Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Effects Of Environmentalist and Climate Alarmist Crying Wolf Begin To Appear

The Effects Of Environmentalist and Climate Alarmist Crying Wolf Begin To Appear

This is a great article by Dr. Tim Ball talking about the cover of the November 25th issue of Macleans magazine with pictures of eco-fascist hypocrite David Suzuki and the caption reads "Environmentalism Has Failed" "David Suzuki loses faith in the cause of his lifetime"

What Suzuki does not realize is he is the one of the causes as he along with eco-fascist Al Gore in the group who used environmentalism and climate for a political agenda. At the start, most bought into and even tried to accommodate but eventually the lies, cover ups, deceptions and propaganda were exposed and the age of eco-bullying is ending as well.

It is no surprise to me that Suzuki blamed others for damage to the environment and climate and now blames them for not listening to his bullshit!!! Also the radical environmentalists like him never admitted their claims were wrong and like the UN IPCC underscored the political rather than the scientific agenda when Suzuki said that politicians who were not buying in to the green fascist brainwashing that they should be in jail. Also these radicals took the moral high ground as being the only ones who gave a damn about the Earth. Suzuki set up his David Suzuki Foundation (DSF)with tax benefits that required it to be non-political but after being involved in an Ontario election he was forced to resign. His goal was to push the CO2 burning the earth hoax and green energies to be put in place in Ontario when Maurice Strong, who was in charge of Ontario Hydro, our state run controlled energy agency. Ontario is the poster child just like Europe of how and why the policies promoted by Suzuki and his fellow eco-tryant Strong have been a huge disaster as our power prices are the highest in Canada as result of this nonsense.

The foundation campaigned on environmental issues in cruel deceptive or not complete ways. For example was their attack in salmon farming and bad corrupted research on PCBs and sea lice. This was a focus of an interview with researcher Vivian Krause by Ezra Levant of Sun News (both are linked if you want to check them out) Another thing Suzuki did was parade across Canada pushing extinction theories and claims of DSF board member E.O Wilson that 3 species go extinct every hour while never mentioning one and never wrote a list of the new species being found. He refused to discuss this issue and when he would go to visit schools which were pre-arranged and wrote a question for a selected student to ask. He promoted the man made global warming/man made climate change myth but never debated them or answer any questions at all and when he was asked by a radio interviewer in Toronto He swore and stormed out the studio like a pathetic chicken.

He also hired former federal politician NDP David Fulton as Director of the DSF. James Hoggan has been the Chairman of the Board for many years. His PR company has many alternate energy companies as clients. Hoggan also created the DeSmogblog, which claimed they were a website "Clearing the PR Pollution that clouds climate science" but really focuses on demeaning personal attacks of people who ask or even dare to ask questions basically and the article shows a leaked email from the CRU(Climatic Research Unit) from December 2007 exposing how they were only about PR and not about science at all!!!!

SO in reality it is Do as I say not as I do and this is the hallmark of these eco-fascist scum like Gore and Suzuki. Both are the poster children for their complete utter hypocrisy and both were exposed by Sun News reporter Ezra Levant which showed a familiar list of funding and financial activities and personal wealth being taken in especially with property

Dr. Ball does a fantastic job of exposing Suzuki's unwillingness to debate or even answer questions when he ignored his lack of qualifications on climate but uses that as a challenge when his supposed expertise in genetics and genetically modified food. Another reason for his "environmentalism is failure" claim is really a PR move to divert attention away from his climate ignorance in an Australian interview

What is also clear is how the elite scum and their eco-fascist minions like Suzuki do not care how their lies, fraud and deception of cost ordinary people which have caused job losses, destroy communities, drive up our energy prices and on and on.

I have said all along as well as others this whole thing had nothing to do with the environment at all and ignores the real environmental issues like Smog, Toxic waste dumping in the ocean, GMOs and etc.. but it is a life giving gas that is being demonized unfairly in order to take away our freedoms and liberties we enjoy through their criminal activity and also to hold back third world life saving development as well which I and others have documented over time because they are as Viv Forbes put it: "To be anti-carbon is to be anti-life and anti-human"