Sunday, July 15, 2012

More on UN gun grab, Patrick Moore formerly of Greenpeace comes out in Support of Carbon Dioxide These control freaks want to steal your guns if you are an American citizen, which you have the right to under the Bill of rights so they can kill people without opposition because god forbid the people have the right to defend themselves against these sick psycopathic tyrants...  and they have links to different reports about this issue that are linked in the report here is another report on the subject also links to article from a book called Death by Gun Control which is a very interesting report how(there is chart in the article) when you take people's guns away whether it was under the communist regimes of China, the Ottoman Empire, Soviet Russia, Guatemala even the 1994 Rwandan Genocide where when they targeted gun owners who where either Armenian or political opponents as a couple of examples we all know it has lead to genocide from anywhere from 800,000 to over 20-35 million..

Patrick Moore on new study trying to make up for lack of warming: talks about this new study about how scientists where taken aback by how much plants absorbed CO2 and Dr. Moore commented by saying that either these people are naive about the relationship to how CO2 and plants or they are trying to save their ass to deflect attention from the 15+ years of cooling and explains how plants grow much faster when there is more CO2 in the air because as we all know it is plant food and is not harmless at all and is truly essential to all life but do not tell the ecological fascists these facts because they prefer brainwashing and terrifying the public over this ridiculous hoax and He also goes on to say how we should challenge them to admit "that CO2 is the most important nutrient for all life on Earth and to admit that it is proven in lab and field experiments that plants would grow much faster if CO2 levels were 4-5 times higher in the atmosphere than they are today..."