Friday, October 26, 2012

Raw Milk Rights under attack, Ted Turner apologizes for his comments and Former Nasa Scientist says Western Lifestyle allows only 500 million people The UK government is trying to ban fresh organic milk and sending cops out to harass people. I guess its not like there are not any REAL criminals they could be catching.. instead they are  going after innocent farmers for the crime of providing fresh milk to people who want it. It is a video report by Paul Joesph Watson. The Nanny state is out of control for sure.. After Infowars broke the story, Turner was forced to apologize for his remarks He says that he inadvertently used the words "good" when he was asked about the increasing rate of suicides amongst US soliders and He backtracks by saying that he was trying to imply that it was good that the public is becoming aware of these things and he claims he is about peace and love and supports the troops and the rest of it.

Of course as we know his fake advocacy for peace and love doesn't hide his desire to kill 95% of the world's population as part the globalist agenda of genocide nor the millions of babies he would have killed under his global one child policy he has advocated. He even told the Globe and Mail that we need a global one child policy to save the earth from evil life giving carbon dioxide.

I explained yesterday how brutal China's one child policy was where they force abortions on women and torture anyone who breaks this law

Once a eugenicist always eugenicist.. DeWayne Cecil who was former NASA climatologist has come out on the Sharon Kleyne Hour Radio Talk Show that the Earth can only support 500 million people if western lifestyles persist, again expressing the elite's desire to kill 95% percent of us to save the earth from a fake crisis. James Lovelock, Erlich and the rest of these kooks made a statement earlier this year calling for global population control policies.

The article is very interesting and serves as a wake up call for what will happen if these lunatics get their world government going.. and it won't be great... the genocide will be catastrophic.. so it is important we expose these lune bags for the genocidal creeps they are...