For more than at least 1/2 a century the demographers at the UN have tried to indoctrinate people into having 1 child, after WWII this didn't stop them from using any sort of avenue whether it was through TV, radio etc.. in order to con the people to use tax dollars to fund these anti-human programs and the article goes on to mention some pretty horrific stories from Uzbekistan, India, China(the poster child for their horrific 1 child policy) to name the 3 countries from reducing the births of disabled children to other disgusting horrors like in India where to elderly men who were 98 and 80 respectively were forced into having a vasectomy, a father who took his kid to get a rabies vaccine after the kid was bitten by a dog told him they wouldn't do it unless he got sterilized.. these people never fail to make me sick with their anti-human garbage, this is what we will face if the global elite get their dream of an ecological fascist world government if we don't continue to expose their terrible crimes against humanity.. even if they do, I know I gave it my all to try and inform all of you read this and I gave it my best shot as well however I am not about to throw in the towel to these lunatics without a fight..
Water and Agenda 21: Over 366 million, trillions of gallons of water and they want to control the whole damn thing but of course UNESCO's Intergovernmental Council of the International Hydrological Program says that the number is "fixed". It seems through HIP and the UN, despite the fact water is vital to all life, they are hell bent on their world tyranny by developing scams to have total control over water. One of the IPCC documents called HS15332 Climate Change Impacts: Securitization of Water, Food, Soil, Health, Energy and Migration shows how the UN plans to "secure resources at their disposal"(code word for control) and also through the criminal banks like the IMF, poor countries are forced to sell their resources to the globalists control freaks as a "full cost recovery" and will lead to the privatization of water which will drive the price up and the people who really need good clean water will not be able to have access to it and so on and so forth.. as the old saying goes: "if you control water, food and energy, you can control the world"..
TSA outrage: Laugh at Deaf Man, Call him "F---- deafie", steal his candy: As someone who has a deaf relative, this makes me sick. TSA agents at the Louisville, Kentucky airport laughed at this hearing impaired gentleman, called him names and stole his candy. He was coming home from a conference for Deaf people in the area and was wearing a T-Shirt that was provided to conference goers to promote the event and as soon as he approached the TSA, that is when his ordeal began as they went through his bag for no good reason(he has traveled with food before and they were sealed as he had purchased them at the AIRPORT!!!!) and they ate his candy while he was being scanned, they took one look at his shirt and immediately started laughing at him because he is deaf and of course the poor guy clearly was becoming distraught and these lunatics filmed the whole damn thing even resorting to calling deaf people "dumb apes" and this story has gone viral and thankfully there has been public outrage.. Clearly these people have no concept of compassion or treating the disabled with respect and dignity(I know all about this if you read my other blog, I am very passionate about civil rights for people with any sort of disability whether it is autism or any kind of difference) and calling deaf people dumb is plain ignorant and also is very discriminatory..
and Monsanto launching anti-gmo labelling campaign: it is a news clip from the Infowars nightly news talking about how despite all the health risks associated with this biotech food and their toxic pesticides, Monsanto is hell bent on preventing people from knowing what is in their food...
here is a treat for you all: New tree ring data shows 2000 years of cooling: would like to see the eco-fascists try and refute this new collection of real scientific data that shows the temperatures during the roman and medieval warm periods were underestimated from a study at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. They used trees from the Finland to recreate a graph going back to 138 BC and thus have been now able to accurately demonstrate cooling for over 2000 years.. very cool and certainly will be rejected by the ecological fascists who promote the fraud of man made climate change because real science and REAL facts don't mean a damn thing as long as they are allowed to terrify children about the non-dying polar bears and a life giving harmless gas CO2...