Saturday, July 28, 2012

More evidence that Colorado Shootings were a false flag attack Mirrors the RFK assassination where Sirhan Sirhan was also a drugged up fall guy and the fact that it has come out that Holmes' psychiatrist Dr. Lynne Fenton (he was seeing her at the University of Colorado) She worked for the Air Force out of Texas and prescribed a lot of unsafe drugs(this was reported in the Washington Post and also the London Independent which I will link to in a moment) this came to light after the corrupt mainstream media had reported Holmes had shipped a notebook to her explaining how he was gonna kill a whole bunch of people and also there were images of "gun wielding stick figures blowing away other stick figures" again this was a lame attempt to create a back story and make this guy look like a sociopath, which is key when governments have carried out false flag operations because it manipulates the public which is always the goal and lone nut theories are also used in these operations too.

 It reminds of me of Timothy McVeigh, the alleged Oklahoma city bomber, was also under the care of Dr. Louis Jolyon West of the UCLA's Neuropsychiatric Institute after he was arrested and He was one of the players who created the CIA's mind control which is mentioned in the article and we all know the CIA has a history(Please watch a Noble Lie which exposes the Oklahoma City bombing official story for the fraud that it is, it is available at and also the infowars store too)

Another thing, the Judge in the Case has implemented a "GAG order" so that information that contradicts the official narrative never sees the light of day for example the Judge told the University of Colorado not to release Holmes' records even though the media had requested them and also put a gag order on a video that shows that Holmes' was drugged up. Clearly this is an attempt to prevent the real truth from coming out  which shows us the obvious- Holmes was a created patsy and perhaps the victim of mind control experiments.

Another interesting fact is witnesses said he was dressed in "full riot gear.. and He looked like a member of the swat team" and was described as being dressed head to toe in that particular gear. Remember he is unemployed and the fact that the weapons and ammunition used cost around at least 15,000 dollars according to the article. The corrupt corporate media had "floated the story that he was the recipient of grant money from the National Institutes of Health which included at least 21,600 every year to help with "living expenses" when they are pursuing their respective research fields

The American people are not buying the official narrative either.. given the fact the United Nations are putting their finishing touches on their gun grab and the idea of a shy neuroscience student turning into this mass killer which I too find suspicious and given all the evidence here, it has the writing of a false flag operation

Here is the London Independent report: