Friday, July 27, 2012

Raw Milk advocate James Stewart seized by armed bounty hunters who drove unmarked cars, James Holmes another Sirhan Sirhan The 65 year old founder of Rawesome Foods James Stewart was beaten near his home by 3 guys who were driving luxury unmarked and no license plates on these vehicles. They were carrying firearms, wearing clothes you would associate with gangs and wearing t-shirts that were "Satanic" in nature claiming to be making a so called arrest and even verbally abused the guy. The article links a partial video where you can see this for yourself. He is being charged with financial crimes  that despite the fact there is no evidence to suggest Stewart taking part in any criminal activity whatsoever. They never read him is legal rights and really they were just a bunch of goddamn thugs picking on an innocent person and they never showed any Identification or badges which according to the law in California" bounty hunters must carry a certificate of completion of required courses and training programs" and were even quoted as saying "We are not the police". They also tried to intimidate witnesses who filmed it even calling one of them "retarded".

Truly disgusting and now he fears for his life because the crimes of the Ventura County DA's office are being exposed and the crimes of Michelle LeCavalier and LA district attorney prosecutors in which they were caught signing illegal search warrants and conducting the raids against Rawesome Foods(there are links to that article as well in the report) despite the fact they never signed an oath of office which is CALIFORNIA LAW!!!! The connection to these 2 (sirhan sirhan was accused of killing Robert F. Kennedy about 40 years ago) is undeniable. Both were drugged, they don't remember the shootings at all and in both cases eyewitnesses reported multiple shooters. Back in 2005, one of the newspapers out of London reported that Sirhan was a "Manchurian Candidate, a victim of mind control who was set up to the fall guy for the murder" witnesses at the time describe him of being in a "trance like state". It is quite disturbing how the 2 are related in the fact that: Both were behaving as if being in a trance or under the influence of drugs even Sirhan has said he though someone had slipped drugs into his drinks before RFK was shot.. Holmes behavior suggests the same thing according to New York Magazine he "looked confused, blinked slowly, and struggled to keep his head up" suggesting the possibility of him being doped up.

Both don't remember the shootings at all, not even any details at all sirhan has said he didn't know how he got there as he was in almost a blackout state. Holmes has even told prison guards he doesn't know why he is in a jail cell and is "suffering from amnesia"..

Also eyewitnesses have reported multiple shooters in both cases. Nina Rhodes Hughes said another man shot at RFK and of course the authorities tried to change her story even Sirhan's lawyer has presented evidence that " two guns were fired in the assassination and Sirhan's revolver was not the gun that shot Kennedy" again with Holmes, numerous reports from people have suggested the possibility of 2 shooters as well, also noting one of the gas canisters involved were thrown from the other side of the room opposite of where the shooter was standing. Which leads me to think that Holmes may have had an accomplice and witnesses also have said they saw someone(the killer) on a cellphone before the shooting occurred and then standing where the emergency exit was located and calling someone else over(again all in the article)

Of course the CIA has a history of  using mind control to create assassins through the MK-Ultra program, which was an illegal operation, which was run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence and was all revealed in 1975 thanks to investigations done by the Church Committee and the Rockefeller comission was presidential. Even a 14 year CIA vet Victor Marchetti insists they are still running this program.

Even more interesting the article points out is that Holmes, who was a neuroscience student, was into mind control. When he worked at Salk Institute of Biological Studies where he actually designed a program for the computer to alter "mental states using flicker rates" and even Arizona Shooter Jared Lee Loughner was into mind control as well...

Given all of this and posting numerous reports I have posted on this blog, I think this has the makings of a false flag operation that is being used as an excuse to go after law abiding gun owners and ram through the tyrannical UN gun treaty as well.