Monday, December 9, 2013

Reflections 2013 and a Thank you

I never thought when I started this blog in 2011 exposing the globalist elite that I would have 10,0000 plus hits, I was so disgusted with the fraud of man made climate change that I felt the need to alert you all to how this fraud is really nothing more than a power grab and then I branched out into 9/11 and why the government story is a mere fairytale and the coverups surrounding that awful tragic day where 3,000 innocent people lost their lives and has lead to our basic rights to be violated and to be illegally spied on by the NSA and others and illegal wars

Also it has been interesting in the world of GMOs and how corporate money can keep us consumers in the dark about what is in our food so we cannot make informed choices when we go to the grocery store or the never ending attacks on innocent farmers for simply feeding their communities and running it as a business or demonizing people who have vegetable gardens in their front yards and covering the Trans Pacific Partnership, which is really just a corporate fascist takeover, was also a huge story in the way it affects the GMO issue as well as other issues too

The nuke transfer story and the firing squad afterwards was quite the interesting footnote and posting the article and given you the details and a shocking 80 plus hits was a surprise and I thank you for that as well and it was something I felt that was important given all the stuff in Syria that was being hyped in the media and people calling for it to be carpet bombed like Iraq and Afghanistan

Covering the slow death of the province of Ontario thanks to the CO2 burning the earth hoax and the green energy act scam was also important as well thanks to the criminals who have highjacked our once great province through this disgusting example of what we are facing not just as a province and country but the entire world as well who want to throw us back into the stone ages and black plagues and hold back life saving 3rd world development which should be a crime against humanity in every sense of the word. Cheap reliable energy lifted our ancestors out of pure misery/poverty and lets fight to make sure future generations are allowed this wonderful gift and keep the lights on not only in North America and Europe but to light up the lives of the poor who are being allowed to die of preventable diseases because of the man made climate change myth/scam/hoax

I could go on but Anyway Thank you for your support of this blog because it is so important that we expose these criminals for the degenerate evil scum they are so that our children and their children will not have to live under tyranny and together we will take down the globalists and get our countries back from them and stop their planned genocide of 90% of the worlds population

Merry Christmas and hope 2014 is good to you all