ABC news blames "Tea Party" for shooting but later apologizes: (original article appeared on It was on Good Morning America, ABC news' Brian Ross and George Stephanolpoulos put out this ridiculous claim that the Tea Party might be "connected to the shooting" at the movie theatre in Aurora Colorado and this is not the first time the corrupt corporate whore media has done this. You will recall after the Tuscon, Arizona shootings back in January of last year where congresswoman Gabriel Giffords was one of the victims, they attempted to blame the tea party for that one as well but of course when they got caught they tried to blame "social media" and "members of the public"after the intial correction of their bogus report but I still expect them to try and spin this tragedy anyway they can... The reports of the Syrian situation being portrayed as an uprising of democracy by activists has turned out to be a complete fraud. Thanks to an investigation by the UK Guardian, the top figures in this so called regime change-known as the Syrian National Council- have links to the elitist group Bilderberg, the Council on Foreign Relations(CFR), Goldman sachs and George Soros and the US government.
IT shows how this was nothing more than a propaganda show that was being used as an excuse for international intervention by military forces and the reports about the "civilian massacres" being blamed on Assad have been fabricated as it is the Western backed rebels who have carried these attacks out but they blame it on Assad because they need something to justify invading there to overthrow him for example Iraq in 2003 when the Bush Adminstration lied and said they had Weapons of Mass Destruction when it has come out they faked documents so they would have an excuse to go and carpet bomb Iraq for oil.. All under the guise of saving the earth from a non-toxic, harmless life giving gas CO2 so we have to pay lunatics like Al Gore and the elite bankers for we have "sinned" for having a "carbon footprint" which has allowed and increase in forest and plant growth over the last 4-50 years thanks to our emissions of this wonderful life giving gas that is being demonized as a this evil gas and how political activism is being used as a Delphi brainwashing technique against people(like myself) who are not falling for the man made climate change hoax that they are hell bent on shoving down our throats so the UN can have its eco-fascist world dictatorship, take our property rights away through Agenda 21 and to carry out their sick disgusting genocide of 80-90% of the world's population.