and criminal activity" and told students to watch for "suspicious behaviour and report to the VUPD immediately" so that the law enforcement and FBI could investigate the threat and find the so called terrorists given the fact that 2 days ago Senator Diane Feinstein, according to this article, was warning about possible violence given what took place in the Middle East this past week at the US Embassy in Libya that would "spark outrage against Americans and the US. Feinstein said that according to the FBI and DHS these outbursts "could worsen in the coming days"

The Article goes on to note: "The DHS released a Joint Intelligence Bulletin that asserted "the risk of violence could increase at home and abroad as the film continues to gain attention. Additionally, we judge that violent extremists groups in the United States could exploit anger over the film to advance their recruitment efforts"

The violence that took place killing US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens ironically took place on the 11 anniversary of the false flag attack of September 11th.

There have been numerous studies done that Muslim Americans are not a threat to Americans or anyone so why the hell are they using them to create fear?? well It has all been manufactured to instill fear in the American people and anywhere else in the world and even the globalist operated RAND corporation who have staged many false flag propaganda over the years even noted that between 2009 and 9/11: "The US government reported forty-six incidents of "domestic radicalization and recruitment to jihadist terrorism." RAND also went on to spout that Americans were playing a "high-level operational role in al-Qaeda and aligned groups" This false globalist data, as Susanne Posel rightfully points out, continues to inaccurately report that assume that radicalization of the US muslim population who are involved in domestic terror plots may be low but threat could still be there.

The Elite have often pointed to the al-Qaeda organization as the origin of the radicalization as seen with Anwar al-Awlaki who was known to have chances to spread violent Islamic ideology in the US and so on and so on(read rest of article for more)

But given the fact the DHS has purchased over 1.8 billion rounds of hollow point bullets as well as 1400 pounds of fertilizer bomb making material and US veterans and political activists being roundup and thrown into psychiatric hospitals and now we have on the 11th anniversary of 9/11, the threat of Al-Qaeda now being brought back up given the manufactured attacks in Libya.. We may see more of these manufactured attacks either domestically or internationally involving the CIA backed Al-Qaeda, who are also an asset to the Muslim Brotherhood and further the agendas of the globalist elite.

see this article entitled Israeli Sponsored film sparks false flag attack and manufactured Islamic Threat in Libya: There was a new study out from the Journal of Rural Health that stated that 1/15th of people who live in rural areas are more likely to become obese than those who live in cities. One of the lead authors of this study Christie Befort, who is an assistant professor at the Department of Preventative Medicine at the University of Kansas Medical Centre said"the rates of obesity were much higher than previously reported based on self-report, with 39% of rural Americans being obese compared to 33 percent of urban Americans"and young people have been targeted as having more of a risk to becoming overweight in rural areas. The Study also noted that ethnic backgrounds were one of the factors in becoming overweight. Blacks and Hispanics, according to this, have a shitty diet and are physically isolated don't have access to healthy food. SO the idea of this study is really to show that if these people who lived in cities would have the resources to access exercise equipment and make better food choices when it comes to consumption. However, this concept that people need to move to cities under the UN Agenda 21 to have better control over our lives. Globalist operative Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg has stated that obesity is costing New Yorkers over 4 billion in health care costs every year and is not acceptable so he has been championing this movement towards the government lecturing us about what we can and cannot eat, what we can or cannot drink and how much of a so called burden their personal choices on immediate society.

In 1994 at the UN General Assembly meeting concerning the implementation of this piece of crackpot garabage Agenda 21 in regards to population growth with control coming after, the "consensu was made that there must be a continued trend toward stabilization of the world's population through mandates of international and national policies that control the allowance of citizens to contribute to the growth of human population"

You remember last July at the London Summit on Family Planning hosted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation openly bragged that population reduction had to be "facilitated through forced sterilization, coercion to using contraceptives through the use of the Delphi technique and collaboration with Merck to develop vaccines and other pharmaceutical solutions to keep those living in under-developed nations from having children"

According to this Yale researcher Bebecca Puhl, this anti-obesity movement is not working to stopping people from eating- as those behind all of this would want you believe and found the public announcements in the corrupt mainstream media is having the opposite effect on Americans and everywhere around the world and that the stigma surrounding this issue has to be re-evaluated as these campaigns alienate people and shame them into becoming healthier which I agree is totally not what we should be doing at all

And now they want to develop a an obesity vaccine that will stop people from eating..I am not making this up this was in the Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology... crazy stuff indeed

Friday, September 14, 2012

New Banker Bailout really just to further the transfer of wealth from the middle class to the elite, Guns of Pot smokers to be confiscated Ben Bernanke, who is the head of the Federal Reserve had made an announcement which will embark a new scheme to purchase over 40 billion dollars in mortgage-backed securities each month being sold by the Establishment corrupt media as the beginning of the "QE3" when it reality it is really just another bailout for the bankers. Though many have rightfully attack the Fed of their policy on printing money as a band-aid solution to help stimulate the economy, this has nothing to do with it at all. The policy announced is just an excuse for the Fed to steal more of taxpayer money to purchase bad debt in the form of the fraudlulent junk mortgage-backed derivative based securities that have been sold over and over and as the article rightfully points out, It is really just another transfer of wealth from you joe blow taxpayer to the elite and after the TARP bailout in 2008, the Federal Reserve paid the big banks to with hold any loans because we all know the bailouts are not about recovering the real economy, as the article points out, it is really just to prop up the elite rich bastards while the actual economy goes in the toilet further. The other QE1 and QE2 did nothing either to help the ecomony, as unemployment is much higher in the US than what the corrupt mainstream media is telling us

Just another excuse by the elite to continue their orchestration of their planned implosion of the economy and use the fear and chaos as an excuse to impose their control grid and centralize power. Another example of the mis-use of civil forfeiture doctrine and constitutional rights being confiscated ... The Obama adminstration has announced through the Department of Justice through the ATF the power to "seize and administratively forfeit property involved in controlled substance abusers" and the article goes on to explain how the Department of Justice in 201 published a document called Investigating Terrorism and Criminal Extremism, where being a "constitutionalist" is reworked as a generic brand for members of what we call the patriot movement and etc.. This is really an excuse to downplay the term New World Order because they refer to us who don't want it as "conspiracy theorists to refer to a global conspiracy to implement worldwide socialism"

What is really appalling is that these are the same bastards who staged Fast and Furious as they got caught shipping guns to the Mexican drug cartels in exchange for cocaine are pushing for this gun confiscation... truly criminal and out of control government for sure...