Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The incompetence of the trudeau government when it comes to NAFTA exposed Back earlier this summer when the G7 was in Quebec, the main target of Trump at the time was Mexico but Trudeau and his incompetent morons in Freeland smeared trump and now Trump and Mexico have a deal and we are on the outside looking in, in these 2 articles by Spencer Fernando address the core problems which is the government support of the dairy cartel in this country that is problematic since the cost of milk, eggs and poultry is pretty much through the roof which trump pointed out that Canada do something about that or we face auto tariffs of 20% and given the poll I just posted many Canadians want the supply management to be done and over with so now it has become a sticking point since Maxim Bernier left the consverative party over this issue and Andrew Scheer has lent support to it which in my view is a huge mistake but I digress the second article addresses the incompetence of Trudeau in that Trump wanted to talk with trudeau before the Mexico deal but Trudeau could not be bothered with and Trudeau also rejected the idea of a bilateral deal virtue signalled support with Mexico but Mexico moved on from Canada so this whole thing has been a damn disaster and they have until friday to take the deal or we lose our auto sector and what is left of our economy will be dead and the liberals will celebrate because they hate this country and hardworking auto workers especially in ontario will feel the pain the most and the reason I say the liberals will celebrate is because they don’t want an economy they want to make us all poor right in lockstep with their globalist masters and also turn into a communist third world sharia hell hole to go along with it and it fits right in their anti-human malthusian ideology as well it is truly despicable and embarrassing to see but not surprising at all