Sunday, October 21, 2012

NYU nutbag professor Liao suggests drugging public to accept the fraud that is man made climate change This lune bag is at it again as you will read in the article about how to drug people like myself who refuse to by in to the hoax of man made climate change and engineer humans to reduce our so called "carbon footprints" THIS IS EUGENICS FOLKS!!! man made climate change was and is about GENOCIDE and has nothing to due with the environment.

This is a MALTHUSIAN doctrine straight out of his playbook, and to me one of the godfathers of the pseudo-scientific fraud that is eugenics.

I have to thank Marc Morano of for exposing these lunatics and  in the article provides the numerous examples of the delusional rantings of this malthusian sociopathic piece of trash!!

in case you need a refresher on this anti-human malthusian garbage watch the excellent video above where Dr. Webster Tarpley exposes all of this nonsense from crackpots like Holdren and this lune bag Liao so you can understand how sick these people are.

the site No Trick Zone out of Germany has the creepy video of Liao which I am going to link to:

and trust me this video is creepy as I am watching it right now UPDATE: I couldn't listen to anymore of it because it made me sick to my stomach..