Also eugenicists Bill and Melinda Gates donated 17.6 to the UN World Food Program (WFP) to provide "nutritious food and support small scale farmers" in the end they will give them 10 million dollars. Of course this money will not go to the people who really need food and provisions. The Gates will just UN aligned organizations other than the WFP such as Oxfam America, Mercy Corps and the Catholic Relief Services.
In February of this year, the Rights and Resources Initiative, a non-government organization, in this report, supported the UN's mass land grab in Africa which displaced over 500 million citizens from Sub-Saharan Africa as well as they targeted 346 million acres of farmland of course they made excuses for their criminality by saying they were collecting data on the rights of forests.. are you kidding me???
So all in all thanks to land grabs in 2007 and 2008 by NGO's, they were the direct cause of the food crisis' in nations like Saudi Arabia and South Korea...
and globalist puppet President of the US Barack Obama supports the UN Agenda 21 LAND GRAB with the 3 billion he sank into this so called plan to securitize Africa's food supply and agricultural farm lands.
So with this in my mind, I have been researching Storable Food on the internet and there is a company called Efoods Direct who are based in Utah, and they have storable and freeze dried food you can purchase ( Right now I am awaiting on a shipping quote for a 2 week food supply..
also the Mountain Equipment Co-op here in Canada sells freeze dried food through a company called Mountain House( and ship only in Canada (all you have to do is type Mountain house in their search engine) however Mountain House does have a website for US customers (
Back to the news: Eco Fascists from Harvard University have published a study claiming that certain thunderstorms expel water vapor into the stratosphere, called convective injection and that this is causing the ozone layer to break apart. This study was funded by the National Aeronautics Space Administration(NASA). Given the US is an industrial nation is a major polluter and therefore thinning the ozone layer over North America.
This alleged nonsense is the excuse they needed to ban CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) to reduce pollution.
One of the lead researchers James Anderson, who is professor of atmospheric chemistry at Harvard, has decried this so called new discovery that human activity is destroying the ozone layer. But here is the catch, this lune bag has supported colleagues who say that CFC's are destroying the ozone layer which only adds to the anti-human agenda under the guise of saving the earth
Though there was a study done in May by the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory showed pollutants added thanks to those chemtrails not only cause these toxins to rain down but trap heat within the clouds. Of course the excuse is that it is to combat man made climate change and the University of Victoria's Climate research department here in Canada asserts that chemtrails are a "conspiracy theory" ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? when the US military has admitted to having weather weapons(
give me a break!!!
Ms Posel goes on to explain how these Eco-Fascists who claim their demonization is reducing their ability to speak freely while any scientist who has dissented against the hoax of man made climate change has been threatened, funding cut and the whole 9 yards... when these Eco-Fascists have been caught lying numerous times and through climategate conspired to cook the books so they could get more of your TAX PAYER DOLLARS TO FUND THEIR SCAM!!!!
and current research shows that there has been NO WARMING since 1998 and the Earth has been cooling since then but of course the Eco-Fascists will never admit this at all because they thrive on fear-mongering over a life givng natural gas CO2!!!
Also the article points out how Globalist technocrat Evelyn de Rothschild, of the Rothchild banking system that has openly bragged how they have controlled the world's banks for over 200 years, purchased stock in the Weather Channel at 70% so it could afford the Rothchild banksters to further the hoax of man made climate change..