Saturday, July 7, 2012

Soros promotes UN globalist control over your guns, Gates foundation depopulation summits demand world wide approval (original article appeared in the New American) yes it is seems globalist operative George Soros is throwing money at the UN so they can take away your guns by spreading propaganda which is ironically coinciding with the UN conference on the Arms Trade Treaty which is being held at their headquarters in NY from july 2-the 27th. They are using the excuse to pass this under the guise of "curtailing illegal arms trading" and to crackdown on those who abuse human rights and of course tell the people who have the right to bear arms as part of the Second Amendment of the US constitution that they won't be affected. First of all the US does not need the permission of the UN to maintain their right to own guns because the Bill of Rights are supposed to protect Americans from Tyranny just like our Constitution Act of 1867 and of 1982 but that does not matter to the banking oligarchs(who have highjacked us as well ever since 1974)  that want world government control because as we know they don't give a damn about human rights when they deny the 3rd world life saving carbon energy because a life giving gas was deemed a toxin(appalling slap in the face to all life when that horrific fraud was foisted on to the public) It seems the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is using population control through their Global Health Development Program by using people in underdeveloped nations as medical guinea pigs so they can test things drugs, vaccines(China and the US are developing a sterilization vaccine so I am thinking that is what that is) and of course Melinda Gates has made this her own agenda claiming that 100,000 women die in childbirth from "unintended pregnancies" which is a total fraud but again the mindset of these sick disgusting people is death.. very interesting read indeed