Camille Paglia, who is an openly gay Professor of the Arts in Philadelphia, came out in support of Phil Robertson by calling his suspension outrageous in nation that values freedom. While on the Laura Ingraham show yesterday she said the following:
"I speak with authority here, because I was openly gay before the "Stonewall rebellion", when it cost you something to be so. I personally feel as a libertarian that people have the right to free thought and free speech"
She continued:
"In a democratic country, people have the right to be homophobic as well as they have the right to support homosexuality-as I hundred percent do. If people are basing their views against gays on the Bible, again they have a right of religious freedom there"
Robertson's comments in GQ as I and others reported were deemed "anti-gay" when in reality he never singled out any gay person in his comments however according to Paglia and I completely agree with her that the culture has become way too politically correct. She said: "To express yourself in a magazine interview-this is the level of punitive PC, utterly fascist, utterly Stalinist, OK, that my liberal colleagues in the Democratic Party and on college campuses have supported over the last several decades. This whole legacy of free speech 1960's that have been lost by my own party "
While she says she is an atheist she does respect religion and has been annoyed with the intolerance of gay activists she says:
"I think this intolerance of gay activists toward the full spectrum of human beliefs is a sign of immaturity, juvenility. This is not the mark of a true intellectual life. This is why there is no cultural life now in the U.S. Why nothing is of interest coming from the major media in terms of cultural criticism. Why the graduates of the Ivy League with their A, A, A+ grades are complete cultural illiterates, etc. because they are not being educated in any way to give respect to opposing view points"
"There is a dialogue going on human civilization, for heaven sakes. It's not just this monologue coming from fanatics who have displaced the religious beliefs of their parents into a political movement-she said. "And that is what happened with feminism, and that is what happened to gay activism, a fanaticism"
Regarding her comment on them not being educated into respecting opposition view points is bang on because if you ever seen the work of Charolette Iserbyt on the Miseducation of America and read her book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America this is exactly what is happening where you have indoctrinated brainwashed people who don't know how to think for themselves because they only believe what they are told and when someone opposes them they get demonized and personally attacked like Phil Robertson was and the videos I shared above will explain all of this so you can see for yourself how bad all of this is.
Here is another great article from the organic prepper:
I myself don't care how anyone lives his or her life as long as you don't violate my right to live mine as I wish. The point Ms. Luther makes is about free speech. Whether you agreed with Robertson or not, he was entitled to his opinion and the right to express his faith which is protected by the Constitution
What pisses me off is the way A&E suspended him for expressing his faith and having a different view point than them which is what the establishment does in order to crush anyone who disagrees with them. Why a conservative view is considered bad and evil but a "liberal"viewpoint is okay. Freedom means that both opinions can be and may be expressed and clearly A&E does not support freedom at all. In the article she has both the A&E statement and Mr. Robertson's posted so you can see them for yourself. And while my own views on religion are much different from his, I still respect his right to express himself and it does not make it right to censor either
What gets me is how the so called liberals want everyone to be tolerant of differences but they show their true hypocrisy by being intolerant themselves as Paglia explained in the other article. Whether it is the PR war on Christmas, by taken offense by anything Christmas related, the anti-gun attitudes or refusing to let others the right to express a politically incorrect idea, the left seems adamant in only allowing certain opinions and belief systems instead of allowing ALL opinions and belief systems