Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The canadian establishment left’s assault on guns while their policies allowed the rise gang related violence to go through the roof and even rural crime but they want you law abiding gun owner to be disarmed Sheila Gunn Reid of the rebel media exposes bill blair and John Tory and our own federal government’s latest attack on law abiding gun owners with their despicable bill c-71 which wants to ban handguns and etc.. even though this wont stop the shootings in places like toronto because criminals wont follow the law but this always was to target law abiding gun owners in this country who followed all the rules and she also talks about a radio station in swan river manitoba who recently had thugs break in and destroy stuff and even had threats agains their station to the point where they will allow a member of their staff who is licensed to carry a firearm to bring it to the radio station. The elites in Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal have no idea what it is like for rural canadians whenever bad things happen because the police are often are too long to get there and before you know it it would be too late this is why it is important to expose the gun grabbers and tell them to leave your guns alone and also expose the fact that their caving to political correctness is what is causing all the crimes we see in places like Toronto because they would rather virtue signal than actually go after the real criminal scum but target law abiding gun owners instead