According to a paper that was published in Science by geologist Dr. Gerard Bond and his team found that climate changes on earth are high sensitive to even weak "perturbations in the Sun's energy output, not just on the decadal scales that have been investigated previously but also on the centennial to the millennial time scales." HE is the same guy who discovered the 1500 year natural climate cycle which is name after him called the Bond Events. Of course the UN IPCC has always dismissed the sun because they thrive on terrifying the public over an essential trace life giving gas CO2 that has no effect on the climate other than it comes after temperature rise/fall after a few hundred years but again real facts based on REAL science do not matter to the eco-fascists and the UN as long as they are allowed to control our lives based on a fraud, they are happy..(note the sarcasm at the end)
Globalist operative Bloomberg wants cops to go on strike until Americans give up their right to bear arms: Only shows what an out of control scumbag he is. This gun grabber was on that tool Piers Morgan the other night suggesting the cops should go on strike so law abiding gun owners will give up their guns. Even though cops have admitted(in the article) that they do not have to protect citizens and are unable, This tyrant still wants to go after gun owners who want have the peace of mind that they can protect and defend their families if the situation warrants it. Interesting to note(again in the article), that back in the 1800's Americans were expected to defend themselves and the so called cops today would have been just a "standing army"
AN example:this past weekend(you can look this up) In Anaheim, California, police actually attacked people who were protesting against the murder of 2 people by the cops. They shot rubber bullets at them and unleashed pissed off dogs on the protesters. All of this was caught on cell phones, of course they went into "damage" control and tried to actually buy the footage but it had already gone viral on the internet.
to follow up: Bloomberg backtracked his statements(no surprise there) saying he didn't literally mean his comments... and Police strikes are illegal and the article as an excerpt from Wikipedia explaining this very well..
So really Bloomberg, you are the true definition of a mafia crime lord who has sold his own people to the United Nations Agenda 21 and also tells people what they can and cannot eat and confiscated the guns of the law abiding people of New York City(the people you who are supposed to BE SERVING!!!) their right to bear arms.."green"-agenda.html It turns out according to a review of their so called grants from 2005-2010, The Rockefeller Brothers Fund has admitted to buying off so called "non green voices" meaning folks outside of the environmental movement to basically sell the fraud of man made climate change on their communities here is an example: "foundation dollars extended to support these non green voices have grown dramatically(...) RBF has supported "allied voices for climate action" that includes businesses,investors, evangelicals, farmers, sportsmen, labor, military leaders, national security hawks, veterans, youth and governors and mayors"The article goes on to explain how religious leaders and local politicians have been "subsidized into selling the myth of man made global warming"..
Also exposes how the Fund in 1984 has put a lot of cash into "strengthening the implementation of Agenda 21" leading to the first Rio Summit in 1992 which talked about "distilling consensus on climate science" and "moving the discussion of climate change from the scientific community into the policy arena" Also reveals how they funded the earliest meetings of advocates who were addressing "climate change"
But despite the fact the UN and so called scientists got caught cooking the books in 2009 and before the Durban conference last year, They openly bragged about their grant money schemes from 2005-2010 in the following quote: "As philanthropic giving as grown over the past several years, with it have grown new organizations, new alliances, and new campaigns. Just a few short years ago, climate change was addressed by a small subset of the environmental movement.It is fair to say that the issue now has a growing movement of its own. Powerful voices from the business, faith, national security, youth,labor, and agricultural groups have joined the fight for robust climate change policy"
Another arm of this is of course the genocidal UNFPA(United Nations Population Fund) which put out a document in 2009 showing the tricks of the Fund to blackmail congregations who were unwilling to go along with the UNFPA's horrific population control programs which the following quote which is enough to make my stomach turn: "UNFPA has found that leaders of faith-and interfaith- based organizations are open to discussing reproductive health, if issues are addressed with care and sensitivity"..
They have made it no secret they want to kill over 80-90% of us and despite the fact man made climate change is a piece of crackpot nonsense, It is clear they are ramping up their efforts so they can shove their disgusting anti-human agenda down the throats of the world...