Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ted Turner: I think its good that US troops are killing themselves, "Dooms Day Preppers" will be treated like terrorists: National Guard whistleblower and more This globalist eugenicist parasite Turner was on Piers Morgan the other night where he said that US soliders killing themselves because it was showing that people have a distaste for war. Asked what he had thought about the increased suicides amongst American soliders, Morgan thought it was shocking but our wonderful eugenicist freak responded by saying "No I think its good"and this scum smirked when he said all of this awful stuff when he used the word terrific but then changed it to good with a more stern look.

The New York times had a report earlier this year where US soliders are committing suicide at a rate of 1 per day and it continues to rise. Reasons are stress because of being deployed so many times and of course experiencing the horrors of war and even polls have shown those who tried to end their lives found that the main reason was that they were under emotional distress.

Turner was asked if who he thought should replace the US as the world's policeman and he responded with the United Nations.

Some people have said the reason he said that was because people are sick of the wars but we all know that He wants billions dead via population reduction programs. Turner's sick satisfaction at US troops offing themselves takes on  a different look when you see that he is eugenicist in every sense of the word because back in 1996 he stated he wanted to reduce world population by 95% and have a population of 200-300 million and in the third world this lune bag has donated billions to population reduction programs through the UN. He has even advocated for a world one child policy in the style of the Chinese, which we all know the horrors of that to "save the earth" while he has 5 of his own and has over 2 million acres of land. He is one of the largest land owners, second to the royal families in Europe!!!

Mr. Turner's call for the UN to become a dictatorship body is appalling because given the fact thanks to the UN and the Rwandan government confiscating The Tutsis guns and the Hutus who were backed by the Rwandan government, we had the horrible Rwandan genocide of 1994 which killed 800,000 people. The UN is rippled with corruption as we have seen with their latest gun grabbing treaty and the science fraud related to  the hoax that is man made climate change where thanks to climategates 1 and 2 which showed us how far they went to to terrify the public on a myth so they could form their  fascist world dictatorship According to the National Guard Whistleblower, soldiers are being advised to violate the Oath of Enlistment which says that they swear to uphold and support the US constitution against enemies foreign and domestic should civil unrest arise across the US.

He is being referred to as Solider X,an Army National Guardsmen spoke with Infowars Nightly News producer Rob Dew regarding a recent briefing his unit underwent incase Obama loses the election and riots spark in the streets. Citing the recent riot threats if Romney wins the election not only where people on social media networks like Twitter were threatening to riot but to attempt an assassination on Romney and Solider X's superiors dispensed their plans of how the National Guard would be responsible and take over to "quell unrest" and he was told that "Doomsday Preppers will be treated as terrorists" so people who have gone public with preparing for emergencies, he says, will be targeted because they think they will be the "worst part" of any potential civil unrest and also stated that any soliders who don't comply, they will get rid of them

He also talked about his concerns over the government confiscating law abiding citizen's firearms and this would not be the first time the National Guard violated the Constitution. After Hurricane Katrina hit, they(the cops and military) went around and took law abiding citizen's firearms including people who were on dry land and had stored food and water.

This Past summer it was leaked when an Army Manual back in 2006 that was entitled "Civil Disturbance Operations" surfaced not only plans to steal your guns during domestic civil unrest but to detain and kill American citizens if they refused to hand over their guns. Another document called "FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations" which came out this year which instructs troops on how to properly detain and intern Americans into "re-education camps" and some of the ways include having "psy-op officers" that will brainwash or in this case "indoctrinate" incarcerated "political activists" into accepting corrupt US policies and actions basically. Add to this the NDAA, which gives Obama powers to arrest and detain Americans without due process, it is easy to see how tyrannical the US government has become and as someone who has family down in the US, it makes me sick.

Preppers are being targeted as well because a Missisippi prepper group member was put on a no fly list when he was taken off his flight to Japan where his wife is stranding him in Hawaii and we have seen Preppers have their Second Amendment rights being stripped as well with no legitimate reason.

What is clear to me is the US government is preparing for some kind of unrest given the billions of ammo the DHS has purchased and While FEMA can have billions of dollars in bulk food supplies the FBI's Communities against Terrorism project had released a flyer instructing military surplus store owners to report anyone who buys storable food including meals that are ready to eat.

Should things go to hell, it seems the biggest prepper and terrorist is the US GOVERNMENT!!!!