Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Iran accuses US of using Weather Weapons, "Green Agenda" about mass sacrifice. Gates funded experiment to spray atmosphere with sulphur particles

http://www.infowars.com/iran-accuses-us-of-using-weather-weapons/ Yesterday Iran made accusations that the US and all Western Nations that they are using weather weapons against them. One of the ministers of Cultural Hertiage and tourism in Iran Hassan Mousavi said this "I am suspicious of the drought in the souther part of the country" Back in 2011, The Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had made statement that the West was using special equipment to stop rain clouds from forming in the Area including Iran. Currently the nation is going through the worst drought since 1964 and is affecting 37 million people and is causing wheat production to go down and even sandstorms have wrecked havoc as well creating more of a problem as a result.

The Pentagon has admitted to using such Technology. The Air Force back in 2005 said it had the ability to generate such weather conditions as precipitation, fog and storms on earth or even modify space weather.. Also the US military has used what is called "induced ionospheric modifications" using HAARP(High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program)..  very interesting article indeed and given all of this I wouldn't doubt it for a minute...

"Green Agenda" about Mass sacrifice: http://www.infowars.com/the-green-agenda-is-all-about-mass-sacrifice/ We all know how hell bent the elite are on blaming man for all woes on this Earth. In my own research, We have seen quack lunatics in the fields of science and demography who want to commit mass genocide under the guise of saving the earth from harmless CO2 and despite the fact that the fraud of man made global climate change has been exposed, they have become more desperate to hold on to this hoax this article explains their sick disgusting religion of death very well..

Gates Funded Geo-Engineering: http://www.infowars.com/gates-funded-experiment-to-spray-atmosphere-with-sulphur-particles/ A new study being funded by Bill Gates will see thousands of tonnes of sulphur released into the atmosphere over New Mexico as part of a geo-engineering experiment, despite the fact even hardcore environmentalists have warned it could be a problem for eco-systems on Earth and could cause problems for our food supply as well and could even cause drought that would kill people because it would lead to starvation and even though the health effects of this include heart damage, reproductive failure, hearing problems, Lung issues, damage to your immune system etc..  The fact people like himself who meet every year through a secret billionaires club talking about how to kill us are funding such a genocidal project  I guess we shouldn't be surprised by this since they are so open how much they enjoy death...