Interesting video report on how the US government pressured manufacturers to put iodine in the salt and other products but decades later put nasty stuff out there like bromine(which has been banned in Canada and other nations because it is poison) and the fluoride variations in the water which has been linked to bone cancer and low IQ scores according to a Harvard study(though I should note the City of Thunder Bay, where I live has banned fluoride in the water as well as other cities like Calgary and I even think Windsor did too) I have actually done my research into iodine and it is a problem in 54 nations because their soils are not good. Anyway I ordered myself a bottle of this to try because Iodine is what your thyroid needs to properly function and makes one wonder if this is one of the reasons so many people have issues with their thyroid because of the lack of iodine in their body... and I want to know what it tastes like.. also I would like to tell about a green energy drink from Enerhealth Botanicals which is all organic ingredients and has no crap in it at all and I have a canister of this stuff and I still have lots of it left so it stores well. I have drank it with apple juice or water and the days I don't feel great and I drink it it has made a huge difference and is way better than the stuff on the market that has all the bad stuff that is not good for you
you can get both products at or you can get the energy drink straight from Enerhealth at but infowars life products are only part of just so you know and the best part of the infowars life products is there is no GMOs or Gluten or any of that nasty stuff too.. Stay Healthy my friends because health is very important for sure as we have to take our of ourselves the best we can through exercise(which I try and do a couple times a week), trying to eat food that is good for us and sure as hell trying to avoid those damn GMOs even though the biotech companies don't want us to know what is really in our food.
Though it is not easy at all thanks to their corruption and corporate deception as I and others have covered before but thankfully we can take charge by saying no and getting the word out.