Whether it is in North Carolina where a 4 year old had her turkey and cheese sandwich with a banana had this taken away from her by school officials for not meeting USDA standards and gave her unhealthy chicken nuggets.. Now parental rights and healthy food is continuing to be under attack
This was cranked up last week when a elementary student in one of California's school districts was interrogated by school officials and a cop all day and kicked out of school for 5 days because of the crime of bringing kombucha tea to school for a drink and the school even ENROLLED the kid in an alcoholics program and done with out parental knowledge. Kombucha is tea made from mushrooms and when fermented with bacteria and yeast, it contains a measley 0.2% alcohol!!! and back in 2010 the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau stated in a report that kombucha over 0.5% alcohol must be classified as "kombucha wine" and according to other sites, if it is fermented correctly, kombucha virtually has no alcohol if any less than half a percent.
Schools have become prisons these days whether it is RFID chips under the guise of school safety or confiscating health food.. it is become clear they are conditioning kids to accept a police nanny state and that is not good at all..
Or even in Chicago they banned homemade school lunches(you can look this up) for god's sake!!! it is out of control for sure...
Eco-Fascist George Monbiot at it again: Extreme weather will cause starvation!!! Really Monbiot??? give me a break the weather and the droughts that we have seen have NOTHING to due with people driving their cars!! I am sick and tired of chicken little hysteria from you con artists who thrive on junk science so you can control people's lives over a life giving natural gas CO2 which FOLLOWS temperature changes NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!!! this was and is a politicial debate not about science at all!!!!