Friday, December 13, 2013

Criminal bankster scum at IMF want 71 percent tax rate

Romain Hatcheul's article passed over on the Wall St. Journal website was revisited by Simon Black yesterday of Sovereign Man blog. Mr. Black illustrates the latest globalist bankster IMF scheme to steal wealth from producers and enslave billions of people: a tax rate of 71%!!!! yes you read that right

"The IMF's team of monkeys has been working around the clock on this one, figuring that developed nations can increase their overall tax revenue by increasing taxes"-Black writes. "They have singled out the US, suggesting that the US government could maximize its tax revenue by increasing tax brackets to as high as 71%"

Black notes that this latest blatant criminal plot by the "grand wizards of the global financial system" is very telling. It "might be the clearest sign yet that the whole house of cards is dangerously close to being swept away"

So question is can we remain "free" when 71% of what he or she brings in is taken away at gunpoint by the a bankrupt, despotic bullying government or are you merely a slave to feed off their system??

Hatcheul explains the tax schemes like this cooked up by France's socialist government-a 75% tax on income above one million Euros- will not get any desired results: the Wealthy will simply avoid trying to be taxed as French Actor Gerard Depardieu did when he had to turnover his passport and became a tax exile. French billionaire Bernard Arnault applied for Belgian nationality in response to this socialist form of thievery and wrote and article called "If U.S. Had 75% Tax Rate, You'd Leave too"(which is blue linked in the article)


"Of course these measures won't return the world's top economies to sustainable levels of debt. That could only be achieved only through significant economic growth(the good way) or, as the IMF puts it, "by repudiating public debt or inflating it away(the bad way). In October the IMF floated a bold idea that didn't get the attention it deserved: lowering sovereign debt levels through a one-off tax on private wealth"

Cyprus anyone??? so basically what the degenerate sociopaths at the IMF want is for government to go into your bank account and clip what it deems appropriate and transfer it to the bankster filth. Hatcheul says the internationalist loan sharking operation is looking at 10 percent of bank held savings

"From New York to London, Paris and beyond, powerful economic players are deciding that with an ever deteriorating global fiscal outlook, conventional levels and methods of taxation will no longer suffice"-he writes. "That makes weapons of mass wealth destruction-such as the IMF's one off capital levy, Cyprus's bank deposit confiscation, or outright sovereign defaults-likelier by the day"

Old fashioned taxation is out. I guess we can expect a total grand larceny at local banks enforced by the government. Even if this total highway robbery is limited to the few million rich folks- it won't be, only a large unprecedented complete rape and pillage will satisfy these pieces of garbage- the economic results will be significant.

It is the old game: Steal from producers who create wealth and prosperity which will lead to a lower standard of living for all except the mega rich oligarchs of course who never pay a bloody red cent in taxes(and the really bad ones employ government to steal more from you to pay for their monopolistic empires and cover their marketing gambling losses)

This latest IMF scam is the result of a century of brainwashing that says that taxation is part of a social contract between individuals and government. The globalist bankster scum elite now says we no longer have the social contract concept. In order to prop up an already corrupt financial system, outright robbery is a damn given

This is why we see the militarized police state in place. Burglars always come in and will resort to violence if their plans are challenged or resisted..

This is another example of UN Agenda 21 as well...