Sunday, October 7, 2012

Will False Flag launch war with Iran??? Ron Paul recently warned how he is concerned about a false flag attack-something going down or planes going down or some kind of false flag event that would be used as an excuse for war in Iran and he is not the only one there are other government officials have warned of a potential false flag to start war. You remember Patrick Clawson of the Washington Institute for Israel  talking about how to create a false flag attack to push the United States into war and overcome any opposition from the public and he even listed incidents like the fake Gulf of Tonkin that was staged to get the US into Vietnam. Very interesting and disturbing piece for sure. I know I would not be surprised if such an event occurred either because they need the perfect excuse to launch world war 3.

If you want more information on government sponsored terror A Noble lie, a documentary which exposes the Oklahoma City bombing official story as a fraud, is available at the Infowars shop( on Amazon or you can watch Alex Jones' great film Terrorstorm  for free on

 One Final Note: Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian compatriots and their families. Despite all the corruption going on, I am thankful to be still here, for my health and most of all my family.