This globalist front organization called the Council on Foreign Relations says opposition to this treaty is "inflammatory, they are completely unfounded" and says this doesn't endanger the second amendment.. but we all know they are lying through their teeth because even in Forbes reported this was a threat to US sovereignty and would basically confiscate guns from law abiding citizens. Article goes on to show that ever since the UN came to be, they have been working with gun control groups and NGO's and even teamed up in 1998 with the International Action network on small arms(IANSA) who oppose using guns to defend yourself and your family and they have received funding from not only the UN but globalist shill fronts as the Ford Foundation(meaning the CIA) and the Rockefeller foundation. According to Wayne LaPierre of the National Rifle Association "The bottom line is that international gun banners want every gun-every single firearm worldwide- to be under UN and government control. he goes on to add this "And that includes your rifle, your shotgun, your handgun, and even family heirlooms that have been handed down from generation to generation"
Even a former FBI agend Dan Smoot has said: "The ultimate aim of the CFR is to create a one-world socialist system, and to make the U.S an official part of it. The CFR was created in 1921. So what they are going to do to eliminate any opposition to this is by working with the United Nations to "establish a gun grabbing regime under the guise of stopping violence from terrorists and organized crime" Despite popular belief that the brutal human rights abusing one Child policy of China was implemented by Mao. According to Susan Greenhalgh in her study called Just one child:Science and Policy in Deng's China, the inspiration for this tyranny was made by the Chinese Communist party as they were heavily influenced by the eco-fascist Club of Rome and its UN arms back in the early 1970's. She pointed out that this policy "had roots in missile scientists" "exposure to and import of the Club of Rome population concepts through international conferences in the 1970's.
The article goes to say that back in 1978, a group of scientists from China had been to several conferences on science in Europe and picked up ideas from the Club of Rome. The head of this group was a man by the name of Song Jian who is credited with this horrific policy. Even Robert Zubrin covers this in his excellent Merchants of Despair: Radical Environmentalists, Criminal Pseudo-Scientists and the fatal cult of Antihumanism(which you can purchase on Amazon) and even wrote a piece in the Washington Times that basically backs up Greenhalgh's study very well. Anyway according to that article, Jian was in charge of developing China's guided missile program, had gone to Helsinki, Finland for an internation conference on control system theory and design. While he was there, He had picked up the Club of Rome's malthusian propaganda piece known as the Limits to Growth.
The Club of Rome was formed in 1968 by old Fascists including Alexander King out of the old WW2 eugenics movenment, it was a "beacon of light to which all environmental ships were supposed to navigate"so really the green movenment was designed to blame man for everything on this planet and thus according to them less people on the planet the better. Even in 1991 in their book the First global revolution "IN searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy them is humanity itself" Of course we all know the enemy was the hoax of man made climate change and it is clear from that quote that is was a fraud from the start and fooling the population into believing a life giving gas CO2 was going to bake the earth when in reality the main driver of climate not just here on Earth but throughout the entire Solar System is the SUN!!
Article goes on to quote such lunatics as Gary L. Peters quoting Alan Weisman in an article he had written called Population Growth is still the biggest problem facing humanity who once said this "The intelligent solution(to the problem of population growth) would require courage and the wisdom to put our knowledge to the test. It would henceforth limit every human female on Earth capable of bearing children to one" and even advocated reducing the population to 1.6 billion people which is around what it was in 1900!!! this lunatic also went on to state "WE can no longer wait for increasing wealth to bring down fertility in high fertility nations, we need policies to stop growth now" basically advocating for mass genocide.
I would argue that the greatest threat to humanity is this Gaia worshipping death cult who are hell bent on anti-human policies that are so tryannical and lecturing us on how many kids we can have if we even have the right to have children. Hell even Ted Turner wants kill 95% of us(mentioned in article)
These statements are not from legit scientists, no they are from gaia worshipping ecological freaks who see humans as a cancer that needs to be wiped out over the greatest fraud in history: man made global warming
And what is also terrible is that overpopulation is a fraud(we will peak to 9 billion but lose 1 billion every 20 years and when this century is over we will back at 7 billion, which we are currently at and this is according to the UN's own numbers) but yet they still promote it as the gospel