Turns out the shooter was medical student at the University of Colorado and was pursuing a degree in neuroscience and he had also painted his hair red and called himself the joker. Article demonstrates very well that this man's behavior makes no sense, after he opened fire, he "calmly surrended to cops" he told cops he had bombs in his apartment, No folks why the hell would you tell cops after you shot a bunch of people that you have bombs in your apartment???why would you warn them?? any smart criminal who is hell bent on killing people would never tell the cops he or she had bombs in their apartment. Also the article points out the fact he was provided with a rifle, swat military gear, bullet proof vests, gas masks etc.. tells me this guy was provided this equipment to carry all of this out and the guy is unemployed so there is no way he bough the equipment himself because as the article points out a good rifle is at least a grand, handguns or shotguns a good 800 bucks and so on giving the rest of the stuff this would total 20,000 grand!!! You don't get this training in graduate school, raises the idea that this guy was funded and provided the equipment by someone.
Also the fact that this is not far from when the US government was going to vote on the UN gun grab next week to disarm lawful gun owners, this clearly was about creating "terror and mayhem" and of course the media jumps all over it saying "we need gun control". Would not be surprised if this was another fast and furious(where the US government agencies like the ATF were caught shipping guns to mexican drug cartels to blame the second amendment) by staging violence, blaming guns as the problem then calling for so called leaders to have gun control legislation(like mentioned above) and your guns get consficated, now the article points out that anytime this has happened in history whether it was Nazi Germany, Pol Pot, Mao and other disgusting tyrants this always leads to GENOCIDE sponsored by the government!!!!
Scientists propose dumping iron into the oceans to prevent "global warming": In another ridiculous attempt to protect the weather, scientists have been performing experiments by dumping iron into the Antarctic Ocean to "potentially fertilize the development of plankton" despite the fact numerous health and leading scientific organizations have raised red flags to how potentially dangerous this is, This is all part of the geo-engineering of the planet done by a bunch of criminals. Even research shows that by dumping iron dust into the ocean it would devastate all the marine life population and deplete oxygen which would lead to invasive species taking over...